
The Burnet News Club – early bird subscription discount

There is a new service available to schools which can now be ordered via the online traded service portal (external link) . Schools that order before 20 March can take advantage of an early-bird special offer to join The Burnet News Club for the 2017 subscription year.


The current full annual subscription normally costs £1,000 per school for a year. The programme is run by a charity, so the price represents less than it costs to run the club per school.


This special offer of £850 per school is available for a limited period only.


Don't delay, subscriptions will be accepted on a first-come basis.


Up to 60 students can participate in each school News Club.




DfE releases advice on managing asbestos in schools

The DfE has published new advice to help schools to understand their obligations and duties in relation to asbestos management. See website (external link).

The legal responsibility for the safe management of asbestos lies with the “duty holder”. The duty holder is the person responsible for maintenance and/or repair of the school – typically the employer. For community schools, community special schools, voluntary-controlled schools, maintained nursery schools and pupil referral units, the employer is the local authority. For academies, free schools, voluntary-aided and foundation schools, it will be the school governors or the trust.

Governors and trustee should ensure that their schools have suitable asbestos management procedures in place and receive regular reports so they can be confident that the duties are being complied with.


Schools News – new web page

We are pleased to announce a new Schools News page on the Haringey website (external link). The page is dedicated to the fantastic things that are going on in schools across Haringey.


If you’d like to share your good news stories, please send details and photos to:


The news must be of interest to the community and/or other schools, for example, achievements, events, etc. Each story is subject to approval to ensure its relevance and will be edited if necessary.


Somme 100 with live orchestral score, 22 March

Talkies Community Cinema, Haringey Young Musicians and Heartlands High School present one of 100 international screenings of an iconic WW1 silent film with live orchestral score as part of a commemorative year for the Battle of the Somme.

Somme100 FILM is an international project, working with The Imperial War Museums (IWM) as part of the First World War Centenary Partnership to mark the anniversary of the Battle of the Somme. The project aims to bring together 100 live orchestral performances of the iconic 1916 film The Battle of the Somme with composer Laura Rossi’s acclaimed score, commissioned by the Imperial War Museums.

The film will be shown on 22 March at Heartlands High School in Wood Green, accompanied by the Haringey Young Musicians Orchestra.

Peter Desmond, Head of Haringey Music Service, says “This is an exciting venture for Haringey Young Musicians to experience playing along to a historically important film. We are delighted that composer Laura Rossi will introduce the film and her musical score. This event launches a wider-reaching project over the next 6 months, exploring the wider historical and ethical themes focused on new compositions, music for film and links to World War 1.Schools are engaging with the project and the Haringey Young Musicians Big Band will be visiting the battlefields at Ypres in July 2017 along with students from The Vale special school to perform a piece of musical theatre written by them to commemorate a young soldier from Tottenham who died in the Battle of Passchendaele. 

Simon Garrill, Executive Headteacher of Heartlands High School, says “ This is a wonderful opportunity for our school to host students from across the borough, coming together to commemorate not only those that fell in this famous battle but to the human cost of all wars”.

Talkies’ community cinema founder, and former Haringey schools inspector, David Williamson, says “I am very excited to bring this event to Heartlands High School and once again connect with the amazing talent in Haringey schools. Haringey has a long tradition of outstanding music education. It is wonderful that the event will inspire new generations to look back and learn from such tragic world events and interpret them anew through their creative work”.

For more information and to buy tickets, visit the Talkies website (external link) 



Chess in Schools and Communities

Chess in Schools and Communities (CSC) is a charity that delivers chess to state primary school, primarily in areas with a high index of multiple deprivation.

CSC is currently applying for funds to deliver chess to more schools in Haringey and also to see if they can establish community chess clubs in libraries. The model that has worked well in other boroughs and the service is either free to schools or subsidised from charitable funds.

If your school is interested in taking part, you can find out more in the attached brochure or by visiting the CSC website (external link)

If you would like to explore their work in more detail, please contact Malcolm Pein, email



Enter the Let Teachers SHINE competition

SHINE is an education charity that gives children the opportunity to acquire the skills and confidence they need to turn their potential into success at school and beyond.

The charity is currently running its annual Let Teachers SHINE competition. In partnership with TES and Capita SIMS, Let Teachers SHINE seeks to find the next big idea in teaching. The competition closes at midday on 24 April, when SHINE will choose around 10 winning teachers to partner with on their projects.

Now in its sixth year, the Let Teachers SHINE competition aims to find innovative methods of teaching that inspire children to succeed both at school and beyond. The competition is for teacher-led projects that aim to benefit students who experience disadvantage, and try to improve their educational achievement in literacy, numeracy and/or science.

