
Our Lady of Muswell Catholic Primary School – consultation on the proposed admission arrangements for the academic year 2018/19

For the attention of all Haringey Secondary and Primary Schools


Our Lady of Muswell Catholic Primary School – consultation on the proposed admission arrangements for the academic year 2018/19  


Our Lady of Muswell Catholic Primary School is consulting on its proposed admission arrangements for the 2018/19 academic year. The proposed arrangements can be viewed on the school website:


If you or any of your parent/carers would like to comment on the proposed arrangements they can do so by sending comments to: Eileen Heath, Our Lady of Muswell Catholic Primary School, Pages Lane, N10 1PS, or by email to:


Please respond by 4th January 2017

Consultation No category

St Michael’s CofE (N6) – consultation on the proposed admission arrangements for the academic year 2018/19

For the attention of all Haringey Secondary and Primary Schools


St Michael’s CofE (N6) – consultation on the proposed admission arrangements for the academic year 2018/19  


St Michael’s C of E (N6) is consulting on its proposed admission arrangements for the 2018/19 academic year. The proposed arrangements can be viewed on the school website:  


If you or any of your parent/carers would like to comment on the proposed arrangements they can do so by sending comments to: Suzanne Dykes, St Michael’s CE Primary (N6), North Road, N6 4BG or by email to:  

Please respond by 13th January 2017


Don’t forget: Outstanding for All awards ceremony on Monday 5 December

The day is finally almost here – there are only a few days left until the Outstanding for All Awards where schools, teachers, students and governors will be recognised for their achievements throughout the year.

The awards, which have been running since 2013, give Haringey the chance to show its appreciation for the hard work and achievements of those working and studying in schools.

Eleven categories (external link) are up for grabs at the ceremony on 5 December where the winners will be announced. You can view the list of nominees (external link) and judges (external link) on our website.

School Admissions Schools

In-year admissions

For the attention of all Haringey Secondary and Primary Schools

Community Schools with vacancies

Details of children who have been offered a place at your school are sent to you regularly by the Haringey School Admissions Service. A small number of schools are not arranging admission within a timely manner and this has resulted in a number of informal and formal complaints for the school and for the local authority.

As you will be aware, children who continue to miss education will find it more difficult to catch up with their peers and are at risk of underachieving. These children also pose a potential safeguarding risk while they are out of school and so not accounted for.

We are a committed to ensuring that all unplaced children start school within 20 schools days of an application for a school place being received. To help us achieve this, it is critical that you ensure that these children are admitted within 5 school days of the details being sent to you. If you are experiencing any difficulty contacting the family then please let us know as soon as possible so we can check to see if we have any alternative contact details. You may also be expected to write to these families inviting them to an admissions appointment (please indicate if you would like us to send you a template letter).

Own admitting authority schools – Academies, Free Schools, Foundation and Voluntary Aided

We will continue to send you details of children who have listed your school as a preference. Please notify us if you are able to offer a place as soon as possible. If you have decided to start a child immediately then this must be relayed to us in your weekly roll return.

Contact –


Primary assessments: information and resources for 2017

The Standards & Testing Agency has made it easier for primary schools and other web users to review information and resources for 2017.

Document collections contain information about assessment at key stage 1( KS1) and key stage 2 ( KS2). The collections will be updated throughout the year to provide information for the 2017 assessment cycle.

KS1 tests

Includes information to help you to:

  • Check important dates for the KS1 test cycle
  • Understand statutory requirements for the KS1 test
  • Plan for and administer the tests
  • Use appropriate access arrangements
  • Keep test material secure

KS2 tests

Includes information to help you to:

  • Check important dates for the KS2 test cycle
  • Understand statutory requirements for the KS2 tests
  • Plan for and administer the tests
  • Use the appropriate access arrangements
  • Keep test materials secure
  • Access your school’s results

KS1  teacher assessment
KS2  teacher assessment

Both collections provide information for schools about teacher assessment ( TA) frameworks, TA exemplification, as well as reporting and moderating TA.



Primary Science Assessment: key messages from recent training


Knowledge v Working Scientifically

  • Good practice is that assessments and tracking takes place for both knowledge and skills. There is some argument for saying that working scientifically should only be assessed at the end of a year when children have been given the opportunity to demonstrate the skills in a variety of ways and through a range of activities.
  • Working scientifically coverage can be tracked across the year using a grid such as the attached with this document – this will ensure that teachers are planning for all five types of enquiry.
  • A source of quality investigative assessments is being created and put on the Primary Science Teaching Trust website for each year group – click on link then – ‘Focused assessment data base’.


