
Ofsted School Inspection update

Useful information for those governing

Ofsted has released its 9th School Inspection update (external link), providing some useful clarity around “short-inspections”, safeguarding, new GCSEs, technical qualifications and how inspectors will liaise with executive leaders and the board of trustees in multi-academy trusts (MATs).


Relationships and Sex Education to be made compulsory in all schools

The secretary of state for education, Justine Greening, has announced her intention to put Relationships and Sex Education (SRE) on a statutory footing, "so every child has access to age appropriate provision". At the moment, all schools in England should have an up- to-date sex and relationships (SRE) policy. This is a statutory obligation for all maintained schools, but an advisory measure for academies and free schools. The move will be made as an amendment to the Children and Social Work Bill (external link) and will require:

  • all primary schools in England to teach age-appropriate 'relationships education'
  • all secondary schools in England to teach age-appropriate 'relationships and sex education'

The Department for Education will "lead a comprehensive programme of engagement to set out age-appropriate subject content and identify the support schools need to deliver high-quality teaching". The statutory guidance (first introduced in 2000) will be updated and is expected to come into force in September 2019. Parents will continue to have a right to withdraw their children from sex education should they choose to do so.

The amendment will also "create a power enabling the Government to make regulations requiring PSHE to be taught in academies and maintained schools". 


DfE releases advice on managing asbestos in schools

The DfE has published new advice to help schools to understand their obligations and duties in relation to asbestos management. See website (external link).

The legal responsibility for the safe management of asbestos lies with the “duty holder”. The duty holder is the person responsible for maintenance and/or repair of the school – typically the employer. For community schools, community special schools, voluntary-controlled schools, maintained nursery schools and pupil referral units, the employer is the local authority. For academies, free schools, voluntary-aided and foundation schools, it will be the school governors or the trust.

Governors and trustee should ensure that their schools have suitable asbestos management procedures in place and receive regular reports so they can be confident that the duties are being complied with.


Replacement for RAISEonline from April

The Department for Education (DfE) has announced that a new service to replace RAISEonline (the web-based system used to disseminate school performance data to schools) will launch in April. The DfE led service will “provide schools and other existing user groups with detailed performance analysis to support local school improvement” and the data will also be securely available to other accredited suppliers. Find out more (External Link)

Governance Schools SEND

Funding for SEND support confirmed

The government has  confirmed funding (external link) from April 2017 of nearly £60 million to support children with special educational needs and disability (SEND).

The announced funding includes:

  1. £15 million for the Independent Supporters programme in 2017 to 2018, run by the Council for Disabled Children, which the Department for Education (DfE) say has been a “real driver of change” helping families navigating the SEND system
  2. £2.3 million for Parent Carer Forums in 2017 to 2018, which aims to give parents a voice in influencing local decision-making
  3. £1.8 million to Contact a Family, to support Parent Carer Forums and their National Network, and to run a national helpline for families.

The announced funding also includes £40 million intended to assist councils plan for the transition to the new SEND system.



Governance Schools

New School Workforce Planning guidance released by the DfE

The Department for Education  has published new guidance on School Workforce Planning (external link) in response to requests from school leaders.


The publication provides non-statutory guidance for anyone in a strategic leadership position within maintained schools and academies and aims to help school leaders review their staff structures regularly as part of annual school improvement, curriculum and financial planning.

The guidance acknowledges there is no single staff structure, or approach to reviewing staffing, that will suit all schools in order to deliver excellent pupil outcomes. It also explores the contextual factors such as funding, pupil demographics and school improvement priorities that play a key role in decisions around workforce planning.

The guidance includes:

  1. A list of options for school leaders to consider
  2. Questions for school leaders to consider when reviewing their staff structures
  3. An example timeline
  4. Links to advice, case studies and tools for school leaders to use.

Staffing structures should be reviewed regularly to see if it still fits the school’s priorities, especially if those priorities have recently been changed. Governing boards have a clear strategic role to play in appointments at senior leadership level (headteachers, deputy/assistant headteachers and school business manager), but all other appointments should be delegated to the headteacher.


Governance Schools

Future of School Improvement – feedback meeting on Friday 3 February

This is a reminder that there will be a meeting for Headteachers and Chairs of Governing Bodies to hear the feedback from the initial stakeholder engagement sessions run with the Education Development Trust and ISOS Partnership about the future model of School Improvement in Haringey. The meeting is on Friday 3 February at 8.30 – 10.30 am in the Professional Development Centre, Downhills Park Road, London N17.


Latest 'need to know' timelines available

The latest version of the Department for Education’s mandatory and useful timelines (external link)  for schools has been published. The timelines set out useful information, including legal requirements that must be met, in order to help governors and senior leaders plan ahead, prepare for, and implement changes during the academic year and beyond.

The timelines help schools find out about future changes, as well as identify upcoming activities that may benefit students.

Governance Schools STEM

Green paper outlines new STEM and vocational plans

The government has released the Building our Industrial Strategy Green Paper (external link), reaffirming its commitment to apprenticeships and creating “a proper system of technical education”. The Green Paper seeks to outline how the system will help the half of young people who do not take A-levels or go to university, and “those parts of the country where more people take a technical track”.

New plans outlined by the government include:

  1. Establishing a new Institutes of Technology to deliver high quality STEM provision and meet local employer demands.
  2. Increasing the quality of STEM (science, technology engineering and maths) provision.
  3. Creating 15 “technical routes” which match the needs of the labour market, available for 16-19 year olds as two-year courses. Working with FE providers to get “industry specialists” involved in delivering the new courses and encouraging FE colleges to be “centres of excellence” for math’s and English education.
  4. Reviewing careers advice in schools and publishing a “comprehensive strategy later this year for careers information, advice and guidance”.
Governance Schools

LGA calls for small maintained schools to be exempt from Apprenticeship Levy

Local Government Association: calls for small maintained schools to be exempt

The Local Government Association (LGA) has called on the government to make small local authority (LA) maintained schools exempt (external link)  from paying the Apprenticeship Levy. All employers with an annual wage bill of over £3million will have to pay to the levy at a rate of 0.5% of the total wage bill. . However, in schools where the local authority is the employer, they will have to contribute to a levy (if there is one) regardless of their individual wage-bill.