Events SEND

 #ActuallyHaringey – new specialist autism early help service

#ActuallyHaringey is a new specialist autism service designed to deliver early help provision to address the needs of autistic people without a learning disability aged 16 years and over and their support networks.

#ActuallyHaringey provides digital, online and telephone support across Haringey and within a safe online community space.

Join us for our monthly Friday evening social. This is an opportunity for you to socialise and make friends within a relaxed, friendly environment. Quiz Night with other activities on Friday 15 July, 5-7pm. Tuesday and Thursdays 10-1pm are in person information and advice sessions.

Other activities include lunchtime online Mindfulness, in person Pre-Diagnosis Group or What’s your special interest? Or in person Better connected. Online Tea and Chat Friday 29  July  4:30-5pm. There is an in person employment support advisor, too. Please book your place.

There are a number of taster sessions in July – tapestry, 14 July, 2-4pm; Introduction to Making Music on Thursday 21 July 2022, 2- 4pm; craft session will focus on upcycling old magazines into wall art on Thursday 28 July 2022, 2-4pm; creating art that has a focus on nature and the environment Saturday 30 July 2022, 2-3.30pm. Book early for the Sanjuro Martial Arts Taster Session on Saturday 6 August, 2-3pm.

For further information or to book a place for any of the activities:

#ActuallyHaringey, 20B Waltheof Gardens, London, N17 7HS.

Call or text 07929 839921.

Co-Production Group July 22

AH Taster Sessions July22

AH July Social Evening

AH Hub Timetable July 2022

AH Flyers July 22



Take part in SEND home-school transport consultation

Haringey Council is proposing to up-date and revise its home-school transport policy. This will introduce a more detailed account of how we make decisions in the interests of transparency and to ensure our stakeholders are as informed as possible.

Most children and young people who require transport assistance to school will continue to benefit from the existing provision from Transport for London. We will continue to provide specialist assistance for children and young people with SEND or those whose family circumstances mean that they require additional support to access education.

The policy will also ensure that there is less confusion and misinformation in the community. Read more about the changes
We would like to hear your views about these changes, please complete the consultation form below before Sunday 31 July 2022.

We are also hosting several events to discuss these changes, places can be booked through Eventbrite


Read our May SEND newsletter

SEND newsletter – May 2022 edition



SEND home-school transport consultation

Haringey Council is proposing to up-date and revise its home-school transport policy. We are introducing a more detailed account of how decisions are made in the interests of transparency and to ensure our stakeholders are as informed as possible. This will also ensure that there is less confusion and misinformation in the community. Read more about the changes Also, book your place at our live events where we will be discussing the changes


Read our April SEND newsletter

SEND newsletter – April 2022 edition (

Schools SEND

Celebrate World Autism Acceptance Week: 28 March to 3 April

World Autism Acceptance Week runs from 28 March to 3 April. Please join us to promote the acceptance of autism and help improve the lives of autistic children in the UK.

In celebration of World Autism Acceptance Week 2022, we are hosting a range of inclusive events for autistic adults, friends, supporters, and professionals to promote Autism Acceptance.

Visit our World Autism Acceptance Week page

Read our special SEND newsletter

Find out more about World Autism Acceptance Week on the National Autistic Society website.

National Autistic Society has useful free school materials.

Get your Let’s Learn About Autism Pack now

You can find out more on our Local Offer webpages and social media channels:

Local Offer webpages

Facebook SEND

Twitter SEND

Instagram SEND



Read Haringey’s March SEND Newsletter

Read the March edition of Haringey’s SEND newsletter here 

Schools SEND

SEND Parent Carer Forum event on 7 February

Haringey SEND Parent Carer Forum (PCF) is a forum for all parents and carers of children and young people (0-25 years old) with SEND who live in Haringey.

Each parent and carer has a skill, a background, ideas and experiences which will be beneficial, and will help develop the forum to represent parents, carers, and children/young people with SEND.

We have our Walk and Talk event on Monday 7 February 11.30am to 12.30pm. We will be meeting at Park View Café, opposite Manor House tube station at 11.30am and then we will explore Finsbury Park. Coffee, tea, and cake will be provided!

Please email if you wish to attend the next meeting and/or to join the Haringey SEND Parent Carer Forum.


Read our latest SEND newsletter

SEND newsletter – January 2022 edition (

Events Schools SEND

The Gaming Connection – online youth club for autism support

The Gaming Connection is the Haringey Language and Autism Support team’s online youth club. The sessions give young people with an autism diagnosis and an interest in gaming, the opportunity to converse online with the idea of widening their social circle.

The club was set up to encourage young people aged 14-19 to comfortably discuss their special interests and to socialise while taking part in quizzes and open discussions via Microsoft Teams.

We ran the club throughout lockdown and found that the attendees engaged well due to the various methods of communication (chat, microphone and camera). We also included the Tottenham Hotspur Foundation and incorporated a home exercise routine into our sessions – which was positively received.

If you have a student who would be interested in joining The Gaming Connection, please email