The Department for Education (DfE) has updated its schools causing concern guidance (external link) making some changes to the “process for schools that meet the coasting definition”.
The guidance states that “when a school meets the coasting definition, RSCs will engage with the school, and, where appropriate, the school’s trust, local authorities and dioceses, to consider the measures already in place to improve the school’s academic standards, and decide whether additional support is needed, prior to any letters being sent to the school”. The RSC will also look at the “wider context” of the school, performance data and other relevant information (such as improvement plans and the ability of the school to implement these plans effectively). RSCs can then take a range of actions, ranging from no further action to formal action. The guidance emphasises that formal action for coasting schools will occur only in exceptional cases and, most commonly, “the RSC will look to work collaboratively with school leaders to bring about improvement” using a range of support mechanisms.