Healthy Schools Safeguarding Schools

Understanding the impact of parental alcohol use on children and others – free conference

FREE Conferences for everyone working with children and families in Haringey. Choose from one of three dates/venues:

Wednesday 23 October 9am -1.30pm London Academy of Excellence, Tottenham

Thursday 31 October 9am -1.30pm Highgate Junior School, Highgate

Tuesday 12 November 12pm – 4.30pm Alexandra Palace, Wood Green


·     Hear more about the impact of alcohol use on children from experienced speakers

·     Discuss how we can support families who are impacted by alcohol

·     Take away practical resources to use in your work

·     Hear from those with lived experience of parental alcohol use

·     Engage in networking opportunities


Lunch and refreshments will be provided.


Book your place here (external link)

This project is funded by the DFE Innovation Fund to support Children of Alcohol Dependant Parents.

Partnership organisations include Adfam, Insight Platform, Anchor Approach and Haringey Council.


Read more about Haringey’s Children of Alcohol Dependent Parents Project here (external link)

Healthy Schools

Haringey School Health Service update

Haringey Public Health commissions Whittington Health NHS Trust to deliver a prevention and early intervention School Health Service to young people in mainstream schools. During September a school nurse will meet with an appropriate member of staff in each school to discuss the support the service can offer over the new academic year. To enable the smooth running of the service, all mainstream schools are asked on an annual basis to:

  • complete the school health profile and return to by Friday 18 October 2019. The aim of the profile is to identify the public health needs of the school population in order to prioritise and plan interventions from the School Health Service.

School Health Profile Primary v2 School Health Profile Secondary v2

  • sign the school health delivery plan and return to by Friday 18 October 2019. The service delivery plan outlines the school health provision and schools’ responsibilities in enabling the service to operate in an efficient and effective way.

School Health Delivery Plan Primary v2 School Health Delivery Plan Secondary v2

Primary schools only, in addition to the above:

  • disseminate the child health questionnaire: Schools are asked to provide parents/carers of children in Reception and Year 6 with a questionnaire about their child’s health. This is essential to enable the service to identify the individual health needs of pupils at an early stage and respond to their needs in a timely way. The completed questionnaires should be returned to the school for the School Health Service to collect.

Child Health Questionnaire v2

Healthy Schools Schools

Relationships and Sex Education – new guidance

The government has published new statutory guidance for Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education – which will become statutory from September 2020.

As outlined in the letter sent to Headteachers and Chairs of Governors, Haringey Council is supporting schools to lead the preparation for working towards the new guidance by offering:

  • Access to dedicated web pages which include information, policy guidance, data and other resources to help schools prepare:
  • Training has been commissioned by Haringey Education Partnership, and will be delivered by the Sex Education Forum: Primary Schools – 25 November 2019, Secondary Schools – 26 November 2019
  • The biennial Health-Related Behaviours Questionnaire will take place during the autumn term, which will help schools to understand pupils’ needs around relationships and sexual health (secondary only).
  • To inform RSE lessons and pastoral care support for young people, secondary schools will shortly receive a package of information about sexual health services for young people in Haringey (including a new under 19s drop-in). This will coincide with Sexual Health Week which will take place between 16 and 22 September 2019.
Health and Safety Healthy Schools Schools

Supply of spare adrenaline auto-injectors in schools

Please see updated guidance notes on the supply of spare adrenaline auto-injectors in schools.

Supply of spare adrenaline auto injector pens summary for schools 2019 final

Healthy Schools

Latest Healthy Schools Newsletter

Read the September edition of the Haringey Healthy Schools Newsletter here: Healthy Schools Newsletter September 2019

Healthy Schools Schools Smarter Travel

Thursday 20 June is Clean Air Day

What is your school doing to highlight this important day? Air quality is high on our agenda, it affects everyone, especially the children in your schools. Clean Air Day is a good reason to ask parents and staff to try to leave their cars at home for one day to make a difference to the air quality. 

  • Watch The Mulberry Primary’s Air Monsters vs Air Rangers short animation.

  • Research show that there is nine times more pollution inside a car than outside. Children arrive fitter and more alert if they actively travel to school. 

  • Clean Air Day is a nationally recognised day, along with Car Free Day on 22 September.

  • Haringey Council has pledged to help schools, residents and groups organise temporary play street closures on this date.

Use these links to help with ideas to promote the day:


Haringey is currently consulting on the draft Air Quality Action Plan if you can forward this link to all your staff and families, we welcome feedback from every resident.


