Events Healthy Schools Schools

SP-OT suicide prevention – free training courses 30 March/1 April

Haringey Public Health has secured some free training from Papyrus in suicide prevention.

SP-OT Suicide Prevention – Overview Tutorial

What EVERYONE needs to know.

 The key objectives for the training are:

  • To understand the prevalence and impact of suicide
  • To explore the language, and the challenges, when talking openly about suicide
  • To recognise the ‘signs’ that may indicate someone is having thoughts of suicide
  • To consider how we can all contribute to a suicide safer community.

Who should attend the training?

  • Aimed at anyone working in primary, secondary, or college who works with young people or youth workers/organisation.
  • Only ONE attendee per setting/school to ensure fairness and access for all.

When is the training?

There are two sessions available (and you only need to attend one) with 30 places available at each session.

Please contact for any questions in relation to the training.


Parentzone – digital safety resources for schools

Parentzone specialises in digital family life and includes an area of resources for schools, too.

Parent Zone offers an array of services and resources to enable teachers to educate their pupils on how to stay safe online, what to do if they find themselves in an uncomfortable situation and how to build digital resilience. Explore the areas below to find the resources you need to benefit your school.

For schools | Parent Zone


Healthy Schools Schools

Sexual health: ‘We’re open’ social media campaign – competition to design an image

Sexual Health Session Competition Poster – Youth Settings

Did you know that young people say that embarrassment, stigma, and lack of knowledge are barriers to accessing sexual health services? This is a concern as data shows that 16-25 year olds are at greater risk of sexual ill health.

Did you know that according to government guidance,  by the time young people reach 16 they should know “…how to get… advice, including how and where to access confidential sexual and reproductive health treatment” (DfE 2019)In Haringey we support this because we want our young residents to have the skills and knowledge to make healthy choices and have safe relationships.

The ‘We’re Open’ Social Media Campaign aims to let young people know that we offer a range of clinics and pharmacies which provide free, friendly, and confidential sexual health advice. Since the launch we have had over 5000 clicks by young people, with Snapchat outperforming other platforms (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, YouTube…).

Competition: design an image for a social media campaign

We want the young people you work with to help spread the message about our ‘We’re Open’ campaign,  so we are asking them to design their own campaign image. We recommend that this activity is part of a relationships and sexual health session which you can do 121 or in small groups- see session ideas attached.

The young people (18 and under) can submit their final images into a Haringey competition (in association with the Healthy Schools Programme). The winner will receive £100 in Amazon vouchers, and their school/college/education setting will receive £500 in Amazon vouchers. Go to our ‘Relationships and Sex Education’ web-pages for more information.

The deadline for to submit their images/poster is 30 June 2021 to The aim is to use the winning images as part of our new young people’s sexual health campaign to be launched over the summer – see competition poster attached

For queries, additional information about the campaign, competition or copies of the resources please email or

All our Services are open! Visit

More information here:Sexual Health Session Competition Poster – Youth Settings


Disability Action Haringey seeks trustees

Disability Action Haringey (DAH) is looking for all members of society with a lived experience of disability to join the Board of Trustees at DAH. You may be from a Black, Asian or Minority ethnic communities or a Deaf person or a younger person looking to enhance your life skills.

DAH is a brand-new user-led, pan-disability organisation providing services for Deaf and disabled people living and working in Haringey. Their aim is to deliver services designed by and for disabled people which will provide them with better outcomes and the opportunities to live a life free from discrimination, and where disabled people are valued for the contribution they make to society.

If you have the skills, knowledge and willingness to work towards developing and shaping the organisation to become the voice of disabled people, then please email your interest to

The closing date for trustee applications is 5 April 2021

Smarter Travel

The latest news from Smarter Travel

Starting back for the last term of a very strange year. Our messages remain the same: keep your distance and keep safe.

TfL competition for all schools – May deadline

Competition: The Big Change | London Transport Museum (

The competition

For this competition, we want you to get creative and make something that shows how you can make big changes to how you travel to help improve the quality of the environment or your life.

You can choose any form, such as:

  • Art: such as a poster, sculpture or collage
  • Film: a short film or animation*
  • Writing: such as a poem or short story

The competition is open to all London school children and there are four age categories:

  • Under 7s
  • 8-10
  • 11-14
  • 15-18

Cycle training

We are pleased to inform you that we are now able to offer free cycle training once again for intermediate level cyclists.  Secondary school staff in particular, please take advantage of this golden opportunity to provide your pupils with a healthier, more sustainable and cost free method of travelling to school. You can book a training session by contacting or call 020 3031 6730  They will work with your pupils to provide them with the confidence and knowledge to cycle safely on their journeys to and from school.

There is lots happening– here are some important dates:


Road safety – as your school resumes, and trips are back on the curriculum, make sure your teachers promote the Green Cross Code this is not just an infant message, the worst statistics involve  teenagers as they are easily distracted with their phones and music and friends.

Sustrans The Big Pedal  – 17 April

Many Haringey Schools are already committed to this. It is a free, fun way to encourage activity and start shifting the lockdown cobwebs. In 2019 Rokesly School came second in the country!

Sustrans Big Pedal 2021

School Streets – our first batch of schools will have their pedestrian and walking/scooting zones launched outside their schools.


Haringey Public Health team launching their month long Spring competition.

