Health and Safety Schools

Health and Safety Update

Health and safety support and advice is as important as ever for your school during this very different academic year.

The Corporate Health and Safety Team at Haringey Council offers a Service Level Agreement (SLA) comprising the competent advice your school must have, plus other services, including the annual health and safety audit, for which you will receive an action plan and further advice and support to help you with implementation; access to our training courses, radiation protection advice and inspections if required, among other things.

Please bear in mind that the service level agreement runs from September 2020 to August 2021.

To sign up, please go to the New Traded Services Website, select Behaviour and Safety and then select 2020/2021 Health and Safety for Schools SLA.

Haringey Traded Service for Schools can now be accessed through the School Data Collection Portal. For access to the portal, please contact:

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact Alexis Correa,, 02084892928.