As you may be aware, RAISEonline is no longer available through Ofsted. It has been replaced by Analyse School Performance (ASP) which is available through the DFE’s Secure Access website (external link) and is currently at Beta stage testing.
To view the ASP for your school, the administrator for Secure Access would need to add the permissions for each user. Once logged into Secure Accesss, select Administration and then click on the details of the user at the bottom of the table. Once the permissions of the user appears, click on Edit, then select Choose from the group list, scroll down to the bottom of the list and there is the option of choosing RAISE Anon or RAISE Named (able to view pupil data), tick one of these options. Click Save and then Save again. Click back to Home page and the option for ASP should now appear on your home screen.
The DFE would like feedback on the new ASP (external link)