
Updates from GOV.​UK for Ofsted

Ofsted pen portraits of Her Majesty’s Inspectors (HMIs)

Ofsted launches consultation on care leavers inspection judgement

Amanda Spielman’s speech to the Confederation of School Trusts’

Guidance on writing complaint and compliance action outcome summaries

Amanda Spielman at the AELP National Conference 2022


St John Vianney RC Primary School – change to admission arrangements

The Governing body of St John Vianney RC Primary School is required to notify all appropriate bodies of their intention to vary their previously determined admission arrangements for 2023/24, as advised by the Diocese of Westminster. Please see a letter from the Chair of Governors for your information:

Notification Of Proposed Variations 23 24 Admissions 200622


New dedicated HR schools email address – to go live on 22 June

Dear Colleagues

We are streamlining the email addresses you currently use to contact HR Teams into one single email account. It is hoped that by using one single email for all your school’s HR Operational requests, you will have the peace of mind that your instructions will be picked up by a member of the Schools HR Team.

Schools HR Operations – from 22 June 2022, please to send any instruction on new starters, leavers, recruitment, contract variations, etc to Schools HR Team. We will be monitoring the inbox daily and processing requests.

Schools HR Advisory  – you should continue to contact your dedicated school’s Employee Relations Adviser directly using their individual email addresses.

Could you please help me cascade this information to all relevant officers in your schools.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any query(s) regarding this email.

Best wishes

Chidi Okwesilieze (he/him, Mr)

Head of Schools HR

Human Resources & Organisational Development

L.B Haringey

Alexandra House, 10 Station Road, London N22 7TR

07989 413954


New dedicated HR schools email address – to go live on 22 June

Dear Colleagues

We are streamlining the email addresses you currently use to contact HR Teams into one single email account. It is hoped that by using one single email for all your school’s HR Operational requests, you will have the peace of mind that your instructions will be picked up by a member of the Schools HR Team.

Schools HR Operations – from 22 June 2022, please to send any instruction on new starters, leavers, recruitment, contract variations, etc to Schools HR Team. We will be monitoring the inbox daily and processing requests.

Schools HR Advisory  – you should continue to contact your dedicated school’s Employee Relations Adviser directly using their individual email addresses.

Could you please help me cascade this information to all relevant officers in your schools.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any query(s) regarding this email.

Best wishes

Chidi Okwesilieze (he/him, Mr)

Head of Schools HR

Human Resources & Organisational Development

Alexandra House, 10 Station Road, London N22 7TR

07989 413954

Healthy Schools

Catch-up clinics for HPV, ACWY and DTP boosters

If your child missed out on their secondary school aged vaccines, Vaccination UK is running catchup clinics in Haringey for Year 8: Human papillomavirus infection (HPV) and Year 9: Meningitis ACWY and DTP (Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio School Leaver Booster)

Date Time Venue
Tuesday 21 June 2022 3.30pm – 5.30pm Broadwater Farm Community Centre

Adams Road,

N17 6HE

Monday 4 July 2022 3.30pm – 5.30pm Caxton House

129 St Johns Way


N19 3RQ

Tuesday 19 July 2022 3.30pm – 5.30pm Broadwater Farm Community Centre

Adams Road,

N17 6HE

These clinics will be running on an APPOINTMENT ONLY basis.

To register for these clinics, contact Vaccination UK by phone: 0208 017 7925 or email: to make an appointment.

You will need to complete a consent form before your appointment. Link to e-consent form here:


Healthy Schools

NHS COVID-19 vaccination offer for all 5 to11-year-olds

You can make an appointment for your child’s vaccine through the National Booking Service: or by calling 119 free of charge.

Currently there are three vaccination clinics offering the COVID-19 vaccine to this age group in Haringey:

  1. Lordship Lane Health Centre, 239 Lordship Lane, N17 6AA – every Monday 9am – 4pm
  2. Bounds Green Group Practice, Gordon Road, N11 2PF 5-11 year old clinic each Friday 4-5pm
  3. Hornsey Central Neigbourhood Health Centre, 151 Park Road, London N8 8JD, 7 days a week, 9am-6pm

Some walk-ins are available (except at Lordship Lane) where 5-11-year-olds as well as older siblings, or family members, can be vaccinated together at the same time. Simply check the walk-in finder website: before attending to check clinic timings.

Children aged 5-11 with no other underlying health conditions will be offered two paediatric (child) doses of the vaccine, with at least 12 weeks between doses. A paediatric dose is smaller than doses given to those aged 12 and over.

A guide to Covid-19 vaccination for parents of children aged 5-11 has been produced. This can be accessed here



Free tennis training and resources from the LTA

The LTA Youth Schools programme is offering free online courses for primary and secondary schools to guide you through how to use our innovative resources which teachers have developed for teachers. As well as PE resources that have been mapped to the national curriculum, tennis is a great way of developing personal and character skills and we have cross-curricular materials to support schools in achieving wider school outcomes. Teachers who complete the course will receive a resource pack and a £250 voucher* to spend on ten hours of team teaching support from an LTA Accredited Coach, or equipment!

Sign up to the online course and access all the resources at:

  • Limited to one per school.
  • The Association for Physical Education’s Professional Development Board has granted The LTA Youth Schools programme ‘Approved Provider’ status’
  • Supported by The Tennis Foundation.

SAFE taskforce – tackling serious youth violence

As one of ten local authorities in England with high rates of serious youth violence (SYV), Haringey has been allocated £1.28m by the DfE over three years to deliver interventions for 10–14-year-olds. The Haringey SAFE Taskforce is leading this work. Most secondary school Heads are members of the Taskforce, which is chaired by the Direct of Children’s Services, and the project will be independently evaluated.

The Board will commission targeted interventions to work with young people – usually in school – to address behaviour, improve attendance, reduce exclusions, and reduce the risk of individuals failing to enter education, employment, or training.

We recently completed a strategic needs analysis and its thoroughness was commended by the Department for Education. A key theme was that serious violence is mostly committed by boys and they are most often the victims. The project will submit its proposals to the DfE on 24 June and the interventions proposed include:

Expanding the primary transition outreach pilot project from the Haringey Learning Partnership to target boys aged 10-11 at risk of exclusion and supporting them to have a successful transition to senior school.

Expanding the secondary outreach project from the Haringey Learning Partnership for young people at risk of exclusion aged 11-14 with a focus on cognitive behavioural approaches which are effective.

Expanding the successful social workers in schools (SWIS) model to schools that do not currently have social workers and have been identified in our strategic needs analysis as having significant number of young people at risk of serious youth violence. The taskforce will also be reviewing options for an additional intervention.

Once our plans have been signed-off we will provide further updates as we gear up towards implementation in September. For all enquires contact John Webster, Project Coordinator.


Read the latest updates from the Department of Education

Department for Education – GOV.UK (


Take part in SEND home-school transport consultation

Haringey Council is proposing to up-date and revise its home-school transport policy. This will introduce a more detailed account of how we make decisions in the interests of transparency and to ensure our stakeholders are as informed as possible.

Most children and young people who require transport assistance to school will continue to benefit from the existing provision from Transport for London. We will continue to provide specialist assistance for children and young people with SEND or those whose family circumstances mean that they require additional support to access education.

The policy will also ensure that there is less confusion and misinformation in the community. Read more about the changes
We would like to hear your views about these changes, please complete the consultation form below before Sunday 31 July 2022.

We are also hosting several events to discuss these changes, places can be booked through Eventbrite