Healthy Schools

Healthy Schools – latest newsletter and network meeting on 4 February

Haringey Public Health leads on our Healthy Schools programme and has set the date for their next network meeting for Thursday 4 February from 3pm to 4.30pm.

The Health Schools programme promotes a whole school approach to health and wellbeing and the network meeting provides an opportunity for Healthy Schools leads to come together, share their learning and hear more about the support and commissioned services available.

Also see the latest Haringey Healthy Schools Newsletter January 2021 for some of the opportunities that your school may wish to take part in:

Haringey Healthy Schools Newsletter January 2021

Please contact Maria Schmidt, Healthy Schools lead, for more information: 

Healthy Schools Schools

CAHMS COVID-19 support pack for teenagers

CAMHS Covid Support Booklet for teenagers

A useful resource pack for teenagers to help manage difficult feelings about coronavirus.

Healthy Schools

Support for mental, social and emotional health and wellbeing

There is a range of services available to children and young people in Haringey to support them with their mental, social and emotional health and wellbeing.

Haringey Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service

Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health Trust

Ground Floor, H Block, St Anne’s Hospital, St Anne’s
E-mail address:

Referral form here.

For advice and queries on referrals – Haringey CAMHS ACCESS 020 8702 3400/3401

Provide one-off advice and signposting, if not appropriate for CAMHS. Referrals to CHOICES and the Tavistock can be made via CAMHS ACCESS

Choices – Offers support to children, young people up to the age of 17 and families in Haringey who are worried about their emotional wellbeing. Monday – Friday, 9am-5pm.Telephone: 020 8702 3405.

Mental Health Support Team | The Mental Health Support Team is available via telephone 9am to 3pm, Monday to Friday to all Haringey schools. Tel: 020 8702 6035 Email:

Social, emotional mental health support | A range of social, emotional mental health support is available to schools, parents, carers, professionals, children and young people. More info here:

NCL Crisis Line – Open only to professionals – teachers, GPs and social workers. 9am-5pm  020 8702 3400  Haringey CAMHS Team 5pm – 12 midnight 020 3758 2056.

Coming soon a 24-hour crisis helpline open to all.

Crisis to Recovery Multi Agency group – bespoke support, speakers for assemblies, parent events and webinars Contact: Educational Psychology Service Telephone: 020 8489 3004. Email:

OPEN Door – Tottenham and Crouch End

Open Door is a charity that offers free confidential counselling and psychotherapy to young people aged 12 up to age 21 living in Haringey. The Parenting Teenagers Project supports parents of young people aged 12-21.

Self-referrals are accepted.  Professionals can refer young people, parents of young people aged 12-21 directly by phone on 020 8348 5947 or by requesting a call back by e-mailing

Kooth offers free confidential online support for 11 to 18 year olds and up to 25 years with additional needs.  12pm to 10pm Monday to Friday and 6am to 10pm Saturday/Sunday and Bank Holidays.

Key training for staff well-being and student well-being

The Emotional Wellbeing Forum

Dates: 13 01 2021 – 9am-10:30am. This forum will focus on ‘Bereavement and Loss’.

Simple Steps to Well-being 24 March 2021 – 9am-10:30am. RSVP: .

‘Simple Steps to Wellbeing in Education’ – Training delivered by Annette Manley (Deputy Head – Risley Avenue) on 10 December 2020, covers national and local information.

Please find the link to the recording of the session

Youth Mental Health First Aid  Training – RSVP:

Mind in Haringey MHFA Mental Health First Aid Training Adult  

Note: Anchor Approach is no longer a traded service and offers a range of free training to schools. 

Resources for School Staff

Education with Resilience and Wellbeing in Mind’ – Training & Resource link.

