
Thinking Space therapeutic sessions for young people

Thinking Space is a space for young people aged 11-16 years who are residents of Broadwater Farm and Northumberland Park, to think, talk together, connect, and build their community.

This is a space held on Thursdays, for young people to talk about their social, structural, emotional and psychological worlds with each other. Thinking Space facilitators are flexible and want to support the development of these spaces in your schools, community centres, children centres etc. We will come to you! We can also facilitate spaces online.

Thinking Space seeks to build on the power of community, by training young people to facilitate and help lead their own thinking spaces on any topic. It is a space for all young people, especially those who have been marginalised. In Thinking Spaces, everybody has a chance to speak, but no one is forced to.

Thinking space facilitators are clinical psychologists, psychotherapists, community development workers, or community volunteers. Please email Dr Sanah Ahsan ( or Janet Campbell ( for further information.