Dear School Travel Champions
Welcome to the Big Pedal: the UK’s largest inter-school walking, scooting and cycling competition! Two schools from Haringey took part last year, so we’d love to get more involved this April. Schools compete to see who can complete the largest number of journeys across the two-week challenge – this is a really great way to encourage a mode-shift from cars to active travel on the journey to school. All student, staff and parent journeys count!
This year’s challenge will run from 22 April to 5 May 2020. It is free to enter and there are daily prizes to be won, free curriculum-based resource to use during the challenge and promotional posters. All resources and details of the prizes can be found on the Big Pedal website when you register, and an information sheet is attached.
The theme for the 2020 challenge is the human body. As well as getting active, pupils learn about the human body including messages about air quality and mental health using the Big Pedal wallchart.
I will be collating some information over the next few weeks to provide some ideas for how this can link to STARS, so keep an eye out for that and I hope you can get involved! If you register before 14 February you will be entered into a prize draw!
Georgia Law, Healthy Streets Officer, Enfield and Haringey | Behaviour Change
Sustrans | The Green House, 244-254 Cambridge Heath Road, E2 9DA
Mobile: 07866 143843
Please note I work in Enfield on Monday and Tuesday, and Haringey on Wednesday and Thursday
Author: site-admin
Electric Vehicle Trials 2020
Partnering with DriveElectric – the UK’s leading electric vehicle provider, Haringey Council is offering residents, businesses and schools in Haringey the opportunity to trial an electric vehicle. The trials are funded by Transport for London and the Mayor of London as part of the Wood Green Neighbourhoods of the Future programme. This project aims to increase the uptake of electric vehicles and reduce local air pollution.
Trials are available until 31 May 2020. The trials will be for a two to four week duration.
Award of the free trial is entirely at the discretion of Haringey Council and DriveElectric.
If your schools has a vehicle that you use for outings etc, then Haringey Council could arrange a review to see if it would be worth switching to an electric vehicle.
For further information or to apply call 020 8489 3489 or email
Read more here: Electric Vehicle Trials 2020
Are there any budding lawyers in your Sixth Form? The Making Links School Challenge is an exciting opportunity for Year 12-13 students to learn more about the skills and experience needed to become a commercial lawyer – as well as win cash prizes.
To enter, students need to submit a mini essay on the question:
“What has been the single biggest disruption or innovation in the business world, within your lifetime?”
The deadline is Friday 28 February.
Read the full details here (external link).
Linklaters Making Links Schools Challenge 2020
El Warcha after school club will introduce children aged 8 – 14 to design and the basics of woodworking. During 11 sessions from 25 February to 19 May (excluding Easter holidays) children will look at different ways to Hartington Park a more welcoming and creative environment.
Children will work in teams on small projects, including making furniture, art installations and play elements. They will learn skills through hands-on practice. Afterwards the project will be exhibited in the park.
The club will run from 4pm to 6pm. It will cost £11 to take part. When booking please make sure you can attend all 11 sessions.
This project is developed by El Warcha, a community maker-space led by Inês Marques and Benjamin Perrot trained designers and architects with experience in educational projects and public art.
For more information please email Telephone: 07437 916412
Playtime in Hartington Park signup
Get Out, Get Active
A ground-breaking programme bringing disabled and non-disabled people together to get active in fun and inclusive ways is launching in Haringey.
The borough will receive £280,000 as part of Get Out Get Active’s latest £5 million programme.
The aim will be to target disadvantaged young people and those at risk of being drawn into youth crime, in a way that genuinely connects the whole community, including young disabled people or those with long-term health conditions.
We will also work with the Haringey Disability Sports Forum to ensure effective outreach and a genuinely inclusive response.
Read more about Get Out Get Active here (external link).
For more information about GOGA in Haringey, contact
Recruiting for TfL’s Youth Panel
Transport for London (TfL) has opened applications to its Youth Panel, giving London’s young people a direct voice in its decision-making process.
They are looking for young people aged between 16 and 25 to represent youth audiences in TfL’s projects and campaigns, as well as learn about project management, hone their debating skills and help to organise the annual youth participation day at the London Transport Museum.
Recruitment is open until Saturday 29 February.
The Youth Panel consists of around 25 volunteers who regularly travel in London. They play an important role in helping create a transport network that works for them and other young people across London
The panel has been around since 2009, and members have helped shape the Mayor’s Transport Strategy, road safety campaigns, and Year of Engineering, among many other initiatives. They also formally submit consultation responses, representing the voice of young Londoners, and take part in campaigns.
Apply on the TfL website.
STARS celebration Event
Here is the Wall of Fame poster 2020 which shows what level your school has reached. STARS certificates and Stars have been sent out by internal mail, please let Wendy Thorogood know if you don’t receive yours. Here are the logos for your website etc:
Thank you to the 24 schools that came along to the celebration event and learned about Vision Zero, Active Travel, air quality and cycling in the borough. We have prepared a Celebration event information sheet from the event, please contact Wendy Thorogood if you would like to receive a copy.
We are happy to send the information from our activities for you, please email us for copies:
· Active Travel – School Travel Plans –
· Junior Citizens July contact
· Haringey Schools cycling League and BMX courses –
· Cycling -inc training for adults and pupils, Cycle around the borough –,
· Sustrans The Big Pedal a free activity for your school community to have some fun with.
