
New website for comparing schools’ performance

While the dashboards are no longer to be provided, there is a new DfE tool to assist comparisons within a school and beyond,  Compare School and College Performance, an open-access online tool.

If you enter the name of a school you are given headline performance information on its most recent Key Stage 2 SATs results if it is a primary school and the Key Stage 4 exams if it is a secondary. Information on the trend over three years is also given, together with key data on finance and the numbers of staff. The site offers a list of similar schools from across the country so that you can select any of these to see how its outcomes compare with that of your own school.

The chart is currently in beta form, and the DfE is seeking feedback from users with a view to producing an improved version in due course.  By providing your feedback on this tool you will be able to shape the improved version


DfE publishes details of intervention powers for PRUs causing concern

Following changes to intervention powers introduced by the Education and Adoption Act 2016, the Department for Education has released guidance (external link) on the powers that can be taken in respect of a Pupil Referral Unit (PRU).

The Secretary of State now has a duty to make an academy order in respect of a PRU that has been judged 'inadequate' by Ofsted. This duty will apply to PRUs judged inadequate prior to 27 June 2016as well as  to PRUs that are judged inadequate subsequently.

Once made, the academy order can only be revoked by the Secretary of State in exceptional circumstances such as where a PRU is deemed to be no longer being viable and therefore making it more appropriate for it to close.

Health and Safety

New school health and safety policy

A new school health and safety policy was drafted and sent for consultation to all head teachers of the local authority maintained schools.

The aim of the new policy is to bring clarity about where responsibilities lie for managing health and safety. Where the council is the employer, it retains overall responsibility, but allocates to head teachers the task of ensuring that the school is a safe place for employees, pupils and visitors.

The consultation period runs until 22 September 2016.

Health and Safety

Annual health and safety assurance

The council will be changing how it seeks assurance from schools.

Going forward, and starting at the end of the autumn term 2016, we will be asking all schools to provide us with an annual self-assessment of their health and safety arrangements, with a requirement to provide copies of relevant documentation for review by the health and safety team.

Health and Safety

Health and safety Service Level Agreement

Haringey Schools can have access to competent health and safety and advice via the Health and Safety SLA. You can find more information on the school Traded Services portal (external link).  Just click the direct web-lin (external link) to log on.   

For more information, contact Fabrice Terrochaire on or call 020 8489 4504.

Any issues related to portal username and access password should be passed on to Douglas Cook at

Health and Safety

Health and safety courses coming up

Health and Safety Site Management Professional Development
Tuesday 18 October 2016 at the PDC: 10am to 4pm.

Basic Fire Safety Awareness Training
Wednesday 2 November 2016 at the PDC: 9:30am to 11am

Risk Assessment – Principle and Practice
Thursday10 November 2016 at the PDC: 9:30am to 12pm

Control of Legionella Awareness
Thursday 17 November 2016 at the PDC: 9:30am to 12pm

Manual Handling Awareness Training
Thursday 8 December 2016 at the PDC: 9:30am to 12pm

Health and Safety Awareness Training
Tuesday 13 December 2016 at the PDC: 9:30am to 12pm


Please book via the Traded Services website.

Health and Safety

Daily Mile – workshop and training

Elaine, the headteacher from the Stirling school St Ninian’s that made national news (external link) after they implemented the Daily Mile, is coming to Haringey to  discuss how local schools can do the same.

The aim of the Daily Mile is to improve the physical, emotional and social health and wellbeing of our children – regardless of age or personal circumstances. It is a simple but effective concept, which any school can implement. Its impact can be transformational – improving not only the children’s fitness, but also their concentration levels, mood, behaviour, resilience and general wellbeing. The Daily Mile is successful because it is simple, free and sustainable.

For those that have not heard about the Daily Mile, it is a physical activity initiative that is not just about exercise. It has numerous health and wellbeing benefits for children, whether they run, jog or walk. For videos and press articles about the Daily Mile, see the Daily Mile website (external link).

The workshop is FREE to attend for schools on Friday 23 September, 1pm at the PDC.

To reserve your space(s) for this event, please email .

Health and Safety

Emotional Wellbeing Coordinator – new designated teacher role

A letter was sent to headteachers in late August from directors Jon Abbey, Jeanelle de Gruchy and Rachel Lissauer, requesting that a teacher would be designated to coordinate work around emotional and mental wellbeing in schools and to liaise with outside agencies. This post will be called the Emotional Wellbeing Coordinator.

The role requires a teacher with the relevant knowledge, skills, expertise and seniority to impact on whole-school policy, systems and practice. They will be required to liaise with key stakeholders and lead the training of staff, providing support and advice, as schools manage children and young people with increasing complexity of need.

The Emotional Wellbeing Coordinator is being asked to complete a brief audit as the local authority would like to identify elements of good practice across the borough, following the publication of the Nice Guideline on attachment; closing date Friday 16 September.

The Emotional Wellbeing Forum will be meeting on Wednesdays, 8.30am – 10am: 23 November, 2016, 22 February, 2017 and 24 May, 2017 at the PDC.

Autumn agenda item: The Impact of the ‘Nice Guideline on Attachment’ across services, especially schools. 

We look forward to seeing you there.

Early Help

Early Help – 'Conversations for Change'

The Early Help service has been in place for almost a year and has supported hundreds of families to better outcomes. Our transformation over the last year has been a remarkable journey and we are listening and responding to feedback we are receiving from families and partners to now refine our systems to ensure we are delivering an Early Help service in partnership, that meets the needs of our community. We have developed this new approach to ensure families are supported more quickly. 

‘Conversations for Change’ is a significantly different approach which will provide a faster response to families and  which relies on meaningful conversations alongside prompt, practical support. It is much less about processes and a formulaic approach to working with families. This new methodology has been developed in response to feedback from families and partners about the time it can take to meet with their family support worker.

Conversations for Change moves Early Help practice away from an assessment model to a dynamic dialogue with families and partners, utilising the team around the family model to develop change-focused goals with the family and using the relationships to help sustained change to be achieved. This simplified approach will also enable and encourage practitioners in universal settings to retain the lead for some family cases, where they already have a meaningful and productive relationship, but draw in the additional resource or broader disciplines available within the Early Help Service, to help move families forward.


Keeping Children Safe in Education 2016

The new Keeping Children Safe in Education document (external link) is now published.

Please make sure all safeguarding policies are updated to refer to this version.

Changes from the 2015 version can be found in annex H.