17- 21 May is Walk to School Week,

Primary schools that have agreed to take part will be receiving their Walk To School Week packs. Theme is Walking Super heroes

Let us know if you want to be a launch school for this.  We have some super hero capes and masks!!!

Junior Travel Ambassadors

The Junior Travel Ambassador (JTA) scheme encourages peer-to-peer engagement and will give you and your school all the resources and guidance you need to promote safer, active and independent travel within the school community. It’s a fun and engaging way to spread important messages and build skills for life.

Transition to Secondary School

Every year 6 pupil will receive a copy of our Moving Up magazine and the Mission Transition competition (win a bike),  plus transition lesson plans, maps and our support is offered to schools.

Your STARS School Travel Plan

This is vital to maintain your accreditation.

Evidence needs to be uploaded to STARS. Every trip, message about active travel, road safety, air quality. Walk to school week, The Golden Lock, cycle training, STARS training, The Big Pedal, School street. All is great evidence.  Message us for help

MAPS – 10 minute walk zones

We are currently making every school a bespoke walking cycling map we will send these to each school. These can be printed or sent to everyone by email. We will be adding them to the existing maps on our webpage School Journeys and can be download. We are sure you will find them useful.

The Smarter Travel Team


Riverside Special School awarded Autism Accreditation from National Autistic Society.

Riverside Special School has for a third time been awarded Autism Accreditation from the National Autistic Society.

The award is given following a rigorous assessment process and acknowledges Riverside’s person-centred approach showing a consistent understanding and implementation of good practice in supporting autistic young people.

The work of the sixth form, safeguarding practice and pupil well-being were singled out for particular praise as well as the good educational progress made by students. The reviewing committee concluded that they had no doubt that the school has a significant impact on the quality of life of the young people they support as they transition through school and into adulthood.


COVID-19: lateral flow testing for parents and support bubbles – information on accessing tests

A message from Dr Will Maimaris, Haringey’s Director of Public Health about the importance of lateral flow testing for the parents and carers of all households with children at school and college

Covid rapid lateral flow testing A4

Letter from the Director of Public Health

Dear parents and carers,

As you may be aware, NHS Test and Trace have extended Lateral Flow Device (LFD) testing to all adults in households with school and college age children. This means that parents and other adults in households with children at school or college, who do not have symptoms, can now access regular, rapid coronavirus (COVID-19) testing. This includes childcare and support bubbles.

One in three people who have COVID-19 do not experience any symptoms and so can unknowingly pass it on to others who may not be so fortunate. Regular, rapid coronavirus (COVID-19) testing helps identify those who may be carrying the virus so that outbreaks can be contained.

Secondary school children will be undertaking initial testing at school and be sent home with a testing pack for testing at home. Schools are working very hard on fulfilling this aspect of the mass lateral testing rollout and will be in communication with you.

However, you and any other adults in the household should also get tested regularly to contain virus transmission as schools return to face-to-face teaching and we start to see the initial lifting of some of the lockdown measures in place.

Tests are fast, easy and completely free. There are different ways for you and members of your household, childcare or support bubble to get tested regularly – and we recommend that you do this twice a week. Children of primary school age (and below) without symptoms are not being asked to take a test.

You can get tested through:

  • your employer if they offer testing to their staff;
  • Community Testing via asymptomatic testing sites. We have 4 rapid testing sites in Haringey for people without symptoms that operate on a walk-in basis. No appointment is necessary.
  • by collecting a home test kit from a Collection Point;
  • by ordering a home test kit online

Full details are available on our website:

If you have any queries about the tests, and you live in England, please call 119 (free from mobiles and landlines). Lines are open every day from 7am to 11pm.

Testing is voluntary, but we strongly recommend it to all who are eligible. Alongside the vaccine, washing hands, wearing face coverings, and maintaining social distancing, rapid testing plays a vital role in reducing transmission rates. Getting into the habit of regular testing as part of our everyday lives will help us all to play our part and do what we can to protect each other.

It’s great to see schools opening their doors again to their communities.  School is important for our children’s social and emotional wellbeing as well as for their learning. The lockdown has reduced infection rates significantly since the post-Christmas peaks we saw in January and alongside the highly successful vaccine programme that continues to roll out at pace, we are making real progress in our fight to stop the spread of Coronavirus in Haringey.

Let’s all play our part in keeping Haringey safe.

Dr Will Maimaris

Director of Public Health


COVID-19: testing for school staff and students – video message from Dr Will Maimaris

Dr Will Maimaris, Haringey’s Director of Public Health, has recorded a video message about the falling rates of COVID-19 in Haringey and plans for testing for school staff and students from Monday 8 March.

Although the government has published a roadmap outlining a route out of lockdown, Dr Maimaris is urging everyone to keep following the rules, keep getting tested, and take the vaccine when eligible to help stop the spread of the virus in Haringey.

Dr Will discusses the reopening of schools on Monday 8 March – YouTube


Meet Jab – Haringey’s new vaccine animation

A day in the life of Jab – a COVID-19 vaccine animation – YouTube

A simple way to explain the COVID-19 vaccination to your pupils.



Risley Avenue Primary School features in Parliamentary Review

Risley Avenue Primary School is featured in and article highlighting best practice in the Parliamentary Review Magazine.

Read the article here: Risley Avenue Primary School article

Headteacher Linda Sarr explains that the school prides itself on being a place where every child can succeed, where every voice is heard and where no child will go unsupported in developing their potential.