
Generation 2 Generation – talking about the Holocaust

Generation 2 Generation (G2G) aims to ensure that we learn the lessons of the Holocaust: the need for tolerance, empathy and understanding of all groups in society; the fact that prejudice and discrimination can motivate genocide.

G2G provides speakers who retell their parents and grandparents’ stories and experiences before and during the Holocaust. Our speakers are able to present to a variety of age groups, online or face-to-face, integrating first-hand video and audio testimony, photos and other artefacts to engage the students.

In the past 18 months our speakers have delivered more than 50 presentations to approximately 3600 audience members in schools, civic and religious institutions. Feedback from both students and teachers has been very positive.

“A superb presentation, pitched at exactly the right level for our students, combining the history with its impact on people.”  (History Teacher, Epsom)


“Thank you. It was really moving and a very clear explanation. Although it is almost impossible to imagine what it was like living as a Jew in the 1930s and 1940s, I now feel like I understand what they might have felt. It was extremely interesting and moving. Thank you for sharing your story.” (Year 9 student)

For more information please visit:


Mind Of My Own app helps primary school children with their wellbeing

Lea Valley Primary School is working in partnership with Children’s Social Care to pilot the Mind of my Own app, a tool to encourage children to log their feelings and views, giving teachers the opportunity to tailor classes and the curriculum to their needs.

The lockdown has proved challenging for many children and the pilot aims to understand how the school and partners can protect and invest in their mental health and wellbeing.

Children are not isolated from the wider impact of COVID-19. Children benefit from being able to say how they feel and talking to people about their problems. This builds self-awareness, helps them recognise their emotions and increases their emotional vocabulary.

The app allows children to log on via an iPad and document their feelings and views and share them with a trusted professional like a teacher.

The app was initially created for children in care to express their day’s activities and feelings safely and discreetly, so that their care workers could respond in a timely manner.

The findings from the pilot so far indicate that the initiative is having a positive impact by giving another avenue to access vulnerable children, so that schools are able to intervene at an early stage.

The app also enables pupils to celebrate things that are positive in their lives at home and at school. This can also be shared with the class. In addition, teachers can pick up on children’s aspirations for hobbies and sports they may like to try out. This can further help the school explore community resources for the child to explore and broaden their horizons into.

One huge win is that children are understanding that ‘it’s ok not to be ok’. Talking about these feelings helps them to access their emotions and find ways to deal with daily challenges.

Case Study A

A pupil had made a statement about being afraid of where she lived. The class teacher made some time to explore this with the pupil and was able to find out where this fear had stemmed from. It turned out that the pupil’s house had been robbed a few months ago and the fear had stemmed from this.

The school was able to take action by enabling the pupil to receive some counselling from their school counsellor. The sessions were also made available to the parents.

Case Study B

One teacher noticed that there were many statements which highlighted friendship issues. She then decided to plan a half term unit in the PSHRE session on friendships. This strategy will help deal with this issue becoming a class focus which can interfere with learning.

Please contact Anneke Phillips if your school is interested in using this app:

Mind Of My Own | Making it easier for children and young people to communicate

Smarter Travel

Smarter Travel December update – including Be Bright, Be Seen competition

Under 18 free travel for children

As part of TfL’s recent government funding agreement, it was confirmed that the Mayor and TfL wished Londoners to continue to benefit from travel concessions for under 18s. Young people under the age of 18 can now be reassured that they will continue to benefit from free travel on buses and trams.

Enter our Be Bright Be Seen competition!

We hope that some of you made use of our Road Safety Week resources for Be Bright Be Seen. If you did and would like to win some prizes, send photos to We’d love to see winning photos of bright bags, coats, scooters or bikes! We’ll be picking a winning school and sending out a box of prizes so please enter by Friday 11 December.

New Resources for your Junior Travel Ambassadors!

Follow this link to the JTA programme on STARS and find many great new resources linked. Unfortunately, we don’t have and hard copies of the new booklet, but you can download the new version here.