SHINE provides funding of up to £15,000 and other support to help get the projects off the ground, or to launch them to a wider audience. To date, SHINE has invested over £1.4 million into 54 teachers, benefitting thousands of children all over the country.

To find out more, visit Let Teachers SHINE (external link)  or contact

LTS 2017 Flyer 2_A5

Smarter Travel

March News from Smarter Travel

STARS – School travel plan training

Please register with the new STARS website (external link) as soon as possible. Don’t miss out, get accredited this school year by registering on STARS. Email to book an information, training and support session either at your school or at a council office.

Hari Bear and resources

If you want to encourage your Key Stage 1 families to walk to school more, then contact us to receive a Hari Bear and the accompanying resources to run the Active Travel Project.

Now your school can own and look after Hari Bear, take him for walks and keep him fit. Look on pages for downloadable resources and the Hari Bear’s Big Adventure presentation showing how the month progressed from school to school.  Can you spot your school?

Email:  or call 020 8489 5351.


Finding Hari competition – deadline extended to end of spring term

We have extended our exciting competition to design a bear. Colour in Hari to make him bright and cheerful and also include a message about active travel and air quality. Plus include your school name or logo.

Download your Hari bear template January 2017

The top 20 pictures will be transferred onto boards and hidden around the borough like a treasure hunt.

In September we will be sending out a bespoke Find Hari Bear in Haringey Map for you to work as a class or individually to find all the bears hidden in the borough and win treasure. More news to follow.


Junior Travel Ambassadors (JTA) and Road Safety Youth Travel Ambassadors (YTA)

The JTA programme is a nationwide scheme encouraging peer teaching and helping young people to gain confidence and understanding of the world around them. More information is available on the TfL website (external link).
We can come to your school to set the scheme up. This includes recruiting, training and resources eg badges, jackets and even competition prizes. Email:

The YTA scheme is a TfL initiative for secondary schools. Young people can work on a specific issue to improve travel safety etc at their school. There are still opportunities to join this scheme this year to encourage Work Related Learning.

For more information email:



Cycle Skills training is free for all primary and secondary students
All pupils from age 9 up to 18 yearrs can access cycle skills training free of charge.
Visit the cycling instructor website (external link) to book a cycle training course for your pupils or even staff or parents.


Air quality lessons and assemblies
Our Air Quality Apprentice is available to explain to your pupils about the air pollution that affects our health in London. Assemblies and lessons are aimed at juniors and can be adapted to other age groups.



Year 6 Transition to Secondary School lessons for teachers

Statistically, year 6 pupils moving up to secondary school are the most vulnerable road users, moving about on their own possibly for the first time. We are going to host two sessions for year 6 teachers and School Travel Champions in April at the PDC to show how we deliver transition training and what is on offer. We will cover the Moving Up book and the competition to win a bike, plus journey planning and map reading, in readiness for their move to secondary school. Please let us know if your school is willing to take part.


For any of the above, please feel free to contact or call 020 8489 5351 for more information.



Replacement for RAISEonline from April

The Department for Education (DfE) has announced that a new service to replace RAISEonline (the web-based system used to disseminate school performance data to schools) will launch in April. The DfE led service will “provide schools and other existing user groups with detailed performance analysis to support local school improvement” and the data will also be securely available to other accredited suppliers. Find out more (External Link)

Early Years

Parent Champions Scheme

Haringey’s Parent Champions scheme is now in full flow. Ten local parents are volunteering across Haringey to promote the free entitlement for eligible 2 year old and all 3  and 4 year olds and to spread information about the 30 hours offer. The Champions have an Haringey identification badge and will be visiting a variety of community spaces to speak to other local parents about the benefits of sending their children to nursery.


Parent Champions schemes are active nationally and are supported by The Family & Childcare Trust.


Haringey’s scheme is here to stay and we will be working with all of you to recruit more Champions to help spread the message particularly in view of the 30 hours offer.


Please contact Renata Moriconi by email:  or telephone Renata on 020 8489 3740 if you want to know more or have parents that might be interesting in volunteering. Training, support and references provided.


Events No category

CONEL events for Apprenticeship Week 6 – 11 March

The College of Haringey, Enfield and North East London (CONEL) is hosting many apprenticeship events during Apprenticeship Week 6 – 11 March 2017. You can view the full line up of events on the flyer attached or visit the college's website (external link)  for further information. Please note that the Business Breakfast is by invitation only.

Please let your students, clients and contacts know that the college would be delighted to see them.

Apprenticeship Week flyer web