Health and Safety Schools

Haringey Traded Services website – important documents for schools

The Health and Safety Team would like to remind schools that all Health and Safety documentation, procedures, forms, and model policies,  have been uploaded to the Traded Services (Novus) Website.

Schools can now access and download all necessary documentation from the Haringey health and safety management system for inclusion into the school’s management system. The procedures and forms will support schools in ensuring compliance with Health and Safety Law and provide essential information to staff and senior managers on how to fulfil their responsibilities for a safe workplace.

Working with competent advisors, we have  now developed procedures following HSE regulations, Approved Codes of Practice, and best practice to ensure full compliance with current H&S law. Procedures and supporting documentation have been through rigorous consultation  and approved by unions and the Corporate Health, Safety and Wellbeing Board.

You can find the documents by logging on to the Traded Services (Novus) site and scrolling to the bottom of the home page. Click on the link “Schools Information”. This will take you to the Schools Information Health and Safety Page.