School Admissions Schools

Early Transfer Form (ETF) – important reminder

FAO all Primary Schools with Year 6 pupils


Thank you to all schools who have already submitted their Early Transfer Form (ETF) and uploaded it via the S2S website.


There are still a number of schools who have not submitted their form. If you are not aware of the process for transferring Year 6 pupil information to their Year 7 destination school then I ask that you kindly read the  attached letter – Secondary-Transfer-ETF-letter-to-Primary-schools-2018 dated 17 April 2018 which was sent to all schools in the internal post.


The deadline has now passed and so it is essential that we receive this information by no later than Friday 8 June 2018. If we do not meet this new deadline then this will create difficulties for secondary schools in making preparations to welcome your year 6 pupils.


If you are experiencing any difficulties in completing the spreadsheet then I would be grateful if you could please contact my colleague Chi Tsang (telephone 020 8489 2553) who will be able to assist you further.


We will be contacting you individually if we have not received this information by the new deadline.


Many thanks,


Carlo Kodsi, Team Leader School Admissions

School Admissions Schools

School admissions booklet for September 2019 – action required!

To all Haringey Primary and Secondary Schools: Action Required – Please respond by Friday 11 May  

Dear Colleagues,

We are currently compiling the information booklet for admission to primary and secondary schools in September 2019. I would be grateful if you could please check your school's entry from last year's booklet and confirm either way if:

  1. Your details are correct or
  2. If there are any changes

All schools have been sent their entry from last year in a word document via email. It would be very helpful if you could highlight any changes on the word document and return it to us by no later than Friday 11 May 2018.

Own admitting authority schools – Free Schools, Academies, Foundation and Voluntary Aided

Please be aware that your booklet entry will also include the oversubscription criteria set out in your determined admission arrangements, a copy of which you have already sent to us and currently displayed on our website.

Many thanks

Carlo Kodsi, Team Leader School Admissions


School Admissions Schools

Secondary Transfer 2018 – Early Transfer Form (ETF)

Please read important information in the document below –

School Admissions Schools

Over-capacity in Haringey primary schools

Please read the information in the document below which you may find useful –


School Admissions Schools

Determining your admission arrangements for 2019/20 (even if you have not consulted)

Reminder to all own admission authority schools – Academies, free schools, voluntary-aided and foundation schools only (the LA as the admission authority for community and voluntary controlled schools undertakes this task)


The School Admissions Code (2014) stipulates that your governing body are statutorily required to meet and determine your admission arrangements by no later than 28 February 2018. There is no flexibility on this date under the provisions of the Code.


If you have not consulted because the arrangements have not changed you must still minute that the governing body have determined the admission arrangements and in all cases the LA must receive a copy of your arrangements to be posted on our website by 15 March 2018. The School Admissions Code (2014) also says you must publish a copy of your determined arrangements on your website displaying them for the whole offer year (the school year in which offers for places are made).


Please send a copy of your determined admission arrangements as soon possible to Taj Buljhoo and no later than Friday 2 March 2018. Schools who have not provided a copy of their determined arrangements will be contacted by phone in the week commencing 5 March 2018.


Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions about the determination process.


Carlo Kodsi Team Leader School Admissions


Consultation School Admissions Schools

Consultation on proposed admission arrangements – St Gildas' Junior School

Dear Colleagues,

Please see the proposed Admission Arrangements (2019/2020) for St Gilda's Junior School (external link)

The consultation period will run from 20 December 2017 until 31 January 2018. Parents/carers are particularly welcome to comment on the proposed change to the admission arrangements for 2019/20.

Please send your comments to The Chair of Governors by 31st January 2018, by email to or write to The Chair of Governors: c/o St Gildas’ Catholic Junior School, Oakington Way, London, N8 9EP.

The Governing Body will take account of responses to this consultation before determining its arrangements.

Consultation School Admissions Schools

Consultation on proposed admission arrangements – St Peter-in-Chains RC Infant School

Dear Colleagues,

Please see the proposed Admission Arrangements (2019/2020) for St Peter-in-Chains RC Infant School (external link)

The consultation period will run from 20 December 2017 until 31 January 2018. Parents/carers are particularly welcome to comment on the proposed change to the admission arrangements for 2019/20.

