Consultation School Admissions Schools

Consultation on the future of Stamford Hill Primary School

FAO all relevant schools local to Stamford Hill Primary School

For more information, please read the attached letter (external letter)

Please also see enclosed poster for display in your school.


Carlo Kodsi, Team Leader School Admissions  

Consultation School Admissions Schools

Determining your admission arrangements for 2020/21 (even if you have not consulted)

Reminder to all own admission authority schools – Academies, free schools, voluntary-aided and foundation schools only (the LA as the admission authority for community and voluntary controlled schools undertakes this task)

The School Admissions Code (2014) stipulates that your governing body are statutorily required to meet and determine your admission arrangements by no later than 28 February 2019. There is no flexibility on this date under the provisions of the Code.

If you have not consulted because the arrangements have not changed you must still minute that the governing body have determined the admission arrangements and in all cases the LA must receive a copy of your arrangements to be posted on our website by 15 March 2019. The School Admissions Code (2014) also says you must publish a copy of your determined arrangements on your website displaying them for the whole offer year (the school year in which offers for places are made).

Please send a copy of your determined admission arrangements as soon possible to Taj Buljhoo and no later than Friday 1 March 2019. Schools who have not provided a copy of their determined arrangements will be contacted by phone in the week commencing 4 March 2019.

Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions about the determination process.

Carlo Kodsi Team Leader School Admissions



Consultation School Admissions Schools

Consultation on proposed admission arrangements – Noel Park Primary School

FAO of all Haringey schools

Noel Park Primary School is consulting on its proposed admission arrangements for entry in September 2020.

For more information, please read the attached letter (external letter).

Noel Park Primary School


Consultation School Admissions Schools

Consultation on proposed admission arrangements – St. Martin of Porres Catholic Primary School

FAO of all Haringey schools

The Governors of St Martin of Porres Catholic Primary School are consulting on changes to their admission arrangements for entry in September 2020.

For more information, please read the attached letter (external link).

St Martin of Porres Catholic Primary School

Consultation School Admissions Schools

Admission arrangements for entry in September 2020

This information is for Academies, free schools, voluntary-aided and foundation schools only.

Please see the attached letter (external link).

Kind Regards,

Carlo Kodsi, Team Leader School Admissions

Consultation School Admissions Schools

Consultation on proposed admission arrangements – Eden Primary School

FAO of all Haringey schools

The Governors of Eden Primary School are consulting on changes to their admission arrangements for entry in September 2020.

The change is that priority 4 (after siblings), ‘Children of founding directors’ has been removed from the arrangements and replaced by ‘Children of Eden primary staff where the member of staff has been employed at the school for a period of two or more years…’ This is to help with recruitment and retention of staff and is common practice amongst other similar schools.

You will find details of the proposed arrangements on the Eden website at

Those wishing to respond to the consultation should write to the Governors at the school address or email

Eden Primary School

Consultation School Admissions Schools

Consultation on admission arrangements – St Paul's Catholic Primary School

The Governing Body of St Paul’s Catholic Primary School is consulting on the School Admission Policy 2020 – 2021 and the Supplementary Information Form (SIF) 2020 – 2021 between Monday 12 November and Monday 24 December 2018.

In the School Admission Policy for 2020 – 2021 the published admission number (PAN) will be 30 and this has not changed from previous years.

The changes on which the school are consulting on in the oversubscription criteria:

  • The removal of the need for the parents/carers of baptised Catholic children to provide a Certificate of Catholic Practice;
  • The removal of the criteria which reads "Christians of any other denominations whose application is supported either by a certificate of baptism or by a letter from their Minister of Religion confirming membership of that faith community."
  • The removal of the criteria which reads "Children of other faiths whose application is supported either by a letter from their Minister of Religion confirming membership of that faith community."

All other criteria remain the same as previous years.

Please address any comments to the school admin at the school address, or by email to

You can also comment by phone on 020 8888 7081. All responses will need to be received by 24 December so that the governors of the school can give them full consideration before determining the admission arrangements for 2020-2021. For more information, please visit the school website – 

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

Consultation School Admissions Schools

Consultation on the proposed reduction in the Published Admission Numbers (PANs) for Tiverton and Welbourne Primary Schools

Dear Headteacher and Chair of Governors,

Between 26 November 2018 and 7 January 2019 Haringey is consulting on the proposed admission arrangements for community and voluntary controlled (VC) primary and secondary schools for the academic year 2020/21. This includes the proposed reduction in the published admission numbers (PANs) for Tiverton and Welbourne Primary Schools for the 2020/21 academic year by 30 reception places each.

For further information, please read this letter (external link)  which has been sent to all Haringey schools.

Kind regards,

Carlo Kodsi, Team Leader School Admissions


Consultation on strengthening qualified teacher status and career progression

Schools are invited to respond to the consultation paper by 9 March 2018.


Access the consultation here (external link)


This consultation is about supporting teachers and ensuring the right structures are in place at the beginning of a teacher’s career, improving access to high-quality professional development and improving progression opportunities for all teachers throughout their careers.  

The first half of the consultation sets out the DfE's initial proposals for a strengthened Qualified Teacher Status (QTS). These include:

  • An extended induction period with QTS awarded at the end
  • Development of a structured early career content framework setting out what all teachers need to know and areas for development
  • A stronger mentoring provision for new teachers.

The second half of the consultation sets out the DfE's thinking on how they could support career development for teachers once they have gained QTS. These include:

  • Expansion of professional qualifications to include specialisms to promote specialist career pathways
  • A range of options to help embed a culture of continuing professional development, building on work already underway
  • A pilot fund for work-related sabbaticals.

These are the DfE's initial proposals and the first stage in the policy development process. They would like to hear your views on these and your ideas for how to support teachers in the early years of their career and facilitate their career progression.



Public consultation on The Grove – a new school

A public consultation is now open about The Grove – a new Special School for children and young people aged 5-19 with autism. The consultation will close on 14 March 2018.

The new school will open in September 2018. Initially, primary pupils will be taught within separate accommodation located at St Mary’s Primary School, Rectory Gardens, Hornsey. Secondary pupils will continue to be taught at Heartlands High School, Wood Green, in the purpose-built accommodation previously occupied by the school’s Designated Autism Provision.

In 2019 the school will move to its permanent home on Downhills Park Road, N17, which was previously a school building. The building is undergoing a complete refurbishment to create a state- of-the-art, specialist provision for Haringey children, funded by the Department for Education.

Please see the consultation leaflet, which gives further information about Heartland Community Trust’s plans for this new school and progress so far.  The Grove_Consultation Leaflet_201801

Visit the consultation web page (external link)

Complete the online questionnaire (external link)

Public consultation meetings will be held at Heartlands High School, Station Road, Wood Green, N22 7ST, on Thursday 1 March from 10am-11am or 6.30pm-7.30pm.

For more information or any queries please email:
Telephone 020 8826 1230