Healthy Schools

Child flu vaccine – Haringey catch-up clinics 

Flu can be very dangerous and this winter more people are likely to get flu because fewer of us have built up natural immunity to it during the COVID-19 pandemic. If you get flu and COVID-19 at the same time, research shows you’re more likely to become seriously ill.

Getting vaccinated against flu and COVID-19 will provide protection for you and those around you against both these serious illnesses.

Although many children will not become seriously ill with flu, children play a large role in spreading flu infection in the community. All children aged 2 to 15 (but not 16 years or older) on 31 August 2021 can now get a free flu vaccine, which is being offered to them at school.

If for any reason your child missed out on their flu vaccine at school, Vaccination UK is running catch-up clinics for flu and other routine vaccines including HPV, DTP and ACWY. 

FLU: Reception to Year 11            HPV: Year 8                     DTP & ACWY: Year 9

These clinics will be running on an APPOINTMENT ONLY basis.

If parents/carers would like their child to attend, they need to call Vaccination UK on 020 8017 7925 or email: to make an appointment.


Monday 20 December 10:00-14:00 Selby Centre, Selby Road, Tottenham, London N17 8JL
Wednesday 22 December 10:00-14:00 Freehold Community Centre, Sydney Road, Muswell Hill, N10 2NT