Thank you for providing information about vacancies consistently every week in the ‘weekly roll return’. This information is essential to ensure that pupils without a school place are offered their highest possible preference school at the earliest possible time.
You will have received details of all the children that were offered a place at your school during the summer break. Please arrange admission for these children as soon as possible.
In-year applications over the summer
We continued to receive a high number of in-year applications over the summer period from families who have relocated from abroad and other parts of the UK. It is critical that we receive your most up to date vacancy information as soon as possible.
Please email (Primary) or (Secondary) if you have not yet provided us with this information.
Waiting lists – community schools and own admitting authority schools
Please be aware that all school waiting lists have been cleared as part of the annual cleansing exercise. Parent/carers have been sent a letter asking them to complete a new in-year application if they wish to be placed back on the waiting list(s) for their preferred school(s). Offers and waiting list positions were suspended until 5 September 2016 to enable applicants who were removed from the list to express a continuing interest.
Category: School Admissions
October Census 2016
Census day will be on Thursday 6 October, 2016.
Please see the DFE guide to submitting census data (external link)
The October census will soon be upon us again and we will of course want to ensure that you have the maximum number of pupils on roll to maximise your funding. Please help us to do this by continuing to provide your weekly vacancy information.
Please email (Primary) or (Secondary) with this information. A small number of schools have not provided this regularly and we will contact these schools separately to ask for this.