The Department for Education (DfE) has published (external link) the allocations that schools will receive from the teachers’ pay grant, the additional funding being provided to cover the difference between the cost of the pay award and the 1% award that schools would have expected under the previous public sector pay cap. The DfE announced (external link) in July that it would not be fully implementing the recommendation of the School Teachers’ Review Body, that all teachers and school leaders receive a 3.5% pay rise. Instead, those on the main pay scale will receive 3.5%, those on the upper pay scale will receive 2% and school leaders will receive 1.5%. NGA argued that this should have been a cost of living rise across the board and was disappointed that this was not fully funded for all teaching staff. Find out how much your school(s) will receive through the pay grant, here (external link). The DfE has published further guidance on school teachers’ pay and conditions which is available here (external link).