Schools Smarter Travel

The latest news from Smarter Travel

Safe Drive Stay Alive

This is taking place on 16, 17 and 18 March @ The Bernie Grant Arts Centre, N15
Has your school applied for free seats for this road safety production aimed at our students aged 16 and over? This is a powerful production exploring how a motor vehicle collision impacts on so many lives. There are seats left for your school. These schools have booked so far: Fortismere, St Thomas More, Harris Academy Tottenham, Greig City, Ada College for Digital Skills, Highgate Wood School

Road Safety News

Have you heard about Vision Zero? We are working to achieve Mayor Sadiq Khan’s aims for Vision Zero, so everything we offer and support will feed into this.
1)    Junior Travel Ambassador Scheme
Perfect to encourage your children to take ownership of the environmental aspects of travel, they gain incredible experience of project management and can represent your school at our upcoming Celebration Event on 5th February @ LAE Tottenham. Contact us for more information and training about this scheme.
2)    No parking at schools
We are currently auditing all the schools for improving the road safety. This means we have engineers attending every school to provide a report to say what they feel the best improvements could be. We welcome your views these will be added to our reports. As previously mentioned you will only be considered for a School Street etc if your school is actively promoting STARS active travel and has silver or gold accreditation. 
Banners – If your No Parking Banner is not fit for purpose, please email to request replacement/s.
3)    Be Bright Be Seen with the dark mornings and evenings and the winter break for the New Year, please make sure your parting comment is to choose to be safe: Wear bright colours, don’t hide in the darkness. Check out this activity created by  Gladesmore School too

Active Travel and STARS

We would like your support with a couple of extremely important features on STARS that are so useful to us. 
The Hands Up Survey
Hands up survey
We need this updated information to help with the schools audits so please complete before end of term. If you cannot get your teachers to complete on line, please give them a deadline and a printed copy of the hands up survey. I am happy to help upload this. 
Please let us know of any issues that you have in the vicinity of your school – anything that would prevent people walking or cycling or cause safety issues.
·         Are the pavements all broken and create enormous puddles when it rains?
·         Does the road flood, causing children to get soaked?
·         Is the guard rail broken and dangerous?
·         Are the zig zag lines (School Keep Clear) or yellow lines outside your school ignored, faded, or need a banner?
·         Is your cycle parking area overflowing or not used? 
There are many more things that you and your teachers may have noticed. Resolving these issues could also count towards your consultation section on Stars.
Please collect information when you are consulting with your school community about travelling to school. Then upload it to Stars. If any urgent action is needed, please contact and cc  
STARS Celebration and Training Event and certificates
Unfortunately, TfL have had a hitch, they have sent half the certificates and stars but not all and I didn’t want them to go missing, so they will all be delivered in the new year. 
Hold the Date
Our Celebration and Training Event for STARS is 5 February 2020 @ LAE Tottenham High Road (next to Spurs) 
We are organising a fabulous extravaganza to celebrate all our amazing achievements and the 65 accreditations for our School Travel Plans. We are very proud of all our schools and the pupils who work so hard to keep the car use at under 20% for our borough. You are all invited, it will mainly be aimed at primary, but we can accommodate all.
We will be sending a link for schools to register for the event: two adults and up to four students. We will be holding two sessions on 5 February, from 9:30 to 12 and 12:45 to 3pm. 
Lunch will be offered to both morning and afternoon attendees. This will probably be a buffet style and obviously cater for special dietary requirements. 
The content of the event will be confirmed in January 2020.

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