On 12 September, Ofqual released information on how the Progress 8 performance (external link) measure will be calculated and how the 2016 results will be taken forward to 2017 and beyond. The document reminds governors and trustees that the headline measures for KS4 in DfE performance tables and RAISEonline will be:
- Progress across 8 qualifications
- Attainment across the same 8 qualifications
- Percentage of pupils achieving the threshold in English and mathematics (currently a C grade, grade 5 when new GCSEs in English and mathematics are first reported in performance tables in 2017)
- Percentage of pupils achieving the English Baccalaureate
The 8 qualifications that will count in the measure are mathematics; an English qualification; the three highest scoring EBacc qualifications in science subjects, computer science, history, geography, and languages; and the three highest scores across other subjects, including non-GCSE subjects.
The document gives worked examples of how progress 8 and attainment 8 will be calculated, including information on how the old GCSE scores will correlate with the new number system.