STARS Hands Up Surveys

We are still urgently waiting for your Hands Up Survey figures. Completing your survey helps to tell us how your pupils and staff are travelling to school and will help us to assess how Covid-19 has impacted on travel behaviours. Please try to complete a survey before the Christmas break.

Contact us if you need help to access the TfL STARS website and we can send you a link to make it really easy. If you don’t have a travel champion in place, please email to get started.

The Golden Lock – Cycling and Scooting Prizes

We have boxes of prizes waiting for schools who want to increase the number of pupils cycling/scooting to school. We have filled them with 16 different cycle/scooter related prizes and will deliver them with instructions to run the competition.

To qualify, you must complete your hands up survey on STARS, email us and we will deliver one of our boxes. Please contact if you are unsure on how to get started.

Cycle Training

Our cycle training company Cycle Confident has funds from us to deliver Bikeability training. Please liaise with them to arrange bikeability for your students, we are very happy to be supporting you with cycle training once again.

Complete a Free Online Cycle Training Course and get 15% off in Halfords!

Whether you’re popping to the shops or going to work, there’s never been a better time to cycle.

TfL’s free online Cycle Skills course will help you to cycle safely and confidently. So whether you’re new to cycling or just want to brush up on your skills, we can help you take to the road.

What you’ll learn:

There are four modules to complete and each one takes less than five minutes:

  • Get ready to ride – gives you tips on getting you and your cycle ready for the road including basic maintenance and road handling skills
  • First time on the road – shows you how to cycle safely and responsibly and includes tips on setting off, road positioning and stopping safely
  • On the road again – helps to get you cycling again with advice on traffic lights, roundabouts and junctions, and how to share the road safely
  • Cycling with children – gives you advice on cycling in a group

On completion of the course, you’ll receive a code to redeem 15% off Halfords own-brand locks, lights and helmets! What are you waiting for?  Register Now!

Please share this in your newsletters so that staff and parents can take advantage of the online training offered.

Consultation Healthy Schools Schools

Helping tackle the climate emergency – Haringey’s Climate Change Action Plan

We are in a climate emergency, and in response, Haringey has launched the draft Haringey Climate Change Action Plan (HCCAP) which sets out the commitment to become Net Zero Carbon by 2041.

We’d like to invite all schools to visit the engagement platform to give their feedback on and improve and refine the action plan further. Please also share the link to the platform and poster with students, staff members and parents to spread the message to as many people as possible.

 Website: Draft HCCAP engagement platform Live until 4 January 2021

What is the draft action plan about?

Climate change will impact us all, in different ways. It is key that we act by reducing our carbon emissions. The plan is designed to tackle climate change, enhance energy efficiency, reduce carbon emissions and improve air quality. It sets out how the council, partners and community all need to work collaboratively and collectively together to meet our objectives. The key contribution you can make as a school is by setting a School Net Zero Carbon Action Plan.

You can visit the engagement website to:

  • Find out more about the council’s strategy to reduce carbon emissions in the borough to net zero by 2041
  • Answer questions on a range of topics
  • Tell us what you are already doing to reduce emissions, what you would do and what support you need
  • Set out what you feel are the priority areas we should target first with our interactive Carbon Reduction Priority Tool
  • Tell us about your ideas for carbon reduction projects that you want to deliver

For any questions or comments, please contact:

Healthy Schools Schools

Kooth services are available at Christmas

Kooth festive period 2020 campaign digital poster

As the festive season looms near, I just wanted to update you that remains open, meaning that young people have access to mental health support throughout the Christmas and New Year holiday period.

With the festive period looking a little different this year and some young people feeling stressed about spending more time at home, our counsellors will be working hard throughout the holiday period to make sure that young people will continue to have access to free online counselling and support.

Before schools and local services break up for the holiday period, I would like your help in making sure young people are aware that will still be available if and when they need support.

Please cascade to one and all about this wonderful service.

