
Update on Haringey’s STEM activities

The STEM Operational Group has met half-termly this year to respond to the Haringey STEM Commission recommendations. The STEM Operational Group has now completed the groundwork and produced some key documents, which they will roll out to schools next year.

  • A leadership structure has been established (five secondary/post 16 hubs, six NLC reps, two governor reps, and LA officers);
  • Aims and objectives agreed and a three-year STEM Action Plan produced;
  • STEM governors identified;
  • Communication and resource storage methodologies are being explored (as an alternative to setting up and maintaining a website);
  • GDPR issues are being addressed;
  • Briefings delivered to NLCs, primary and secondary HT fora and governors;
  • An expert panel has been established which includes STEM business representation; its role is to support and challenge the work of the operational group. The first annual meeting has taken place.

Documents produced and final revisions under way

  • Pupil and parent perception surveys (to take a baseline and to inform planning)
  • Directory of STEM business and industry partnerships and contacts
  • Directory of STEM school-based projects and contacts
  • Secondary/Post 16 hub role description
  • STEM governor role description
  • STEM certificates to raise the profile with pupils and as a starting point for developing a Haringey STEM award (which will collate pupils’ STEM experiences and accreditations)

Next Steps

  • To roll out the above through all communication/briefing mechanisms and set out the recommendations for implementation. The STEM Operational Group has already drafted presentations to schools.
  • To ensure the raft of teacher CPD opportunities and pupil STEM events are better communicated (an alternative to the website is being established).
  • One month’s free trial for all schools of a pupil friendly careers website (Job Explore Database/ pathways to Higher Education/ supporting budding entrepreneurs) to begin mid-September.
  • To ensure that key STEM organisations are on the same page. To organise a borough-wide event for these organisations to share their approach with schools. Key networking organisations also on a page.
  • Haringey wide or NLC based careers event(s).
  • STEM resource packages list.
  • STEM basic provision audit.
  • Wider rollout of the model where secondary or post-16 pupils support primary pupils with a STEM project. There is much very successful work already taking place in this area and we would like to replicate the model across more schools – see the example below from Greig City Academy.

Greig City Academy case study

Students become the teachers and teachers become the students at Greig City Academy's VEX Robotics training mornings.

As part of their work as the Haringey STEM Innovations Hub, Greig City Academy has been developing a scheme to encourage an interest in Robotics in their NLC and other local junior schools. This has involved providing CPD training for junior school staff in the programming and construction of the kits.

A second day follows, when junior school staff and students start building the kits and developing their robots and programming. On 5 July, there will be a Haringey Junior Schools VEX Robotics Competition. The CPD training sessions are delivered by Greig City students who are part of the academy’s successful VEX Robotics teams and who have been national champions in the last few years!

Greig City Academy are hoping to start a junior schools’ robotics league competition in the autumn term. Please can any interested schools email David Hearn for further details?


Please contact Jane Blakey if you have any STEM-related questions:

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