On Saturday 15 February at 7pm the Haringey Young Musicians will be performing in the theatre at Alexandra Palace. Tickets are £5.00. Please support the wonderful talent of Haringey’s Young Musicians – the Symphony Orchestra, Guitar Orchestra, Stage Band and Vox.
Category: Events
Are there any female volunteers at your school who you could nominate for a special award? During Women’s History Month in March, Haringey Council wants to recognise the achievements of women who live and volunteer in Haringey. We’d like to acknowledge the vital role that they play in the community. If you would like to nominate someone for this award – who has not received one before – please complete this form.
Haringey Unsung Women’s Award Nomination Form 2020
The deadline for nominations is Friday 22 February 2020. All nominees will be invited to a special awards ceremony in the Council Chamber at Wood Green’s Civic Centre on Saturday 7 March 2020.
El Warcha after school club will introduce children aged 8 – 14 to design and the basics of woodworking. During 11 sessions from 25 February to 19 May (excluding Easter holidays) children will look at different ways to Hartington Park a more welcoming and creative environment.
Children will work in teams on small projects, including making furniture, art installations and play elements. They will learn skills through hands-on practice. Afterwards the project will be exhibited in the park.
The club will run from 4pm to 6pm. It will cost £11 to take part. When booking please make sure you can attend all 11 sessions.
This project is developed by El Warcha, a community maker-space led by Inês Marques and Benjamin Perrot trained designers and architects with experience in educational projects and public art.
For more information please email elwarchalondon@gmail.com Telephone: 07437 916412
Playtime in Hartington Park signup
London Skolars RLFC organise ‘Touch’ Rugby sessions at New River Sport & Fitness Centre every Wednesday evening from 7 – 8pm. The sessions are free for Haringey residents aged 13+. ‘Touch’ Rugby is a great introduction to the sport of Rugby League and no prior playing experience is required. It is a wonderful way to improve fitness levels, enhance key skills and meet new people. Attendees will also have other opportunities to involve themselves with the club. For example, work experience or perhaps even progress to playing regularly for the club. Anyone interested should contact: info@skolarsrl.com
Read more here (external link).
Please save the date for Haringey School Business Leaders’ and Administrative/Finance Officers’ Conference (SBM/SAO) on Wednesday 24 and Thursday 25 June 2020.
More information on the conference programme and booking details will be sent out soon.
Haringey will be celebrating International Women’s day on Sunday 8 March with a free event for women and girls taking place at the Lordship Rec, Broadwater Farm Community Centre and Lordship Hub.
Taking place from noon to 5pm there will be something for everyone: from sports taster sessions, gardening activities, information stalls, workshops, health advice and therapies. There will also be a creche (please book in advance).
More information will be included on Haringey What’s On nearer the time. In the meantime, for further information, please email get.active@haringey.gov.uk.
Other events and exhibitions for Women’s History Month will also be taking place in Haringey libraries. For more details contact Kennedy.Javuru@haringey.co.uk and Brian.Mihayo@haringey.gov.uk
The SisterHood project is an innovative girls-only project which takes place every Tuesday at Somerford Grove Adventure Playground & Community Project, Park Lane Close, Tottenham N17 0HL.
The project aims to create a safe, creative, challenging, co-operative space in which girls can experience themselves free from the pressures of ‘being female’. Play activities can engage them in being who they want to be, without judgement or the need to justify.
SisterHood aims to encourage positive, social relationships with a strong sense of community. The older girls (aged 15 plus) are offered training opportunities and support to become volunteers and/or a “Big Sista” to support the younger girls. Through the project, we are also building a network of women from within our community.
The SisterHood project is on every Tuesday during term time from 3 to 6.30pm.
For more information about SisterHood please contact Senior Playworker Sianead Crawford sianead@haringey-play.org.uk or call 020 8808 0533
Read more here (external link).
Football for women and girls starts at Broadwater Farm Community Centre on Wednesday 26 February. For more details please contact Clasford on 07832 111 936 Email: lesafa1@hotmail.com
Sponsored by NIKE and managed by London Elite Sports & Football Academy in partnership with Active Communities Haringey.
Improving Emotion Regulation – for the mental health, wellbeing and attainment of children
On Thursday 26 September Haringey’s Anchor Approach held a highly successful conference at Highgate School to launch the Anchor Approach as Haringey’s model to support children, young people and their families in resilience, mental health and wellbeing across the borough.
This event celebrated the launch of the new name – the Anchor Approach, formerly the Anchor Project, re-named in recognition of its broader reach across the children’s workforce.
The conference – Improving Emotion Regulation – for the mental health, wellbeing and attainment of children featured Dr Janet Rose, who expertly provided the wider context of research around ‘Emotion Coaching’ and enabled delegates to recognise and assist children through situations of stress or potential conflict.
Emotion regulation is one of the strands which form the Anchor Approach and this conference provided an opportunity for a diverse group of frontline practitioners to come together to learn about these ground-breaking techniques. Those attending included colleagues from health, children’s services, education settings and third sector organisations.
Also highlighted on the day were the newly trained Emotion Coaching leads now working in multi-agency settings to support the embedding of the Anchor Approach across the borough.
The conference was opened by Councillor Brabazon, Cabinet Member for Children and Families, and we were warmly welcomed to Highgate School by Mr Todd Lindsay, Principle Deputy Head.
Discussions with the assembly highlighted the benefit of a holistic, multi-agency approach to improve children’s wellbeing and for children and families to achieve their full potential.
The conference concluded with the words of Ceri May, manager of the Anchor Approach and Dr Will Maimaris, Interim Director of Public Health, underlining the high importance of Dr Rose’s work and expressing gratitude to Highgate School for generously hosting the event.
For more information on the Anchor Approach offer for schools visit: www.haringey.gov.uk/anchor or email: anchor@haringey.gov.uk