Education Psychology Service Resources and webinars

Please advertise the following resources for parents and children on schools’ websites or in schools’ newsletters:

Mental Health Support Team  phone line open 9am to 3pm Monday to Friday to all Haringey schools. Tel: 020 8702 6035 Email:

Choices – Offers support to children, young people up to the age of 17 and families in Haringey who are worried about their emotional wellbeing. Monday – Friday, 9am-5pm. Telephone: 020 8702 3405. Website: Haringey CHOICES

Kooth offers free confidential online support for 11 to 18 year olds and up to 25 years with additional needs.  12pm to 10pm Monday to Friday and 6am to 10pm Saturday/Sunday and Bank Holidays. Website: Home – Kooth

Education Psychology ServiceResources and webinars

Social, emotional mental health support | A range of social, emotional mental health support is available to schools, parents, carers, professionals, children and young people e.g. ChildLine, Young Minds, Parenting Helpline. More info here:

Healthy Schools Schools

Is your school interested in using the Mind of my Own app?

The Mind of my Own app helps children express their feelings and get in touch with their wellbeing.

Mind Of My Own | Making it easier for children and young people to communicate

Following the successful pilot at Lea Valley Primary School, we want to gauge if other schools are interested in using the Mind of My Own app.

The tool encourages children to log their feelings and views, giving teachers the opportunity to tailor classes and the curriculum to their needs.

The lockdown has proved challenging for many children and the pilot allowed teachers to understand how the school and partners can protect and invest in their mental health and wellbeing.

The app was initially created for children in care to express their day’s activities and feelings safely and discreetly, so that their care workers could respond in a timely manner, however it is been clear that the potential can stretch much further.

Children benefit from being able to say how they feel and talking to people about their problems. This builds self-awareness, helps them recognise their emotions and increases their emotional vocabulary. It has helped us identify potential safeguarding concerns and make early interventions.

The app logs statements input by the children on an iPad and documents their feelings and views – then shared with a trusted professional like a teacher.

The findings from the pilot indicated that the initiative is having a positive impact by giving another avenue to access vulnerable children and allowing schools to intervene at an early stage. If a young person says they feel unsafe unwell or unhappy, this will show up in the service portal that the school have access to and flags the negative feeling.

The app enables pupils to celebrate things that are positive in their lives at home and at school. This can also be shared with the class. In addition, teachers can pick up on children’s aspirations for hobbies and sports they may like to try out. This further helps the school explore community resources for the child to broaden their horizons into.

One huge win is that children are understanding that ‘it’s s ok not to be ok’. Talking about these feelings helps them to access their emotions and find ways to deal with daily challenges.

Case Study – pupil

A pupil had made a statement about being afraid of where she lived. The class teacher made some time to explore this with the pupil and was able to find out where this fear had stemmed from. It turned out that the pupil’s house had been robbed a few months ago and the fear had stemmed from this.

The school was able to act by enabling the pupil to receive some counselling from their school counsellor. The sessions were also made available to the parents.

Case Study – teacher

One teacher noticed that there were many statements which highlighted friendship issues. She then decided to plan a half term unit in the PSHRE session on friendships. This strategy will help deal with this issue becoming a class focus which can interfere with learning.

If your school is interested in seeing how the app could be used to benefit your students wellbeing and inform your teachers understanding, please register your interest with Beverley Hendricks, Assistant Director, Safeguarding and Social Care, Children’s Services, Haringey Council.

Mind Of My Own | Making it easier for children and young people to communicate

Healthy Schools Schools

Support for mental, social and emotional health and wellbeing

There is a range of services available to children and young people in Haringey to support them with their mental, social and emotional health and wellbeing.

Haringey Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service

Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health Trust

Ground Floor, H Block, St Anne’s Hospital, St Anne’s
E-mail address:

Referral form here.

For advice and queries on referrals – Haringey CAMHS ACCESS 020 8702 3400/3401

Provide one-off advice and signposting, if not appropriate for CAMHS. Referrals to CHOICES and the Tavistock can be made via CAMHS ACCESS

Choices – Offers support to children, young people up to the age of 17 and families in Haringey who are worried about their emotional wellbeing. Monday – Friday, 9am-5pm.Telephone: 020 8702 3405.

Mental Health Support Team | The Mental Health Support Team is available via telephone 9am to 3pm, Monday to Friday to all Haringey schools. Tel: 020 8702 6035 Email:

Social, emotional mental health support | A range of social, emotional mental health support is available to schools, parents, carers, professionals, children and young people. More info here:

NCL Crisis Line – Open only to professionals – teachers, GPs and social workers. 9am-5pm  020 8702 3400  Haringey CAMHS Team 5pm – 12 midnight 020 3758 2056.