Please send your comments to The Chair of Governors by 31 January 2018, by email to: or write to The Chair of Governors, St. Peter-in-Chains RC Infant School, Elm Grove London N8 9AJ.

The Governing Body will take account of responses to this consultation before determining its arrangements.

primary sif 2019-2020

Admissions Policy 2019-2020 draft

Admissions 2019-20 consultation letter general_



School Admissions Schools

Reception/Junior Admissions 2018

Primary Schools only

The application deadline is 15 January 2018 and the offer day will be Monday 16 April 2018.

Please can you remind parents/carers with children in your nursery (where applicable) to apply on time and also to alert families with children already on roll who have younger siblings. We have a small number of families every year who forget to make a reception application for their second or subsequent child or a Junior transfer application for their infant school child. With your help and support in publicizing these deadlines and the imperative of making an on-time application we can minimize the number of families who don’t secure a school place at one of their preferred schools.

We will let you know how many reception preferences you have received (including from those applicants resident outside Haringey) on 8 February 2018. If you would like to know how many applicants have applied online (not on paper) you can find this out now by logging on to the
online admissions system (external link)
On 8 February 2018, we will also send you a list to verify sibling applications (community and voluntary controlled schools only) or send you a full list of applicants to rank in the order of your admissions criteria (academies and voluntary aided schools only). It is very important that you return these lists by no later than 23 February 2018 to ensure that we are able to meet our PAN London deadlines.

We will send you a final offer list before 16 April 2018. After offer day we will continue to send you updated lists as places are declined and new offers are made.

For any queries on any of the above, please contact Lynne Tighe,

Consultation School Admissions Schools

Consultation on proposed admission arrangements – Yesodey Hatorah Girls Secondary School

Dear Colleagues,


Please see the proposed Admission Arrangements (2019/2020) for Yesodey Hatorah Girls Secondary School (external link) 


The consultation period will run from 20 December 2017 until 31 January 2018. If you have any comments to make on the above proposal either email the school at


or write to the address below:  


Chair of Governors

Yesodey Hatorah Senior Girls School

Egerton Road


N16 6UA


Consultation School Admissions Schools

Proposed admission arrangements for admission to school in the academic year 2019/20 – children of staff

Dear Headteacher and Chair of Governors

Between 27 October and 8 December 2017 Haringey is consulting on the proposed admission arrangements for community and voluntary controlled (VC) primary and secondary schools for the academic year 2019/20. 

Haringey is consulting on a proposal to introduce an additional oversubscription criterion for children of staff to follow after the sibling criterion. This means that children of staff who meet the following requirements will have priority over any children who apply for a place under the distance criterion:

"Children whose parent is a member of staff who has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time of application or has been recruited to fill a vacancy for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage."

This change seeks to assist schools in recruiting and retaining staff by prioritising the admission of child(ren) of staff to the school. Some local academies and a voluntary aided school as well as schools in neighbouring boroughs currently give priority to children of staff and extending this to Haringey community and VC schools may help schools to compete for the best staff in the current competitive recruitment climate. It will also provide schools with the ability to retain and recruit staff to areas where there is a demonstrable skills shortage such as maths and science.

You can find out more about the consultation on all of our proposed admission arrangements by visiting our consultation page (external link).

In February 2018 the Council’s Cabinet will make a final decision on the 2019/20 admission arrangements including whether the additional oversubscription criterion for children of staff should be introduced.

Please do help us to ensure that as many parents and carers as possible are made aware of the consultation by signposting it in your school newsletter. If any of your parent/carers would like to comment on the proposed arrangements, they can do so by completing the online questionnaire on our consultation webpage.

Academies, Free Schools and Voluntary Aided Schools

Admission arrangements for academies, free schools and voluntary aided schools are determined by those schools and are not affected by Haringey’s proposed arrangements.

If your governors of your school would like to follow the admission arrangements proposed by the local authority for community and voluntary controlled schools (VC) then please do let me know as soon as possible so I can include your decision in our determination.

In cases where the admission authority delegates its power to determine, the responsibility to comply with the Code remains with the admission authority. You must still therefore ensure that you minute this decision at your governing body meeting and publish your admission arrangements on your website.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions on this consultation or you would like any further information.

Yours faithfully

Carlo Kodsi, Team Leader School Admissions, (E: T: 020 8489 1823)