Consultation School Admissions Schools

Admission arrangements for entry in September 2019

FAO all Headteachers and Governors – admission arrangements for entry in September 2019


Dear Headteacher and Chair of Governors,
RE: Admission arrangements for entry in September 2019


This information is for Academies, free schools, voluntary-aided and foundation schools only. (It is copied to community and voluntary controlled schools for information only, as the LA, as your admitting authority, undertakes this task for you.)


Consultation on admission arrangements for entry in September 2019


I am writing to all governing bodies of own admitting authority schools (academies, free schools, voluntary-aided and foundation schools) to ask if your governing body is intending to consult on your admission arrangements for entry in September 2019. 


You are only required to consult for entry in September 2019 if you propose to change the arrangements your governing body determined for entry in September 2018. The School Admissions Code (2014) stipulates that consultation must also take place if a 7-year period has elapsed without consultation on arrangements.


If you are going to consult, your proposed arrangements must be in the public domain for a minimum of 6 weeks between 1 October 2017 and 31 January 2018.  If your governing body is going to consult, please let me know if you would like me to circulate your proposed admission arrangements when we go out to consultation for Haringey community and voluntary controlled (VC) schools this year.  


We consult on our admission arrangements annually irrespective of whether or not there is a proposed change to the arrangements. This is to ensure transparency and openness on the contents of our arrangements and to allow parents, carers and other stakeholders who might not previously been interested in admission arrangements (perhaps because they didn’t have a child of school age) to make a representation which can then be considered as part of the determination of the arrangements.


If you are intending to consult, then please reference the consultation on your website and ensure you include information on how to respond to the consultation so we can signpost to this when we consult all relevant stakeholders. Please contact me direct for further information.


Determining your admission arrangements for entry in September 2019 (even if you have not consulted this year)


Your governing body must meet again to determine your arrangements by 28 February 2018.


If you have not consulted because the arrangements have not changed you must still minute that the governing body have determined the admission arrangements for entry in September 2019 and in all cases, I must receive a copy of your arrangements to be posted on our website on 15 March 2018.


Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions about the consultation process.


Carlo Kodsi,

0208 489 1823


School Admissions Schools

October census – in-year pupil offer data

For the attention of all primary and secondary schools

Dear Colleagues,  

In a previous post I highlighted our commitment to helping you maximise your funding by ensuring that you are sent offer data as soon as possible before census day next week. Taj Buljhoo (Secondary) and Lynne Tighe (Primary) have been uploading details of children offered a place at your school via the Document Exchange (LGFL). We have noticed that a number of schools have not yet downloaded this information so I would be grateful if you can please access this information as soon as possible.

The LGFL Document Exchange is a secure method of exchanging data which all schools have access to and have been using for over a year now. If your school is encountering any problems with accessing the LGFL site then please liaise with Imogen Rush (IT Admissions Officer) on or 0208 489 8352.

We will continue to send you offer data via the Document Exchange througout this week and leading up to census day next week and beyond. Please continue to check this site regularly for any updates.

Many thanks,

Carlo Kodsi, Team Leader School Admissions

School Admissions Schools

School information (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2017 – atypical admissions

For the attention of all Secondary Schools

You will be aware that an amendment was made to The School Information (England) Regulations 2008 to require local authorities to write to all parents of pupils who have the option of attending schools with atypical age range in the following year. In most cases, this would mean writing to prospective year 10 pupils (i.e. those pupils currently in year 9) about schools within reasonable travelling distance which admit at age 14 (UTCs and Studio Schools).

The amendment to the Regulations came into effect on 14 February 2017 and local authorities were required to write to parents by no later than 14 March 2017 for the application year 2017/18. For all subsequent years, local authorities are required to write to parents by no later than the 12 September in the application year.

You will recall that we asked you to kindly distribute a letter electronically to your year 9 parents on the local authority’s behalf. The DfE has now specified that local authorities ‘who distribute letters via schools or any other indirect route, would be failing to comply with the regulations.’ Therefore, in order to comply fully with the regulations and the requirement of writing to parents by 12 September in the application year, we have sent all year 9 parents a letter utilising either their postal address data (provided through the annual school census) or email addresses from our system. Please see the enclosed letter (external link) which sets out the information we have been required to send to parents.

We are also required under the Regulations to publish information on UTCs and Studio Schools in our composite prospectus (admissions booklet). This information can be viewed on page 54 in our online Secondary prospectus (external link).  

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries on this matter.

Carlo Kodsi, School Admissions Team Leader



School Admissions Schools

School admissions – Guide to Education Services and School Timetable

Doucments you may find useful –


School Admissions Schools

October Census 2017

Census day will be on 5 October 2017 this year.

Please see the DFE guide to submitting census data (external link)  

The October census will soon be upon us again and we will of course want to ensure that you have the maximum number of pupils on roll to maximise your funding. Please help us to do this by continuing to provide your weekly vacancy information.

Please email your roll returns to (Primary) or (Secondary). A small number of schools have not provided this regularly and we will contact these schools separately to ask for this.

Carlo Kodsi, Team Leader School Admissions

Consultation School Admissions Schools

Term Dates for the academic years 2018/19, 2019/20 and 2020/21

The consultation on the term dates for the academic years 2018/19, 2019/20 and 2020/21 (external link)  closed on Tuesday 23 May 2017. Thank you to all those who responded.

In proposing these dates, we liaised with neighboring local authorities about proposals for school term dates in their areas. In doing this we seek to ensure school holidays coincide across borough boundaries to avoid the potential disruption and attendance issues that may arise for families if local schools use differing school calendars.

