
The Literacy Pirates and Haringey Learning Partnership

The Literacy Pirates recently completed a 5-week programme with the Haringey Learning Partnership. They delivered a shorter version of our programme to support students from a Pupil Referral Unit.

Student Pirates worked with volunteers to read extracts from War of the Worlds and devise a piece of futuristic writing. See their published website here.

Literacy Pirates will be  running a second wave of the project later this month.

Find out how Literacy Pirates can work with your year 5 – 8s here: Schools – Literacy Pirates

Events Schools

Culturally Competent Social Worker – one day course on 20 May


Culturally Competent Social Worker – one day open course

Thursday 20 May 2021

Online – delivered via Zoom

This open course will explore how families’ culture, faith and understanding of
harm impacts on their parenting capacity and consider how this should inform
assessments, child protection plans and strategies. The course will include how
the personal values of practitioners could impact on professional judgements
and decision-making.

For further information or to book, please contact: or call 020 7520 2043.

Smarter Travel

Read the latest news from Smarter Travel

The latest news from Smarter Travel 05 May 2021

Events Schools

Magical Minds offers a free day of dance for primary schools

Magical Minds is a FREE day of Dance Performance and Dancing Mindfulness workshops offered to primary schools. Magical Minds focuses on positive mental health and well-being through dance, providing children with a creative exploration into the human mind and tools to increase their ability to self-regulate emotions.

Find out more and book a visit:

Dance Theatre | Truefitt Collective Dance Theatre (


Events Schools

Magical Minds is recruiting dancers

Magical Minds offers a day of Dance Performance and Dancing Mindfulness workshops offered to primary schools. Magical Minds focuses on mental health and positive wellbeing.

Magical Minds has received funding from Arts Council England for another primary schools tour.

They are currently looking to recruit a Tour Assistant and 3 x Dance Artists.

You can find further information on their website:

Please share with anyone who may be interested in applying and let us know if you have any questions about the tour/job roles.

Kasia Truefitt

Artistic Director

A Truefitt Collective Dance Theatre

FB: @atruefittcollective

INSTAGRAM: @atruefittcollective


Under 12s football tournaments from Spurs

MSADH_Football Tournament_Kids U12_Spurs_Series

The Tottenham Hotspur Foundation is running a football tournament for under 12s. The tournament will be made up of four boys teams and four girls teams. Teams will be 6-a-side, on an 11-a-side pitch. Come along, take part and have fun.

New River Sport and Fitness, White Hart Lane, Wood Green N22 5QW

Tournaments will take place on:

  • Saturday 29 May
  • Thursday 3 June
  • Saturday 19 June
  • 1.30pm – 4pm

Please note that participants must sign up to sessions in advance.

To sign up, please contact Renee Hector by email:


Healthy Schools Schools

Update from Dr Will Maimaris on the importance of lateral flow testing

Haringey’s Director of Public Health Dr Will Maimaris has prepared a letter for you to disseminate to your school communities:

Letter from Dr Will Maimaris, Haringey’s Director of Public Health 16 April 2021

There is also a video from him about the importance of testing as the economy opens up, to keep infection rates low:

An accompanying leaflet emphasises the importance of regular lateral flow testing:

COVID19 rapid lateral flow testing leaflet


Adjustment in planned admission numbers at Haringey primary schools

Please see attached letters to all relevant schools regarding a request to the Schools Adjudicator for the adjustment to the planned admission number for several schools for entry in September 2021 and 2022.

St Francis de Sales Catholic Infant School letter 20 April 2021

Seven Sisters Primary School letter 20 April 2021

Bruce Grove Primary School letter 20 April 2021

Letter to relevant schools Lordship Lane 27 04 2021

Letter to relevant schools Devonshire Hill 27 04 2021



The Haringey Youth Support Fund

The Haringey Youth Support Fund (Youth Fund) is a small, specific fund to support the health, wellbeing and future outcomes for disadvantaged young people under the age of 18.

This fund complements (but does not replace) the existing statutory and other discretionary support we have available for young people. This includes support through the Haringey Fairer Education Fund and our school uniform clothing grant for children on free school meals.

You can find our Support Fund policy and further information about general support funding for others on the Haringey Support Fund page.


We know young people face particular structural challenges which have intensified due to the economic impact of COVID-19.

As part of our wider council commitment to support young people, a small amount of money is set aside within the Haringey Support Fund with the specific intention to support disadvantaged and disengaged young people with their health, wellbeing and future outcomes.

The objective is to help these young people fulfil their potential by supporting them to achieve their goals and live their version of a good life.

Awards will be made where other support is not available. Applications are prioritised where an award is likely to deliver a longer-term benefit to the young person.

Amount of award

The Youth Fund is limited, and awards are dependent on funds being available. No further awards can be made when the fund runs out.

Awards will be the minimum needed to meet the support required and will not exceed £100 per person.


To make the best use of the funds available, support will be prioritised for (but not limited to) the following (in no particular order):

  • Young carers
  • Children in care
  • Children from low-income backgrounds
  • Children on a child protection plan
  • Other children who may be disadvantaged

Examples of types of support that will be considered include:

  • Maximising talent in education, arts and sports
  • Clothes for interviews to support employment opportunities
  • Keeping young people out of the criminal justice system with diversionary support
  • Youth empowerment through education (recognising the impact of COVID-19 on education, learning poverty and the digital divide for those from disadvantaged backgrounds)

Other requests will be considered where the referrer makes a compelling case linked to, for example, maximising employment or education opportunities or reducing disadvantage.

Please check and consider whether the young person’s parent or guardian may qualify under the main Haringey Support Fund scheme where a larger budget can ensure a better outcome for the family

How to apply

Applications can be made via direct referral from council employees and services working directly with young people (including our social workers, Youth Service, staff in Haringey Works etc.).

The Youth Fund aims to provide an extra layer of support to young people when all other provisions have been exhausted by our council services.

It has been agreed that the verification of the young person’s personal and financial circumstances will be undertaken and held by support staff completing the application forms. Any information provided and declared on the form will be treated as verified by the Haringey Support Fund staff.






Four-midable support for Digital Divide Appeal

Please encourage your school community to continue to support the Haringey Digital Divide Appeal. 

In the four months since the launch of the Haringey Digital Divide Appeal in partnership with Haringey Giving, the generosity and kindness of Haringey businesses and residents has seen the campaign receive more than 400 donations and raise in excess of £40,000 so far to help support children and young people in Haringey.

Thank you very much to those of you who have donated to the appeal so far. We’ve distributed more than 1,000 Raspberry Pi computers to date and your donations – no matter how ‘large’ or ‘small’ – really are making a world of difference to the school and social lives of pupils and students across Haringey.

We don’t want this important and invaluable work to stop here though as we know there are still more children and young people here in Haringey that are struggling to regularly access to laptops, WiFi and other technological support at home.

Here’s a reminder of what a donation could give a young person:

  • £20 – One month’s supply of internet access/WiFi
  • £40 – A mobile broadband device
  • £60 – One month’s supply of internet access/WiFi + a mobile broadband device
  • £250 – A basic specification laptop, with carrier case and accessories

To give £10, text HGIVE004 to 70191.

Please continue to support our appeal by donating whatever you can readily afford over on the Haringey Giving website (external link). Thank you.