Healthy Schools

Resources to support mental, social, emotional health and wellbeing

A range of services are available to children and young people in Haringey to support them with their mental, social and emotional health and wellbeing.

Haringey Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service

Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health Trust

Ground Floor, H Block, St Anne’s Hospital, St Anne’s
E-mail address:

Referral form here.

For advice and queries on referrals – Haringey CAMHS ACCESS 0208 702 3400/3401

Provide one-off advice and signposting, if not appropriate for CAMHS. Referrals to CHOICES and the Tavistock can be made via CAMHS ACCESS

Choices – Offers support to children, young people up to the age of 17 and families in Haringey who are worried about their emotional wellbeing. Monday – Friday, 9am-5pm. Telephone: 020 8702 3405.

Mental Health Support Team | The Mental Health Support Team is available via telephone 9am to 3pm, Monday to Friday to all Haringey schools. Tel: 020 8702 6035 Email:

Social, emotional mental health support | A range of social, emotional mental health support is available to schools, parents, carers, professionals, children and young people. More info here:

NCL Crisis Line Open only to professionals – teachers, GPs and social workers.

  • 9am-5pm  020 8702 3400  Haringey CAMHS Team
  • 5pm – 12 midnight 0203 758 2056.
  • Coming soon – a 24-hour crisis helpline open to all.

Crisis to Recovery Multi Agency group – bespoke support, speakers for assemblies, parent events and webinars Contact: Educational Psychology Service Telephone: 020 8489 3004. Email:

OPEN Door – Tottenham and Crouch End

Open Door is a charity that offers free confidential counselling and psychotherapy to young people aged 12 up to age 21 living in Haringey. The Parenting Teenagers Project supports parents of young people aged 12-21.

Self-referrals are accepted.  Professionals can refer young people, parents of young people aged 12-21 directly by phone on 020 8348 5947 or by requesting a call back by e-mailing

Kooth offers free confidential online support for 11 to 18 year olds and up to 25 years with additional needs.  12pm to 10pm Monday to Friday and 6am to 10pm Saturday/Sunday and Bank Holidays.

Key training for staff well-being and student well-being

Simple Steps to Well-being 24/3/21 – 9am-10:30am. RSVP: . ‘Simple Steps to Wellbeing in Education’ – Training delivered by Annette Manley (Deputy Head – Risley Avenue) on 10 December 2020, covers national and local information.

Please find the link to the recording of the session

Anchor Training Programme 2021

The Anchor Approach

Note: Anchor Approach is no longer a traded service and offers a range of free training to schools.

Resources for Schools Staff


Haringey post-16 opportunities – online event 2-4 February – book now!

Following the success of our annual Routes to Work Careers Fair held at Alexandra Palace, we are delighted to confirm that this year, Haringey Council will be hosting an online event in conjunction with Capital City College Group and Haringey Sixth Form College.

This will take place over three days next week:

Tuesday 2 February – Further education (options post year 11)

Wednesday  3 February – Apprenticeships

Thursday 4 February – Higher education (universities)

The Careers Fair is intended for Year 10, Year 11 and Year 12 students.

All previous years’ events were very successful and well attended by Haringey young people and parents/carers, and we’re sure there will be something for everyone this year too.

Students who are considering their post-16 options, whether at Entry and Foundation level or at A Level or BTEC Level 3, will be able to meet a range of providers with information regarding the different opportunities on offer.

Students and parents/carers can register free of charge in advance via the following links:

Tuesday 2 February Further Education:

Wednesday 3 February Apprenticeships:

Thursday 4 February Higher Education:

We look forward to welcoming you to this online event.

Paul Kirsarkye Raising the Participation Age Coordinator M. 07971 308100

Events Schools

Child Bereavement UK – webinar series

Child Bereavement UK has organised a range of webinars around bereavement.

Please follow this link to see all webinars on offer

An introduction to bereavement awareness training for educational professionals

Bereavement Awareness Training for Educational Professionals


Lunch and learn series – one-hour lunchtime webinars giving a brief overview on topics including:

Understanding Loss, Grief & Bereavement

Maintaining Wellbeing in Working with Loss, Death & Grief

When a Child Dies: What families have taught us

Supporting Grieving Children


Three-hour interactive webinars giving a more in depth view on topics including:

Pregnancy Loss and the Death of a Baby: Supporting Parents

Supporting Bereaved Children and Young People

Teenagers and Bereavement

When a Child Dies – Supporting Parents & Families

Supporting grieving families as a funeral director (Contact us to arrange)


Bespoke training

If you’d like some bespoke training developed for your school, please email


Haringey’s Digital Divide Appeal

Haringey Giving has partnered with Haringey Council to launch the ‘Help Bridge the Digital Divide’ campaign in support of children and young people in the borough who don’t have access to laptops, WiFi and other technological support.