Coming soon a 24-hour crisis helpline open to all.

Crisis to Recovery Multi Agency group – bespoke support, speakers for assemblies, parent events and webinars Contact: Educational Psychology Service Telephone: 020 8489 3004. Email:

OPEN Door – Tottenham and Crouch End

Open Door is a charity that offers free confidential counselling and psychotherapy to young people aged 12 up to age 21 living in Haringey. The Parenting Teenagers Project supports parents of young people aged 12-21.

Self-referrals are accepted.  Professionals can refer young people, parents of young people aged 12-21 directly by phone on 020 8348 5947 or by requesting a call back by e-mailing

Kooth offers free confidential online support for 11 to 18 year olds and up to 25 years with additional needs.  12pm to 10pm Monday to Friday and 6am to 10pm Saturday/Sunday and Bank Holidays.

Key training for staff well-being and student well-being

The Emotional Wellbeing Forum

Dates: 13 01 2021 – 9am-10:30am. This forum will focus on ‘Bereavement and Loss’.

Simple Steps to Well-being 24 March 2021 – 9am-10:30am. RSVP: .

‘Simple Steps to Wellbeing in Education’ – Training delivered by Annette Manley (Deputy Head – Risley Avenue) on 10 December 2020, covers national and local information.

Please find the link to the recording of the session

Youth Mental Health First Aid  Training – RSVP:

Mind in Haringey MHFA Mental Health First Aid Training Adult  

Note: Anchor Approach is no longer a traded service and offers a range of free training to schools. 

Resources for School Staff

Education with Resilience and Wellbeing in Mind’ – Training & Resource link.

Education Psychology Service Resources and webinars

Please advertise the following resources for parents and children on schools’ websites or in schools’ newsletters:

Mental Health Support Team  phone line open 9am to 3pm Monday to Friday to all Haringey schools. Tel: 020 8702 6035 Email:

Choices – Offers support to children, young people up to the age of 17 and families in Haringey who are worried about their emotional wellbeing. Monday – Friday, 9am-5pm. Telephone: 020 8702 3405. Website: Haringey CHOICES

Kooth offers free confidential online support for 11 to 18 year olds and up to 25 years with additional needs.  12pm to 10pm Monday to Friday and 6am to 10pm Saturday/Sunday and Bank Holidays. Website: Home – Kooth

Education Psychology ServiceResources and webinars

Social, emotional mental health support | A range of social, emotional mental health support is available to schools, parents, carers, professionals, children and young people e.g. ChildLine, Young Minds, Parenting Helpline. More info here:

Events Healthy Schools

Red Card gambling education and awareness workshop – Friday 5 February

RedCard Flyer Workshop 050221

Red Card is a gambling awareness and support organisation dedicated to promoting gambling awareness and education, particularly for children and young adults.

They are running a virtual education and awareness workshop on Friday 5 February from 6.30 to 8.30pm.

Please book your place via Eventbrite:

GAMBLING AWARENESS AND EDUCATION Tickets, Multiple Dates | Eventbrite

Further Info please contact Tony Bell

RedCard Flyer Workshop 050221

This workshop will cover all aspects of problem gambling and gambling addiction in general, including impact on families and affected others. We are aware of how gambling addiction can impact in so many different ways and believe in addressing all the issues that come with gambling addiction, including:

  • gambling and crime
  • affected others
  • mental health
  • serious debt
  • BAME community
  • advertising/promotion
  • homelessness
  • health and wellbeing
  • and more
Events Healthy Schools Schools

BASHH ASIG safeguarding education event on 21 January 2021

The British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH) is organising an Adolescent Special Interest Group (ASIG) safeguarding education event – a virtual study day delivered via Zoom- on Indicators, management and long-term effects of childhood abuse on

21 January 2021 9:30 AM – 2:30 PM

The course organisers are Dr Chantal Oxenham and Mr Darren Tippetts on behalf of BASHH Adolescent Specialist Interest Group.

The cost is £50 (BASHH members) or £90 (Non-BASHH members)

Find out more and buy your ticket here.


