Department for Education (DfE) guidance (external link) on mental health and behaviour in schools has been updated with information on how to identify behaviours that may be related to a mental health problem. Also covered are the questions of working with other professionals and external agencies, along with where to find extra support.
Most schools will have pupils who need mental health support. This advice aims to help schools support pupils whose mental health problems have behavioural consequences. It therefore relates to roles and responsibilities surrounding behaviour in particular. The guidance also addresses curriculum design, within the wider issue of creating a ‘whole school approach’ that promotes positive mental wellbeing.
This non-statutory guidance applies to all schools and is aimed at governing boards, as well as school staff working to support children, including teachers, SEND coordinators and designated safeguarding leads. Governing boards in colleges and other post-16 institutions may also find the intervention and support element of this guidance useful.
You should read this advice alongside the non-statutory behaviour and discipline in schools guidance (external link), which also reflects recent developments in other related policy areas, including alternative provision, exclusions and safeguarding.