Governance Schools

Edubase reminder for maintained schools

Since 1 September 2016, all boards of maintained schools and academies have had a duty under Section 538 of the Education Act 1996 to update Edubase with information about people involved in governance. This requirement is explained in more detail here<>.

The DfE has recently advised that a significant number of local authority maintained schools have yet to complete their governance fields on Edubase. Please can you ensure that you have complied with this requirement. Governors hold an important public office and this new measure is a helpful way to increase transparency around those who govern our schools. While child protection and safeguarding investigations are rare, having this information in one place will make it quicker and easier to identify more accurately where someone is involved in the governance of schools.

Social Mobility State of the Nation report published

The State of the Nation report on social mobility in Great Britain has been published by the Social Mobility Commission. This document looks to assess ‘progress towards improving social mobility and what could be done to accelerate [this] process’. Although this document talks about skills and career prospects, it also provides a valuable insight into what more can be done in schools, sixth forms and early years settings to increase social mobility.

Autumn Statement 2016

The headlines for education in  the Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond’s Autumn Statement to the House of Commons were:

  1. £50 million of new capital funding to support the expansion of existing grammar schools.
  2. Tax-free childcare will be introduced gradually from early 2017, with roll out beginning upon completion of a trial.
  3. Support for the RSA to pilot the promotion of cultural education in schools.

DfE announce investment in music education hubs

The government has announced investment of over £300 million to enable children to enjoy the benefits of both music and arts. Over a four year period, the government will provide the funding to a nationwide network of 121 music education hubs to try to get more young people to participate in music.

The funding will be administered by Arts Council England to music education hubs made up of local partnerships – including schools, local authorities and arts organisations – to give 5 to18 year olds greater access to musical opportunities. On the announcement, School Standards Minister Nick Gibb said “We’re investing more than £300 million over the next four years so that those opportunities are open to all, not just the privileged few.”

Inspiring Governance: register your vacancies

A new and free governor and trustee recruitment service officially launched in London on Monday 21 November to try to help tackle the significant challenges that many schools face when finding the right people to govern them. ‘Inspiring Governance’ is an online recruitment service, connecting volunteers with governing boards in schools and colleges.

If you have vacancies on your board, please register them here.

Early Years

Breastfeeding peer support volunteer training course 2017

Are you a mum? Did you breastfeed your baby?

Would you like to volunteer to help other mothers in Haringey with feeding their babies?

Peer supporters are local mums who train to volunteer their time to offer information and support to other mums. Our team helps new mums at baby clinics, on postnatal wards and drop-ins.

The training course is:

  • One x two hour class per week for 12 weeks starting in January 2017.
  • Based in Tynemouth Medical Centre, 24 Tynemouth Rd, Tottenham, London N15 4RH
  • on Wednesdays from 10.0am to 12 noon.
  • The course is Free and accredited by the Open College Network.

For further information, please email:  or call: 07933 733955


The Mayor's Special Fund Family Day Sunday 4th December

A Family Day in aid of the Mayor's Special Fund is taking place on Sunday 4 December at the Haringey Irish Centre in Pretoria Road, London N17 8DX.

See the Family Day leaflet (PDF, 172KB) for more information.


Outstanding for All Awards

Outstanding for All Awards – invitations and tickets

The event on 5 December is only a few weeks away! See the Oustanding for All Awards page for news on the nominees.

Invitations were emailed to all schools on 2 November with an RSVP deadline of 18 November. Please make sure you have received the email (check your junk folder) and confirmed you’re attendance by registering for school tickets.

On school tickets, please ensure you have inserted the names for each ticket as this will be necessary for registrations at the door. For example, do not put the school name or one name (the person ordering) for all tickets.

Please note, due to limited space, we can only allocate specific number of tickets. It’s important that the right numbers of tickets are registered to avoid over-booking.

Below is a summary of the permitted number of tickets.

  • Schools (schools, nurseries, children centres) – only two tickets
  • Guests for child nominees – maximum two tickets
  • Guest for adult nominees – maximum one ticket
  • Class/Group nominee – maximum 8 tickets

If you have any queries or doubts about your invitation or tickets, please contact