Healthy Schools

Holiday Activity Food Programme (HAF)

The Holiday Activity Food Programme (HAF) Programme is a holiday and food programme that has been running in our borough for several terms, including last summer and Easter 2022. It was designed to support disadvantaged families during the school holidays by providing healthy meals and enriching activities to young people. The proposed summer HAF programme is being finalised and offers approximately 2,064 places a day across the holiday camps in our schools.

This is a total of 33,024 places across the four weeks (16 days). To increase our reach among eligible children/young people we will continue to align the HAF programme with our community holiday programme which offers an extensive holiday provision for all, mostly free of charge. Last summer’s programme was a resounding success and offered innovative and varied sports and other activities and really good food to thousands of our children and young people; thank you to all those schools who supported the provision. Further details to follow shortly.