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has had a disproportionate impact on families currently experiencing economic hardship within our communities, hitting hardest those who can least afford it.

Nearly half of the target of £50,000 has been raised so far.

We’d like to encourage our schools to support this campaign by circulating information about the campaign to their communities. Here are some resources:





Healthy Schools

Rapid COVID-19 test centres move to seven day operation

Haringey’s rapid testing sites for people who do not show any of the Covid-19 symptoms will become a seven day a week operation from Monday I February.

The rapid tests are offered to everyone but particularly to all frontline workers who come into direct contact with the public day-to-day and those that regularly have to use public transport.

Following feedback from key and frontline workers, the opening hours will be extended.

Haringey currently offers two centres at 48 Station Road Wood Green and at the Tottenham Community Sports Centre. A third site is opening at Alexandra Palace.

From Monday 1 February the centres will be open every day:

Monday 8am – 4pm
Tuesday/Wednesday 8am – 8pm
Thursday/Friday/Saturday 8am – 4pm
Sunday 10am – 2pm

Dr Will Maimaris, Haringey’s Director of Public Health, comments:

“Around one in three people who have COVID-19 don’t know they have it, but they can still pass it on to other people, who may fall very ill. Since the start of the new national lockdown we made frontline and critical workers a priority for lateral flow testing. It is one of the essential tools to help reduce the spread – which even though the numbers are falling now – will need to be maintained for the foreseeable future. I’d like to urge anyone who has to leave home for work to take the test at least once, if not twice a week – it will make a big difference. I hope employers encourage their staff to do the right thing, as this will help us get numbers down and start to get life back to normal.”

Healthy Schools Schools

New adrenaline auto injector pens for schools

Dear Schools leaders

We have received the new batch of Adrenaline auto injector (AAI) pens for Haringey primary and secondary schools. The brand we will supply will be the Jext® brand of Adrenaline Auto Injector (AAI) pens.

The “spare” AAI(s) pens can be used if the pupil’s own prescribed AAI(s) are not immediately available (for example, because they are broken, out-of-date, have misfired or been wrongly administered). They do not replace the pupil’s own supply of AAI pens.

Please contact Firoz Mazumder the named person at St Ann’s pharmacy department on 020 8702 5421 or email to arrange a time to pick up your allocation of pens.

These pens are replacing the expired Dec 2020 AAI pens and will expire in March 2022.  It is important that schools ensure they have AAI pens that are in date and not expired.

Please complete the AAI supply form before collection and follow instructions in this letter: Adrenaline auto injection pens – letter to schools

If you have any queries, please email

Many thanks and kind regards

Margaret Powell

Prescribing Advisor (Haringey Medicines Management Team)

North Central London CCG


Tel: 020 3688 2707

Healthy Schools

Healthy Schools – latest newsletter and network meeting on 4 February

Haringey Public Health leads on our Healthy Schools programme and has set the date for their next network meeting for Thursday 4 February from 3pm to 4.30pm.

The Health Schools programme promotes a whole school approach to health and wellbeing and the network meeting provides an opportunity for Healthy Schools leads to come together, share their learning and hear more about the support and commissioned services available.

Also see the latest Haringey Healthy Schools Newsletter January 2021 for some of the opportunities that your school may wish to take part in:

Haringey Healthy Schools Newsletter January 2021

Please contact Maria Schmidt, Healthy Schools lead, for more information: 

Healthy Schools Schools

CAHMS COVID-19 support pack for teenagers

CAMHS Covid Support Booklet for teenagers

A useful resource pack for teenagers to help manage difficult feelings about coronavirus.

Healthy Schools

Support for mental, social and emotional health and wellbeing

There is a range of services available to children and young people in Haringey to support them with their mental, social and emotional health and wellbeing.

Haringey Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service

Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health Trust

Ground Floor, H Block, St Anne’s Hospital, St Anne’s
E-mail address:

Referral form here.

For advice and queries on referrals – Haringey CAMHS ACCESS 020 8702 3400/3401

Provide one-off advice and signposting, if not appropriate for CAMHS. Referrals to CHOICES and the Tavistock can be made via CAMHS ACCESS

Choices – Offers support to children, young people up to the age of 17 and families in Haringey who are worried about their emotional wellbeing. Monday – Friday, 9am-5pm.Telephone: 020 8702 3405.

