
Have your say on the Rising Green Youth Hub logo

Haringey is launching a new, inclusive youth hub in Wood Green this summer and we want to hear your views on what the logo should look like.

Through a series of co-design and co-production workshops over several weeks, a group of local young people called the ‘Wood Green Young Voices’, as well as a range of local community groups, shared their creative ideas and thoughts to produce the name of the new youth hub and three options for the logo.

The name Rising Green was created by local young people and is inspired by the idea of growing up and being raised in Wood Green – ‘Made in Wood Green.’

Now though, we want you to have your say by telling us which logo you like the most by Wednesday 9 March 2022.

For more details and to vote on the three logo options for the Rising Green Youth Hub, visit the Bruce Grove Youth Space website.