“The science of memory is key to helping students learn” Catharine Young, Neuroscientist and Senior Advisor for Science and Innovation at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office The Guardian, December 2015
“Memory is the first stage of learning. Good luck with the championship this year”.
Professor Sue Gathercole OBE, Cognitive Psychologist specialising in Memory, Learning and Language. Director of MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, University of Cambridge
Register here (external link) for the 11th UK Junior Memory Championship 2018/19.
This year the Learning Skills Foundation celebrated the 10th Anniversary of the Junior Memory Championship and launched the Asian Junior Memory Championship in Singapore.
The purpose of the Junior Memory Championship is to equip children with valuable and effective memory skills, helping them achieve their very best results in SATs and other end-of-year tests. Each year between 20,000 and 25,000 children participate in the Junior Memory Championship, helping them to become more confident and successful learners. The real value in the JMC is in the training materials. There is also an online competition.
“All the children made at least four average point score (APS) progress, while 80% made more than four APS progress and that is across reading, writing and maths”
Ashley Winters, Head teacher Brownmead Academy
The JMC Training Plan has been specifically designed to fit into the normal school timetable. The JMC has already proved itself as an effective project that is easy to run, with a rapid impact, but we have made several additional innovations this year, including:
- ten teacher training videos explaining each of the memory training sessions;
- new resources for children, with video clips to help them do lots of the training independently;
- a slimmed-down set of online competition tests, helping the children to show off the results of their training and compete for a place in the national final;
- prizes for the best-performing schools, and public recognition in our new online 'Hall of Fame';
- Prizes for the teachers who have the most impact on their children's learning skills.
The registration fee (£50 + VAT) gives you access to all the training materials, videos, lesson plans and other resources, plus full guidance to take part in the online competition. Then, for a nominal contribution of £2 per participating child, you can enter as many of your Year 6 pupils as you want into the online contest itself, letting them pit their wits against children from all over the UK. As well as certificates for everyone taking part, a wonderful day in London awaits for the top performers, with the chance to win some great prizes at the Final – and, of course, that title of Junior Memory Champion 2019.
Three reasons to sign up to JMC:
- Children enjoy the course
- The skills taught help the children with their SATS and other exams
- Once learnt, the memory enhancement methods are a 'for life' skill.
Please contact Caroline Shott for further information
Email: registration@juniormemorychampionship.com
Call +44 20 7736 1772