
DfE releases provisional data on GCSE outcomes

The Department for Education (DfE) released provisional data on GCSE (or equivalent) outcomes for 2016 and 17. The provisional data outlines how well secondary schools did against the KS4 headline measures, which are: attainment and progress 8; Ebacc entry and attainment; and the number of students achieving grade 5 or more in English and maths.

The key findings are:

  • The average attainment 8 score for each pupil has fallen by 3.8 points in state schools. The (provisional) average attainment 8 score for each pupil is now 46.0. Haringey’s provisional score is 46.0.
  • Overall Ebacc entry is down by 1.5% compared to 2016. This year, 38.1% entered for the Ebacc and 21.1% achieved the qualification. The Ebacc is made up of five subjects including a language. Interestingly, the number of pupils entering for four Ebacc subjects rose by 6.2%. The majority (80.4%) of those that took four Ebacc subjects were missing the language element. For Haringey 21.8% achieved this qualification.
  • The percentage of students achieving a level 5 or above in maths and English was 42.2% in state funded schools, this compares with 43% for Haringey. As this is a new measure, there is no comparative data.

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