Free schools and UTCs: successful applications Details of successful applications for free schools and university technical colleges (UTCs) in the pre-opening stage. Change made: The list of free schools and UTCs in the pre-opening stage has been updated for January 2023. Choosing a phonics teaching programme Sets out what the government is doing to help schools choose a phonics teaching programme. Special educational needs person level survey: technical specification Technical specification and validation rules for local authorities completing returns for the 2023 special educational needs person level survey (SEN2). Office for Students framework document Responsibilities, governance and accountability between the Office for Students and the Department for Education. Handling strike action in schools Guidance on what to do when school staff go on strike. Change made: The guidance has been updated to ask schools to prioritise vulnerable children and young people, children of critical workers, and pupils due to take public examinations and other formal assessments where they have no option but to restrict attendance. Other updates include changes to regulation on engaging with agency staff, providing remote education where practical and reasonable to do so, and best practice on managing staff shortages. Higher education staff statistics UK: 2021 to 2022 Page summary: Details of staff employed at higher education (HE) providers in the UK for the academic year 2021 to 2022. Higher education statistics Statistics about higher education including student enrolments and qualifications, and staff level data. School census 2022 to 2023: technical information Technical specification and validation rules for submitting 2022 to 2023 school census data. Buying for schools Resources for buying goods and services, and finding DfE-recommended suppliers. School resource management self-assessment checklist This self-assessment checklist helps academy trusts check they are managing resources effectively and identify any adjustments they need to make. Statistics at DfE The Department for Education publishes official statistics on education and children. Share Your Skills: stakeholder toolkit Toolkit providing information on how you can support the campaign. We’ve published the latest version of the stakeholder toolkit. Retention strategies for 16- to 19-year-old full-time learners Findings from research into how to reduce early withdrawals by 16- to 19-year-olds from full-time courses. Children looked after return 2022 to 2023: technical specifications Data submission specifications for the children looked after (CLA) return for 2022 to 2023. Multiply local allocations: quarterly progress report Quarterly reporting guidance and form for local areas using Multiply funding to improve adult numeracy skills. Higher education student statistics UK: 2021 to 2022 Details of student enrolments and qualifications obtained by higher education (HE) students at HE providers in the UK for the academic year 2021 to 2022. Post-16 maths participation for pupils ending KS4 in 2018 to 2019 This report provides an estimate of post-16 maths participation for state-funded pupils at the end of key stage 4 (KS4) in 2018 to 2019. Department for Education: prompt payment data How long the Department for Education (DfE) and its executive agencies and other arms-length bodies take to pay invoices. Common basic data set (CBDS) and assessment component files Assessment component files: 2023 Assessment framework specification files for software suppliers developing management information systems (MIS). Automated external defibrillators (AEDs) in schools How schools can buy, install and maintain an automated external defibrillator. Letters to academy trusts about poor performance Page summary: DfE letters to academy trusts about poor or inadequate performance or weaknesses in safeguarding, governance or financial management. The power of music to change lives: a national plan for music education Sets out our vision for music education and how this can be achieved through partnerships with schools, music hubs, the music and creative sector, and others. Music education: information for parents and young people A guide to the national plan for music education and how to get help for parents, carers and young people. School admission appeals code Statutory guidance on how schools should organise and run their pupil admission appeals. Admission appeals for school places Guidance to help admission authorities advise those involved with school admission appeals to understand their roles and responsibilities. Get the Jump campaign: key messages and tone of voice Guidance on tone of voice and key messages for the Get the Jump campaign, launched to help young people aged 14 to 19 to understand their education and training choices. Get the Jump: templates for social media, newsletters and websites Range of social media posts, newsletter and website copy for you to use or adapt to support the Get the Jump campaign. Get the Jump: creative assets Skills for Life: Unlock your potential cam Unlock your potential campaign: key messages Unlock your potential campaign: brand guidelines and logos Join the Skills Revolution campaign: overview and guidelines Find out more about the Join the Skills Revolution campaign, plus review guidelines to help you understand the campaign identity and how to use it. Join the Skills Revolution campaign: social media content Join the Skills Revolution campaign: editorial content to share Defibrillator deliveries begin for all schools that need one | ||