Celebration event on 5 December
Transport for London has delivered five celebration events for London schools this year. The final event of the year takes place on Tuesday 5 December – the prestigious Top Schools Event at City Hall. We are excited to have two schools from Haringey nominated for awards – Gladesmore School’s Jodee Dimes for Excellence in Road Safety and Woodside Nursery and Children’s Centre for Excellence in Cycling. We are hoping they win the TfL awards in these categories.
Christmas Card Competition – closing date Friday 8 December
Transport for London have launched a competition to create a Christmas card – see attached. TfL Christmas Card Competition 2017
STARS Travel Plans
Please start uploading your activities now, or contact Wendy Thorogood as soon as possible to set up and learn more about the free resources on offer to make sure Haringey’s schools have safety and active travel embedded in their education plans.
We can inspire pupils to make changes to improve their health and lifestyles through delivering these interesting activities. Wendy Thorogood can come along to staff meetings to help explain how our messages and work fits directly into your everyday curriculum and planning.
Hands Up Survey
The most important part of the travel plan every year is to record the Hands up Survey for all pupils and staff. So please make this a priority before the end of term. See the Stars website (external link).
Celebration events in February
Celebration Events for all schools will be held at the Professional Development Centre in February.
Wednesday 7 February Nursery and Early Years
Thursday 8 February Primary 9:30 – 12 or 12:30 – 2pm
Email wendy.thorogood@haringey.gov.uk to secure a place for you and 4 pupils
Road Safety Issues
We are receiving a lot of requests to combat parking on school ‘keep clear’ lines.
Please make sure you raise this issue in your newsletters to parents. Yes, they are only dropping their child off, but in the meantime other children are put in danger. Keep copies as evidence. If you are one of the 18 schools with a Walking Zone, please re-issue them, attach them to the parents’ emails and make sure they are given to EVERY visitor coming to your site. This information alsoreally needs to be on the contact us page on your website and definitely included in your induction packs for new families.
Junior Travel Ambassadors
Schools were recently sent an email with information and application forms. Please upload all evidence as soon as you carry out an assembly, competition or other relevant activity.