Mental Health Support Team | The Mental Health Support Team is available via telephone 9am to 3pm, Monday to Friday to all Haringey schools. Tel: 020 8702 6035 Email:

Social, emotional mental health support | A range of social, emotional mental health support is available to schools, parents, carers, professionals, children and young people. More info here:

NCL Crisis Line – Open only to professionals – teachers, GPs and social workers. 9am-5pm  020 8702 3400  Haringey CAMHS Team 5pm – 12 midnight 020 3758 2056.

Coming soon a 24-hour crisis helpline open to all.

Crisis to Recovery Multi Agency group – bespoke support, speakers for assemblies, parent events and webinars Contact: Educational Psychology Service Telephone: 020 8489 3004. Email:

OPEN Door – Tottenham and Crouch End

Open Door is a charity that offers free confidential counselling and psychotherapy to young people aged 12 up to age 21 living in Haringey. The Parenting Teenagers Project supports parents of young people aged 12-21.

Self-referrals are accepted.  Professionals can refer young people, parents of young people aged 12-21 directly by phone on 020 8348 5947 or by requesting a call back by e-mailing

Kooth offers free confidential online support for 11 to 18 year olds and up to 25 years with additional needs.  12pm to 10pm Monday to Friday and 6am to 10pm Saturday/Sunday and Bank Holidays.

Key training for staff well-being and student well-being

The Emotional Wellbeing Forum

Dates: 13 01 2021 – 9am-10:30am. This forum will focus on ‘Bereavement and Loss’.

Simple Steps to Well-being 24 March 2021 – 9am-10:30am. RSVP: .

‘Simple Steps to Wellbeing in Education’ – Training delivered by Annette Manley (Deputy Head – Risley Avenue) on 10 December 2020, covers national and local information.

Please find the link to the recording of the session

Youth Mental Health First Aid  Training – RSVP:

Mind in Haringey MHFA Mental Health First Aid Training Adult  

Note: Anchor Approach is no longer a traded service and offers a range of free training to schools. 

Resources for School Staff

Education with Resilience and Wellbeing in Mind’ – Training & Resource link.

Education Psychology Service Resources and webinars

Please advertise the following resources for parents and children on schools’ websites or in schools’ newsletters:

Mental Health Support Team  phone line open 9am to 3pm Monday to Friday to all Haringey schools. Tel: 020 8702 6035 Email:

Choices – Offers support to children, young people up to the age of 17 and families in Haringey who are worried about their emotional wellbeing. Monday – Friday, 9am-5pm. Telephone: 020 8702 3405. Website: Haringey CHOICES

Kooth offers free confidential online support for 11 to 18 year olds and up to 25 years with additional needs.  12pm to 10pm Monday to Friday and 6am to 10pm Saturday/Sunday and Bank Holidays. Website: Home – Kooth

Education Psychology ServiceResources and webinars

Social, emotional mental health support | A range of social, emotional mental health support is available to schools, parents, carers, professionals, children and young people e.g. ChildLine, Young Minds, Parenting Helpline. More info here:

School Admissions

Application deadline for reception places is Friday 15 January 2021

Please can you ensure that all your families are aware that the deadline for applying for a reception place for September this year is Friday 15 January 2021.

This applies to children who were born between 1 September 2016 and 31 August 2017. National offer day will be 16 April 2021.

More information here: Starting Primary School in 2021 | Haringey Council

Please can you remind parents/carers with children in your nursery (where applicable) to apply on time and also to alert families with children already on roll who have younger siblings. We have a small number of families every year who forget to make a reception application for their second or subsequent child or a Junior transfer application for their infant school child. With your help and support in publicising these deadlines and the imperative of making an on-time application we can minimise the number of families who don’t secure a school place at one of their preferred schools.


We will let you know how many reception preferences you have received (including from those applicants resident outside Haringey) on 11 February 2021. If you would like to know how many applicants have applied online (not on paper) you can find this out now by logging on to the online admissions system (external link)

On 11 February 2021, we will also send you a list to verify sibling applications (community and voluntary controlled schools only) or send you a full list of applicants to rank in the order of your admissions criteria (academies and voluntary aided schools only). It is very important that you return these lists by no later than 25 February 2021 to ensure that we are able to meet our PAN London deadlines.


We will send you a final offer list before 16 April 2021. After offer day we will continue to send you updated lists as places are declined and new offers are made.

For any queries on any of the above, please contact Lynne Tighe, (Reception) or Imogen Rush, (Junior).

School Admissions Team