Healthy Schools Schools

Harmful practices – briefing for schools

Schools Bulletin_Harmful Practices


This is a briefing for schools about the different forms of harmful practices. This briefing has been produced by Haringey’s Harmful Practices Working Group, a multi-agency partnership which seeks to identify and reduce harmful practices in Haringey.


Schools should be aware that students may be most at risk of some forms of harmful practices during the long summer holiday. This briefing has been designed to support schools’ understanding of the different forms of harmful practices, the signs to be aware of, and the action that education professionals need to take to safeguard their students. We advise that schools circulate this briefing within their own staff bulletin.


If you have any questions or require any further information, please contact: Bridie Blower, Violence Against Women and Girls Coordinator, telephone:  020 8489 5441 email:


Governance Healthy Schools

Mental health training rolled out to secondary schools

Mental Health Awareness Training (MHAT) is a free national programme delivered by the Anna Freud Centre for Children and Families, a mental health charity.

Taking place between September 2019 and February 2020 in over 130 locations, the training is available for two members of staff and is open to all schools and colleges who have not already received it. A full list of schools and colleges is available on the Anna Freud Centre website.

Grounded on a rigorous evidence base, MHAT aims to provide staff working in secondary schools with the knowledge, skills and practical tools needed to promote and integrate mental health and wellbeing across the whole school community. Secondary teachers will receive training on how to recognise the warning signs for depression and anxiety as part of a government-funded mental health drive. The training will also cover:

  • what the evidence tells us about mental health difficulties in schools
  • spotting the early signs of a mental health problem
  • positive approaches to promoting mental health and wellbeing in the whole school community

 Davina Metters, head of programming in mental health in the school's team at the Anna Freud Centre says,

“It’s about ensuring that you have a robust mental health and wellbeing policy in place, and giving teachers skills to go back to their settings and set that up.”

Governors and trustees can play a vital role in supporting pupil and staff wellbeing by upholding an ethos of mutual care, developing a shared vision for supporting a whole-school approach to mental health and wellbeing and establishing a strategy to make it happen.

Healthy Schools Schools

Haringey's Air Quality Action Plan – have your say

Haringey’s Draft Air Quality Action Plan is now out for consultation until 30 July 2019. The consultation gives you the opportunity to comment on the measures we are proposing over the next five years to improve air quality. Have your say: here is a link to the webpage and questionnaire.

Pollution is a real issue that is having a serious impact on our health and it is recognised as a contributing factor in the onset of heart disease and cancer. Additionally, air pollution particularly affects the most vulnerable in society: children and older people, and those with heart and lung conditions. There is also often a strong correlation with equalities issues, because areas with poor air quality are often less affluent areas. Haringey has developed the draft Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP) which outlines the actions that will be taken to improve air quality in Haringey between 2019 and 2024. 

The draft Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP) has been produced as part of the London Local Air Quality Management System, a statutory process by which boroughs monitor, assess and take actions to tackle pollution. The plan outlines the actions that will be taken to improve air quality in Haringey between 2019-2024, under the following seven broad topics:

  • Monitoring and other core statutory duties
  • Missions from developments and buildings
  • Public health and awareness raising
  • Delivery servicing and freight
  • Borough fleet actions
  • Localised solutions which seek to improve the environment of neighbourhoods through a combination of measures
  • Leaner transport

We need to ensure that these actions meet the needs of those who live, work, attend schools and play in Haringey, so we want to know what you think, and how the proposals could affect you.

Here is a copy of the draft Action Plan: Air Quality Action Plan 2019 – 2024 (PDF, 2MB)


























Events Healthy Schools Schools

Asthma friendly schools training course on 26 June

Asthma training day flier

Haringey’s Public Health team is in the second phase of rolling out the Asthma Friendly Schools campaign. After a very successful launch event in December 2018, many schools have already been awarded asthma friendly status or are working towards this goal.  

The team is planning their second Train the Trainer event and would like to invite enthusiastic people from schools who did not attend the previous event to come and train to be asthma champions.

When: Wednesday 26 June 2019, 9:30am -12:30pm

Where: Committee Rooms 1 and 2, 1st Floor, Civic Centre, High Rd, Wood Green N22 8LE

The programme aims to improve asthma recognition and management within schools as, although asthma is common, outcomes within the UK are amongst the worst in Europe. Improving asthma management within schools has many benefits, including:

  • improved attendance
  • improved academic achievement
  • improved participation in physical activites
  • reduced medical complications related to asthma.

Engaging with the project offers the school a great opportunity to work in partnership with healthcare and the local authority as part of a coordinated response to improving asthma outcomes in all children. If you would like to attend, or to nominate someone from your school to attend this training and work towards becoming an ‘asthma friendly school’, please contact: