
Work experience opportunities for years 10 and 11 with award-winning architectural studio Haworth Tompkins

Haworth Tompkins is an award-winning architectural studio based in Kentish Town, with an international reputation for intelligent, purposeful design.

Haworth Tompkins will offer four x one-week placements over the two weeks of the Easter Holiday. These placements are suitable for year 10 and year 11 students.

Please share this exciting opportunity with your students.

During the placement, the students will do some research tasks and present them on Photoshop. They will also design their own project on Sketch up and they will create their model in our workshop. When possible, Haworth Tompkins try to organise a site visit, and get the student to attend teams or office meetings.

To apply, look on the Haworth Tompkins website from early March, and fill in an application form. They review applications on the principles of their equal opportunity policy, and welcome applications from all backgrounds.

Haworth Tompkins