Best Wishes

Leonie Aboagye

Project Officer | Children & Young People

North Central London Clinical Commissioning Group (NCL CCG)

Haringey Directorate Children’s Commissioning Team


Tel:        020 3688 2773


Consultation Schools

Variation to admission arrangements for three primary schools

Variation to admission arrangements – The London Diocesan Board for Schools (LDBS) Academies Trust (Holy Trinity CE Primary School, St Ann’s CE Primary School and St Michaels CE Primary School)

The LDBS Academies Trust has proposed a variation to the admission arrangements for admission to Reception in September 2021, in respect of the over-subscription criteria relating to church attendance.

Please see these letters from the Chair of Governors for all three schools within the Trust:

Holy Trinity CE Primary School letter November 2020

St Ann’s CE Primary School letter November 2020

St Michael’s CE Primary School letter November 2020


Healthy Schools Schools

Twenty new School Streets given go ahead

In line with commitments to improve air quality and road safety around schools, the council has agreed proposals for the School Streets Plan.

Poor air quality is known to be particularly harmful to the developing lungs of children and young people. Outside schools, exposure to poor air quality is increased as a result of congestion caused by motor traffic, and idling cars outside the school gates – which can emit more harmful fumes than passing or through traffic.

As part of the Plan, the council will begin implementing school streets across 20 schools in the borough, over the next six months. All primary schools in the borough have been assessed as part of the Plan, with those with the most urgent needs brought forward in the first tranche of the roll-out.

School streets is a proven method of improving air quality and road safety. The works will see timed closures of roads outside schools, which will be enforced by either CCTV cameras or physical measures.

This will create a safe space for children, teachers, parents and carers travelling to and from school at peak times and will get parents to think twice about their travel habits – encouraging more sustainable and active travel methods, such as walking, cycling or taking public transport.

In line with the ongoing Covid-19 response, the school streets implemented will also ensure safety and social distancing around the school gates.

As laid out in Haringey’s Air Quality Action Plan, School Streets is just one of the areas that the council is taking action, to help improve local air quality, by reducing carbon emissions from traffic and increase walking and cycling across the borough.

As part of plans to reduce air pollution around schools, the council is installing an Air Quality Fence in Tottenham Hale at Holy Trinity Primary – a school previously identified by Transport for London (TfL) as one where air quality improvement measures needed to be made.



Haringey Fairer Education Fund seeks volunteer mentors

Haringey is looking for volunteers to mentor to young people who will be taking part in a new programme launched by Haringey Fairer Education Fund.

The Fairer Education Fund is a new programme of support for young people applying to higher education. It sets out to make access to higher education fairer, as part of the council’s wider ambitions to create a more equal borough.

Anyone who is interested in becoming a mentor should email an expression of interest to:

We are looking for mentors from a variety of career and educational backgrounds, so please consider sharing it to your wider networks, partner organisations and others outside of Haringey too. We want to pair mentors and mentees up who have relevant interests and aspirations, to ensure that both parties get the most out of the experience.

We are hoping for a minimum commitment of six months and ideally two hours a month of mentoring (this would equate to two students). Training will be provided and the mentoring itself is expected to begin in the Spring 2021.

Please contact if you have any specific questions.

Events School Admissions Schools

Applying for primary school: online talks with Q&A

Haringey is running a series of online meetings to help parents apply for their child’s primary school. These are 30 minutes talks plus Q&A sessions. Please can you promote these to parents who have a child in nursery?

Reception Live Events Leaflet

Events Schools

Achieving Better Community (ABC) – educational events for parents

Enfield and Haringey have commissioned a series of parent education events under the umbrella of ABC (Achieving Better Community). The aim of these sessions is to build on local initiatives e.g. NMUH ABC parents, Health Visiting GP link protocol:

  • improving parents’ knowledge of health and wellbeing of a child
  • increasing social networks and support for parents to decrease isolation and anxiety
  • empowering parents to share advice and knowledge to maintain and manage the health and wellbeing of their children
  • improve mental health and wellbeing of parents
  • improve consistency of health care messages to parents from health care professionals.

These are unique sessions which help parents, carers and families gain important parenting skills. For example, what to do in an emergency, such as if your child stops breathing?

We would appreciate your help in promoting these sessions to any parents/families/carers who would be interested. Find out more here.

Please email:

ABC Parents Course poster

ABC Parents Course Flyer