The results of the consultation were submitted to the Schools Employee Consultative Group (SCG) (external link) on Monday 10 July 2017 and the final dates have been agreed with regard to all the representation made through the consultation. The term dates will be published on our term dates page (external link) by the end of this week.

I would be grateful if you can please share this information with anyone interested.

Carlo Kodsi, Team Leader School Admissions


School Admissions Schools

School admissions – applying for a school place for September 2018


The  online application process for children starting school in September 2018 will open on 1 September 2017.  The number of parents choosing to apply online is rising every year as is the number of Haringey residents who have access to the internet.  


Please help us by offering IT facilities at your school and promoting online applications. A member of the admissions team will be happy to attend your Reception or Secondary Transfer meetings to talk to parents about the application process. Please contact Lynne Tighe or Marion Smylie at the earliest opportunity – we are available to attend both morning and evening meetings.


As mentioned in a previous bulletin, we will NOT be delivering printed booklets to schools this year. Parents will be directed to view our digital viewbook online and also prompted to do so whilst applying for a school application via the e-admissions website (external link).


The Secondary admissions viewbook will include information on the open events shown below however please share this information with parents now so they are able to start making the necessary arrangements to visit schools on the selected dates.  



Open Evenings

Alexandra Park

28 September 2017


26 September 2017


11 October 2017

Greig City Academy

3 October 2017

Harris Academy Tottenham

4 October 2017


4 October 2017

Highgate Wood

12 October 2017


05 October 2017

Northumberland park

2 October 2017

Park View

19 October 2017

St Thomas More

10 October 2017

Woodside High

27 September 2017  


Carlo Kodsi

School Admissions Team Leader

T. 020 8489 1823


School Admissions Schools

School admissions booklet for September 2018 – digital viewbook

Dear Colleagues,


The vast majority of our residents last year completed an online application using the e-admissions online portal (external link) . Thank you to all schools who encouraged and helped parents to apply online. As you will know, traditionally the booklet has been in a printed format sent to all Haringey schools to distribute to parents of the relevant pupils (starting reception or transferring to secondary school).


Since the use of internet amongst our residents has grown significantly over the past few years and is the preferred method for making a school application we will NOT be delivering printed booklets to schools this year. Parents will be directed to view the digital booklet online and also prompted to do so whilst applying for a school application via the e-admissions website. Please encourage your families to visit our website (external link) from 1 September 2017 where they will be able to view  a copy of the online booklet which will be referred to as the admissions digital viewbook. The viewbook will include all the same information as before but in a digitally enhanced format with embedded links.


A printed copy will only be available on request and to those parents who do not have access to the internet.


Own admitting authority schools – oversubscription criteria for free Schools, Academies, Foundation and Voluntary Aided


There will be a link underneath your school entry directing parents to your website to view your oversubscription criteria (essentially how decisions on the offer of places will be reached for your school). It is critical that you ensure your admission arrangements for entry in 2018 are posted and accessible on your website as near to September 2017 as possible. This means that you will have to remove the 2016/17 admission arrangements from your website and insert the new arrangements for 2018/19. This is a legal requirement as set out at paragraph 1.47 of the School Admissions Code (2014).


I am currently in the process of checking all own admission authority school websites to ensure full compliance with the requirements of the Code (2014) and may be in contact with you separately to advise further.


If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Carlo Kodsi

School Admissions Team Leader

T. 020 8489 1823


School Admissions Schools

Early Transfer Form (ETF) – important reminder

FAO all Haringey primary schools

 Thank you to all schools who have already submitted their Early Transfer Form (ETF) and uploaded it via the S2S website.


There are still a number of schools who have not submitted their form. If you are not aware of the process for transferring Year 6 pupil information to their Year 7 destination school then I ask that you kindly read the attached letter dated 24 March which was sent to all schools in the internal post. A reminder email was also sent to all schools on 11 May 2017.



The deadline has now passed and so it is essential that we receive this information by no later than Tuesday 6 June 2017. If we do not meet this new deadline then this will create difficulties for secondary schools in making preparations to welcome your year 6 pupils.


If you are experiencing any difficulties in completing the spreadsheet then I would be grateful if you could please contact my colleague Chi Tsang (telephone 020 8489 2553) who will be able to assist you further.


We will be contacting you individually if we have not received this information by the new deadline.


Many thanks,


Carlo Kodsi, Team Leader School Admissions

Safeguarding School Admissions Schools

Children Missing Education (CME) protocol and new roll return

FAO all Primary and Secondary Schools

The CME statutory guidance (external link) published in September 2016 sets out key principles to enable local authorities in England to implement their legal duty under section 436Aof the Education Act 1996 to make arrangements to identify, as far as it is possible to do so, children missing education (CME).

Like many of our neighbouring authorities, Haringey has devised a new protocol to ensure that we are fulfilling our statutory duty and safeguarding responsibility to all children known to us. I would be grateful if you could please take 5 minutes to read the attached protocol (external link) .

I would like to thank all schools who participated in the roll return pilot we rolled out a few weeks ago. This is now being rolled out to all Haringey maintained and independent schools following the half term break in the week commencing 5 June 2017. All schools who did not participate in the pilot will be sent the new roll return via email by the end of this week.

As well as the critical safeguarding imperative of ensuring that children are appropriately tracked and monitored and referrals sent to the appropriate service, the purpose of the new roll return is to ensure that we keep up to date figures on the availability of school places in the local area. This enables us to advise parents of pupils moving into the area or wishing to transfer schools of the number of vacancies in the relevant year group.

Please do not hesistate to contact me if you have any queries

Kind regards

Carlo Kodsi, Team Leader School Admissions