Healthy Schools Schools

Student Space offers support services

Student Space is here to make it easier for students to find the support that they need during the coronavirus pandemic. There are three ways that Student Space is here to help during the pandemic:

  • Access to dedicated support services for students, by phone or text
  • Information and tools to help you through the challenges of coronavirus
  • Helping you find what support is available at your university

The support provided by Student Space is safe, confidential and developed with students and experts in student wellbeing and mental health.

Home | Student Space

Choices Offers support to children, young people up to the age of 17 and families in Haringey who are worried about their emotional wellbeing.

Kooth Kooth Free confidential online support for  11 to 18 year olds and up to 25 years with additional needs.  12pm to 10 pm Monday to Friday and 6am to 10pm Saturday/Sunday and Bank Holidays.

MHST MHST phone line open 9am to 3pm Monday to Friday to all Haringey schools. Tel: 020 8702 6035 Email:

SEMH Support  A range of Social, Emotional Mental Health support available to schools, parents, carers, professionals, children and young people.

Healthy Schools

“We’re open” young people’s sexual health campaign

It is important to talk to young people about their relationships and make sure they know where to go to get sexual health advice. In this Bitesize session for professionals  we talk to Jen Baer, Haringey’s specialist Sexual Health School Nurse to find out why and to get some tips on how to start these conversations, followed by an update on what service are available to young people in Haringey.

  • Young people tell us that embarrassment, stigma, and lack of knowledge are barriers to accessing sexual health services[i].
  • This is a concern as the data[ii] shows that 16-25 year olds are at greater risk of sexual ill health.
  • From September 2020 there is an expectation that by the time young people reach 16 years of age they should know “…how to get further advice, including how and where to access confidential sexual and reproductive health treatment” (DfE 2019)[iii]
  • In Haringey we support this because we want our young residents to have the skills and knowledge to make healthy choices and have safe relationships[iv].
  • The ‘We’re Open’ campaign aims to let young people know that we offer a range of clinics and pharmacies which provide free, friendly, and confidential sexual health advice. Services will stay open over the Xmas period.
  • The campaign will be shared across social media and printed resources will be sent to secondary schools to be used as part of their planned ‘Relationships and Sex Education’ (RSE) programmes.
  • The campaign is led by Public Health in collaboration with Haringey’s Communications Team. For Comms enquiries please contact and Sexual Health enquires please contact or

[i] Online Survey of 15-16 year olds, part of the Haringey Strategy Review (2020)

[ii] Haringey Sexual Health Joint Needs Assessment (2019)

[iii] Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education: Statutory guidance for governing bodies, proprietors, head teachers, principals, senior leadership teams, teachers (2019) Department for Education: London

[iv] Haringey Borough Plan (2019-2023) and Sexual Health Strategy (2021-24)

Consultation Healthy Schools Schools

Helping tackle the climate emergency – Haringey’s Climate Change Action Plan

We are in a climate emergency, and in response, Haringey has launched the draft Haringey Climate Change Action Plan (HCCAP) which sets out the commitment to become Net Zero Carbon by 2041.

We’d like to invite all schools to visit the engagement platform to give their feedback on and improve and refine the action plan further. Please also share the link to the platform and poster with students, staff members and parents to spread the message to as many people as possible.

 Website: Draft HCCAP engagement platform Live until 4 January 2021

What is the draft action plan about?

Climate change will impact us all, in different ways. It is key that we act by reducing our carbon emissions. The plan is designed to tackle climate change, enhance energy efficiency, reduce carbon emissions and improve air quality. It sets out how the council, partners and community all need to work collaboratively and collectively together to meet our objectives. The key contribution you can make as a school is by setting a School Net Zero Carbon Action Plan.

You can visit the engagement website to:

  • Find out more about the council’s strategy to reduce carbon emissions in the borough to net zero by 2041
  • Answer questions on a range of topics
  • Tell us what you are already doing to reduce emissions, what you would do and what support you need
  • Set out what you feel are the priority areas we should target first with our interactive Carbon Reduction Priority Tool
  • Tell us about your ideas for carbon reduction projects that you want to deliver

For any questions or comments, please contact: