Healthy Schools

Haringey Young People’s Sexual Health Clinics now open

Lordship Lane 239 Lordship Lane, N17 6AA

Mondays & Tuesdays

Tuesday 13:00 – 16:00   Under 19 drop-in


Morum House 3-5 Bounds Green Road, N22 8HE – Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays

Thursday 13:00 – 16:00  Under 19 drop –in


Call  020 3317 5252 to book an appointment or visit

Click here for a short presentation on young people sexual health

 For up to date information on ALL sexual health services available in Haringey go to :

Healthy Schools Schools

Adrenaline Auto-injector pens

Adrenaline Auto-injector (AAI) pens for schools are available from St Ann’s Hospital Pharmacy department. 

  • Please can schools ensure that they contact Firoz Mazumder on 020 8702 5410 before collecting the spare AAI pens.
  • This is to make sure that they have a confirmed time slot before attending the pharmacy department at St Ann’s Hospital.
  • Collection times are between 10am and 12pm or 2:30pm and 4pm from Monday to Friday.
  • Each school will be given a time slot to collect their supply of AAI pens.
  • The AAI pens will be given to schools providing they submit a completed AAI Spare Pens Form 2020 to Firoz.
  • Please note that St Ann’s Pharmacy is also providing a service to the hospital and patients and so there may potentially be waiting times if it is busy.
  • Please be sensitive to COVID-19 secure measures and wear a mask/face covering when attending the pharmacy. They have ample supplies of hand gel – please make good use and maintain a social distance at all times.
  • Please be aware that there is a lot of building work going on currently at St Ann’s Hospital, as well as around the pharmacy department. If you get lost on site please call 020 8702 5410 or 020 8702 5435 for guidance.

 Please note

The Haringey Medicines Management team is only in a position to supply enough free AAI pens to Haringey local authority primary and secondary schools only. They are unable to provide free spare AAI pens to Haringey independent or private schools and early years’ settings, including nurseries. Spare AAI pens can be purchased without a prescription in line with the Department of Health guidance on the AAI pens in schools link here

If the school has to purchase AAI pens, they must do so from a local community pharmacy. They can do this using an order on appropriately headed paper (if possible) which must be signed by the principal or head teacher at the school concerned, stating the following:

  • the name of the school
  • the purpose or why the AAIs is/are required
  • the total number of AAIs required.

A suggested letter template can be found here or in the annex of the Department of Health guidance on the AAI pens in schools link here             

Please check the expiry date when you are buying the devices and ensure that you do not buy one with a few months to its expiry date. All the brands of AAI pens have a maximum of 18 months from date of manufacture.

Healthy Schools

Kooth online mental health support offers free, safe and anonymous online support for young people.
XenZone is a provider of online mental health services for children, young people and adults. Kooth, from XenZone, is an online counselling and emotional well-being platform for children and young people, accessible through mobile, tablet and desktop and free at the point of use. For more information about XenZone, please visit

Healthy Schools Schools

Take part in the Sustrans Big Pedal

Dear School Travel Champions
Welcome to the Big Pedal: the UK’s largest inter-school walking, scooting and cycling competition! Two schools from Haringey took part last year, so we’d love to get more involved this April. Schools compete to see who can complete the largest number of journeys across the two-week challenge – this is a really great way to encourage a mode-shift from cars to active travel on the journey to school. All student, staff and parent journeys count!
This year’s challenge will run from 22 April to 5 May 2020. It is free to enter and there are daily prizes to be won, free curriculum-based resource to use during the challenge and promotional posters. All resources and details of the prizes can be found on the Big Pedal website when you register, and an information sheet is attached.
The theme for the 2020 challenge is the human body. As well as getting active, pupils learn about the human body including messages about air quality and mental health using the Big Pedal wallchart.
I will be collating some information over the next few weeks to provide some ideas for how this can link to STARS, so keep an eye out for that and I hope you can get involved! If you register before 14 February you will be entered into a prize draw!
Georgia Law, Healthy Streets Officer, Enfield and Haringey | Behaviour Change
Sustrans | The Green House, 244-254 Cambridge Heath Road, E2 9DA
Mobile: 07866 143843
Please note I work in Enfield on Monday and Tuesday, and Haringey on Wednesday and Thursday

Healthy Schools

Get Out, Get Active

A ground-breaking programme bringing disabled and non-disabled people together to get active in fun and inclusive ways is launching in Haringey.
The borough will receive £280,000 as part of Get Out Get Active’s latest £5 million programme.
The aim will be to target disadvantaged young people and those at risk of being drawn into youth crime, in a way that genuinely connects the whole community, including young disabled people or those with long-term health conditions.
We will also work with the Haringey Disability Sports Forum to ensure effective outreach and a genuinely inclusive response.
Read more about Get Out Get Active here (external link).
For more information about GOGA in Haringey, contact

Healthy Schools Schools

Free event: understanding the impact of parental alcohol use on children

Haringey is participating in a free one day conference for everyone working with children and families in Haringey. The event takes place on Tuesday 12 November from 12pm – 4.30pm at Alexandra Palace.
·         Hear more about the impact of alcohol use on children from experienced speakers
·         Discuss how we can support families who are impacted by alcohol
·         Take away practical resources to use in your work
·         Hear from those with lived experience of parental alcohol use
·         Engage in networking opportunities
·         Lunch and refreshments provided
Guest Speaker: Dr Ruth McGovern – NIHR Post Doctorate Research Fellow, Lecturer in Public Health Research Institute of Health & Society, Newcastle University
 For more information please email: or visit our website (external link).

Healthy Schools

Healthy relationships project for primary schools

Tender Education and Arts is offering a free Healthy Relationships project to one primary school in Haringey, funded by London Councils. The two-day project is for one class of 25 to 30 students from either year 5 or 6.
Please contact Emily Whyte at Tender if you are interested in participating. Tel: 020 7697 4249
Find out more about Tender and their work here

Events Healthy Schools Schools

Haringey’s Anchor Approach – conference featuring Dr Janet Rose

Improving Emotion Regulation – for the mental health, wellbeing and attainment of children

On Thursday 26 September Haringey’s Anchor Approach held a highly successful conference at Highgate School to launch the Anchor Approach as Haringey’s model to support children, young people and their families in resilience, mental health and wellbeing across the borough.
This event celebrated the launch of the new name – the Anchor Approach, formerly the Anchor Project, re-named in recognition of its broader reach across the children’s workforce.
The conference – Improving Emotion Regulation – for the mental health, wellbeing and attainment of children featured Dr Janet Rose, who expertly provided the wider context of research around ‘Emotion Coaching’ and enabled delegates to recognise and assist children through situations of stress or potential conflict.
Emotion regulation is one of the strands which form the Anchor Approach and this conference provided an opportunity for a diverse group of frontline practitioners to come together to learn about these ground-breaking techniques. Those attending included colleagues from health, children’s services, education settings and third sector organisations.
Also highlighted on the day were the newly trained Emotion Coaching leads now working in multi-agency settings to support the embedding of the Anchor Approach across the borough.
The conference was opened by Councillor Brabazon, Cabinet Member for Children and Families, and we were warmly welcomed to Highgate School by Mr Todd Lindsay, Principle Deputy Head.
Discussions with the assembly highlighted the benefit of a holistic, multi-agency approach to improve children’s wellbeing and for children and families to achieve their full potential.
The conference concluded with the words of Ceri May, manager of the Anchor Approach and Dr Will Maimaris, Interim Director of Public Health, underlining the high importance of Dr Rose’s work and expressing gratitude to Highgate School for generously hosting the event.
For more information on the Anchor Approach offer for schools visit: or email:

Healthy Schools Schools

Complete the biennial Health-Related Behaviours Questionnaire

All Haringey schools have been invited to participate in the biennial Health-Related Behaviours Questionnaire (HRBQ).  We would like  to encourage all schools to take part and particularly want to increase the level of participation for year groups 4,6,8 and 10 this time round. Data from previous surveys (haringey_sheu_results_0) were shared across Haringey Council, the NHS and community and voluntary organisations to provide a greater understanding of children and young people’s health and wellbeing and to help us shape services appropriately in meeting their needs.
If you have any questions, please contact Linda Edward, Senior Public Health Commissioner – Children & Young People, Telephone 020 8489 7081 or email

Healthy Schools Schools

Tackling Child Exploitation – Support Programme

The Tackling Child Exploitation (TCE) Support Programme is a significant investment by the Department for Education and aims to support local areas to develop an effective strategic response to child exploitation and threats from outside the family home, including child sexual exploitation and child criminal exploitation, such as county lines drug trafficking.
More details on the programme, including useful information to support your parents and carers with, and a list of FAQs can be found here (external link).