School Admissions Schools

Determination and publication of admission arrangements for 2021/22 – please note dates

FAO Headteachers of own admission authority schools (please share with relevant Governors/Trustees)  
(The LA as the admission authority for community schools undertakes this task)
Determination and publication of admission arrangements for 2021/22 – please note dates
The School Admissions Code (2014) stipulates that your governing body are statutorily required to meet and determine your admission arrangements by no later than 28 February 2020. There is no flexibility on this date under the provisions of the Code. If you have not consulted because the arrangements have not changed you must still minute that the governing body have determined the admission arrangements and in all cases you must publish a copy of your arrangements on the school website by 15 March 2020 (displaying them for the whole offer year). It is also good practice to publish arrangements for all admission authority schools across Haringey on the LA website.  
Please send my colleague Taj Buljhoo a copy of your determined admission arrangements as soon possible by return email and no later than 6 March 2020 . Schools who have not published their admission arrangements on their website and provided a copy to the LA will be contacted as a reminder.  
Compliance checks
If you would like to discuss determining your arrangements in any detail or the results of your consultation if your Governing Body decided to propose a change this year then please do contact me on my number 0208 489 1823 or by email at
I am also happy to assist in ensuring that your published admission arrangements are compliant with all the relevant legislation and can provide feedback/comment for further consideration by Governors at your next GB meeting, including information on setting your PAN and the impact of any planned reductions (Primary)/expansions (Secondary) . 
As you may be aware we hold a great deal of data that you may be interested in within the LA; please do take the time to read the School Place Planning Report. Our School Place Planning lead, Nick Shasha has started to analyse the data that will inform the report for June 2020.  
NB. The compliance exercise undertaken by the LA for individual schools is available on request and may in future be charged at a small cost as part of our existing traded service model. There are of course benefits and cost-savings in the longer term as robust and compliant arrangements will help to reduce challenge and the number of appeals upheld on the basis of unclear or unlawful arrangements.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Best wishes
Carlo Kodsi
Head of Admissions, Education and School Organisation 
Haringey Council
7th Floor, River Park House, 225 High Road, London, N22 8HQ 
T. 020 8489 1823
FAO Headteachers of own admission authority schools

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