As part of Internal Audit’s ongoing commitment to help schools with the audit process, an informal pre-audit workshop session has been arranged on Wednesday 15 March 2017 at 4.00pm which is open to Head Teachers, school administration and finance staff. All schools that are due to be audited in 2017/18 have already been sent invitations to the workshop, but if you are new to your role as Head Teacher, or School Business Manager, the workshop may be helpful in providing guidance on key financial risk and control issues.
The workshop will be facilitated by Anne Woods, the council’s Head of Audit and Risk Management, and the Senior Audit Manager from Mazars, who provide the internal audit service to the council. We will discuss the common issues and findings from previous school audits in the key areas (financial and non-financial) and highlight where schools can take steps to improve controls and the outcome of the audit visit.
Please contact Anne Woods to book your place at the workshop. Telephone 020 8489 5973 or email: