
Haringey Children’s Services – letter from Ofsted

Haringey Children’s Services recently had a ‘focused visit’ from Ofsted – essentially a mini inspection. The letter setting out its findings has now been published on the Ofsted website. Although the letter of course identifies some areas for improvement, there are lots of positive comments. Here are just some:

  • “A determined and collaborative effort by the multi-agency partnership has identified and supported the most vulnerable children.”
  • “Partnerships in Haringey have strengthened further through working together more closely. This has hastened positive change and created a culture focused on overcoming shared obstacles.”
  • “The multi-agency safeguarding hub (MASH) makes effective decisions to safeguard children. Children and families receive a timely and appropriate response that is proportionate to their level of need.”
  • “Staff are positive about working in Haringey and have valued the exceptional support provided by managers at all levels during the pandemic.”