A message from Alexis Correa, Deputy Head of Service – Health and Safety
Since I joined Haringey in January this year, one of my main concerns has been the access of information.
Maintained and voluntary controlled schools are required to comply with the council’s health and safety management system – but that system is only accessible through the intranet. During health and safetly audits you have informed us that schools don’t have access to this. To solve this issue in the interim, I sent all the documents to school head teachers in February. I recognise that this was not the best way to do it, but it was the only accessible one I had at the time.
I am pleased to say that you can now access the current Health and Safety Policy and the available procedures, forms and guides through the ‘Publications’ tab on the HaringeyTraded Services Website (external link).
My team is revising the health and safety management system as some of these documents are in need of review. During October 2018, several new and revised procedures will be brought to the Corporate Health, Safety and Wellbeing Board for approval, which will be published in the same manner when approved.
If you have any queries regarding these documents, or any other related to health and safety, please send an email to health.safetyadvice@haringey.gov.uk, or call us 020 8489 4520.