Events Schools

Autumn schools programme at Bruce Castle Museum

Bruce Castle Museum is offering a new autumn programme for schools. To ensure the safety of both staff and visitors, the museum is offering a combination of self-led trails, exploring the early history of Bruce Castle and the surrounding parkland, selected taught sessions or you can also choose to Bring the Castle into your Classroom with a popular range of exhibition loans.

BCM Education Programme 2021

BCM Exhibitions for Loan 2021

For details of all current programmes visit Schools and Groups | Haringey Council

To find out more or book a session email the education team at or call 0208 489 4250

New website

Bruce Castle Museum is in the process of launching a new website and has lots of exciting plans for child friendly educational content such as 3D object investigations, quizzes, and animation. If your class would be interested in helping to develop and test some of the new website content as part of your history, science or IT topic please get in touch at to find out more.