Healthy Schools Schools

Spare adrenaline auto injector pens in Haringey schools

Spare Adrenaline auto injector pens in Haringey schools

In line with the guidance on the use of adrenaline pens in schools, we have supplied Haringey Council maintained schools with “spare” adrenaline pens for the treatment of children who may have an allergic attack at school.

These spare pens are only to be used:

  • for pupils who hold both medical authorisation and parental consent for administration
  • if the pupil’s own prescribed pen is not immediately available (e.g. because it is broken, out-of- date, misfired or wrongly administered).

Children at risk of anaphylaxis should continue to get their prescribed AAIs supply from their GP for use in an emergency, as normal. GPs should not be asked to prescribe spare/back-up AAIs to be held by the schools. The schools have been provided with specialist anaphylaxis training on how to administer all the three brands of Adrenaline auto injector pens available in the UK.

If you would like you child to have access to a spare adrenalin pen in an emergency, should there be a problem with the pens that they carry around with them, then do provide written consent to the staff member who is responsible for their care at school.

North Central London CCG