Please find attached the provisional EY, KS1 and KS2 results compared to the national results. Light green is above national, dark green is well above the national results.
Haringey provisional EY, KS1 and KS2 results
Haringey is above the national in all areas from Early Years to KS2. Where figures are highlighted in dark green, they are more than 4% above the national results.
All subjects at KS2 have shown an improvement from last year except Writing EXS and Progress, which has slightly dipped though remains strong .
It is encouraging that there has been an increase in KS2 reading and maths progress rates despite a significant increase in those pupils’ starting points from KS1 (there was an increase in KS1 attainment double the national rate of improvement between 2012 and 2013)
At KS1, the levels reaching EXS are very similar to last year but are a slight improvement in GDS.