We are shortly starting two Prevent projects, fully funded by the Home Office, and are asking schools to express their interest, so that we can start planning:
Digital Resilience Project
- The project is fully funded
- Open to six primary schools
- The school will receive ‘Digital Schools Membership’, providing access to online resources and relevant publications / updates
- The school will receive three x one hour, in-school sessions which can be used with pupils, parents, and teachers and / or governors
Mentivation Project
- The project is fully funded
- Open to three primary schools
- Three workshops with pupils will cover positive and negative behaviours in relation to authority figures, healthy relationships and managing emotions
- Grooming into gangs and extremist groups will look at common vulnerabilities / mechanisms
If you are interested in running one or both of these projects at your school, please email Christina Andrew at christina.andrew@haringey.gov.uk