· Peddle my Wheels – bike markets and Try Before You Bike contact company
· Vision Zero and Junior Travel Ambassador scheme contact
School Streets
The project is progressing, one essential element is the schools participation in TfL STARS. We hope to be able to let you know what the progress is with this scheme by end of the school year.
STARS Training
We are able to book 1:1 sessions with each school to make sure that each school is confident to upload activities and make progress on the issues that have been raised. Start by asking your colleagues what issues they have noticed.
The Hands up survey is the first indication of how pupils and families want to change their travel habits. Ask me how to create a link for your hands up survey to be completed on line. Hands up survey
An active travel plan helps with school attendance too. Contact to book training
For more information on all of the above, please contact the officers named or
London Skolars RLFC organise ‘Touch’ Rugby sessions at New River Sport & Fitness Centre every Wednesday evening from 7 – 8pm. The sessions are free for Haringey residents aged 13+. ‘Touch’ Rugby is a great introduction to the sport of Rugby League and no prior playing experience is required. It is a wonderful way to improve fitness levels, enhance key skills and meet new people. Attendees will also have other opportunities to involve themselves with the club. For example, work experience or perhaps even progress to playing regularly for the club. Anyone interested should contact:
Read more here (external link).
FAO Headteachers of own admission authority schools (please share with relevant Governors/Trustees)
(The LA as the admission authority for community schools undertakes this task)
Determination and publication of admission arrangements for 2021/22 – please note dates
The School Admissions Code (2014) stipulates that your governing body are statutorily required to meet and determine your admission arrangements by no later than 28 February 2020. There is no flexibility on this date under the provisions of the Code. If you have not consulted because the arrangements have not changed you must still minute that the governing body have determined the admission arrangements and in all cases you must publish a copy of your arrangements on the school website by 15 March 2020 (displaying them for the whole offer year). It is also good practice to publish arrangements for all admission authority schools across Haringey on the LA website.
Please send my colleague Taj Buljhoo a copy of your determined admission arrangements as soon possible by return email and no later than 6 March 2020 . Schools who have not published their admission arrangements on their website and provided a copy to the LA will be contacted as a reminder.
Compliance checks
If you would like to discuss determining your arrangements in any detail or the results of your consultation if your Governing Body decided to propose a change this year then please do contact me on my number 0208 489 1823 or by email at
I am also happy to assist in ensuring that your published admission arrangements are compliant with all the relevant legislation and can provide feedback/comment for further consideration by Governors at your next GB meeting, including information on setting your PAN and the impact of any planned reductions (Primary)/expansions (Secondary) .
As you may be aware we hold a great deal of data that you may be interested in within the LA; please do take the time to read the School Place Planning Report. Our School Place Planning lead, Nick Shasha has started to analyse the data that will inform the report for June 2020.
NB. The compliance exercise undertaken by the LA for individual schools is available on request and may in future be charged at a small cost as part of our existing traded service model. There are of course benefits and cost-savings in the longer term as robust and compliant arrangements will help to reduce challenge and the number of appeals upheld on the basis of unclear or unlawful arrangements.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Best wishes
Carlo Kodsi
Head of Admissions, Education and School Organisation
Haringey Council
7th Floor, River Park House, 225 High Road, London, N22 8HQ
T. 020 8489 1823
FAO Headteachers of own admission authority schools
Ambitious students from Haringey Sixth Form College have been supporting a ‘Youth Violence’ campaign in partnership with Haringey Council and Casual Films. The aim is to engage young people across Haringey, particularly in the Haringey Community Gold scheme, ensuring they are aware of the opportunities available in Haringey, and ultimately diverting them away from participating in potentially dangerous situations or activities.
Students who have been working on the project featured on BBC London News on Friday 10 January 2020, where they discussed the impact and aims of the project, along with how they aim to have their project inspire youths in the borough and nationally, deterring them from violence by having them focus their energy into more positive and rewarding activities. Click here to watch the news clip.
Russ Lawrance, Principal and CEO of Haringey Sixth Form College says:
“We have amazing young people, as you can clearly see from the footage. We help them to understanding that good decisions and good behaviour have positive consequences and positive outcomes. Watch and listen to our students, you will be impressed and maybe even learn something.”
Throughout the project, the crew from Causal Films were amazed by the enthusiasm, dedication and positivity shown by the students:
“We were so impressed by the students who all contributed amazingly to our project; whether it was acting, capturing behind the scenes footage or photos or being a runner, as well as helping us in development and making sure the dialogue felt authentic. Everyone was helpful, friendly and professional and showed a huge amount of potential for a future career in media or acting, or anything else they choose to do!”
As a result of their involvement in the project, many students have successfully secured work experience and/or paid employment, ranging from creative directing to filming and marketing. Two of the students landed placement jobs with Casual Films, working alongside their studies, eventually leading into full time employment.
Jordan Anaedozie – Creative Media Production
“As a Media student, I’ve been exposed to so much and have got so much experience that I can put on my CV. It has helped me with my decision to go to university. I’ve worked on so many community projects and with so many companies that I didn’t think I’d work with before. It’s not every day you get a feature on the BBC!”