Events Schools

Haringey in Bloom competition 2022 – special category for schools!

How to enter
Email two photos of your entry with your name, address, email
and contact number and category to:


• Front garden
• Back garden
• Balconies
• Schools
• Vegetable plot
• Hanging basket /window boxes
• Community groups
• Supported housing communal garden


Contact the Community Engagement Team on 020 8489 4463

Gold, Silver and Bronze winners receive a FREE gift voucher to spend at the Sunshine Garden Centre!
All entrants receive an awards certificate, and FREE seeds to plant for next year!

The closing date is 31 July 2022




Haringey Sixth Form College student Ebru scores scholarship

Ebru-Nazar Ozdogru, who is studying Level 3 Sport at Haringey Sixth Form College, has been awarded the University of East London (UEL) Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship.

The UEL’s Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship targets academic excellence, financial need and awards this scholarship to students who reflect their commitment to the University values. This scholarship offers a tuition fee waiver for a full-time undergraduate degree.

Ebru is an outstanding student who has shown unwavering commitment and determination since she began studying at Haringey Sixth Form College. Her character, values, dedication and extra-curricular achievements such as white water rafting at Lea Valley alongside team GB, cycling and cadets have been recognised by the university as she is now the recipient of this highly prestigious and exclusive scholarship opportunity.

Ebru will be pursuing an undergraduate degree in Sport and Exercise Science in September 2022 and with the support of this scholarship, she will be able to continue to maximise her huge potential in higher education.

Ebru says:

“I am still trying to process this, especially knowing that the scholarship is only awarded to eight people; my family is really excited and very proud of me. I will say that if anyone wants to apply for this just do it and don’t doubt yourself as it is an amazing opportunity and I know that I wouldn’t have been able to go through with it without the support of Haringey Sixth Form College staff and friends I have met along the way being and I just cannot wait to start this journey in September 2022.”



Our new LADO

Haringey’s new Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) is Liz Best – she is contactable on email  and through the usual LADO address.



Take part in the ‘Building resilience to extremism through enquiry’ project

Here is an exciting opportunity for your school to take part in the fully funded project Building resilience to extremism through enquiry (BREE) starting in September 2022.

The project combines the philosophy for children (P4C) dialogue and enquiry methodology with a specifically designed teaching and learning resource to build pupils’ understanding and critical thinking about extremism and terrorism.

The benefits for schools taking part in the project include:

  • A DfE endorsed approach to meet the Prevent duty and OFSTED safeguarding requirements
  • Specialist training in the P4C approach and the BREE teaching and learning resource
  • Bespoke coaching support with classroom implementation
  • 12 fully resourced lesson plans
  • £300 per school contribution to supply cover to release teachers on training
  • Joining a project which has been funded over the last two academic years by the Mayor of London Shared Endeavour fund (SEF), highly evaluated by participating teachers and pupils.

“This is the most effective teaching that I have seen on radicalisation because it engages the students’ critical thinking”  Prevent lead Tower Hamlet’s primary.

The project is for year five/ six class teachers and KS3 teachers of citizenship/ PSHE, English and RE

The Manorfield Charitable Trust, the project providers, are now seeking a third round of SEF funding following a recommendation to apply by the Mayor of London Countering Violent Extremism Programme team. The expectation is that funding decisions will be made in time for projects to commence in September 2022 and run to the end of March 2023.

Schools wishing to take part in the project can make a commitment in principle by completing and returning this offer and expectations document by Friday 27 May.

BREE School Expectations

We are also attaching the project outline document which provides more information about the project:

Project outline April 22


Consultation Schools

Take part in SEND home-school transport consultation

Haringey Council is proposing to up-date and revise its home-school transport policy. This will introduce a more detailed account of how decisions are made in the interests of transparency and to ensure our stakeholders are as informed as possible.

Most children and young people who require transport assistance to school will continue to benefit from the existing provision from Transport for London. Specialist assistance will continue to be provided for children and young people with SEND or those whose family circumstances mean that additional support to access education will be required.

The policy will also ensure that there is less confusion and misinformation in the community. Read more about the changes

We would like to hear your views about these changes, please complete the consultation form below before Sunday 31 July 2022.

We are also hosting several events to discuss these changes, places can be booked through Eventbrite:



Free drama-based CO workshops for primary schools

Bonanza Creative in partnership with Cadent Gas, The Gas Network, is offering primary schools the chance to book a totally free, fully funded drama based workshops educating pupils about the dangers of carbon monoxide (CO). We have been delivering these sessions to schools for the past five years and we are delighted to be offering this to your area.

We currently have two free schemes which you can read about below. These sessions are booked on a first come first served basis. Each class will require a whole morning or whole afternoon session.

Safety Seymour – Yr 2 and Yr 3 – Class Workshop

Join Safety Seymour, the caped crusader on a mission to raise awareness of the dangers of carbon monoxide. Our experienced Arts Facilitator (DBS checked) will lead your pupils through a half-day session (AM or PM) involving a number of fun and engaging activities, with links to different areas of the curriculum such as drama, PSHE, and science. Your pupils will receive a free carbon monoxide alarm to take home!

Check out the Safety Seymour website:



The CO Crew – Yr 5 and Yr 6 – Class Workshop 

Mimi and Loz are members of The CO Crew. Your pupils will take part in a fully interactive and creative half day (AM or PM) session, learning about carbon monoxide and how to stay safe. This workshop will help to reinforce and expand the learning that your pupils may have received with Safety Seymour in Yr 2 and can also work as a stand-alone session for these years. Your pupils will receive a goody bag to take home.

Check out The CO Crew website:

We would love to take advantage of this free offer for schools.  Please book via






Healthy Schools

Park Xplorer Challenge – Thursday 26 May at Down Lane Park

It is time to explore Haringey! On Thursday 26 May, all Haringey primary schools are invited to participate in the Xplorer Challenge! Xplorer is a fun navigation challenge that gives children a sense of adventure as they explore the park to find the markers.

The event will be taking place at Down Lane Park between 10am-3pm, and you can come along at any point between these times. The challenge should take roughly an hour to complete. If possible, please stagger class attendance so the park does not get too busy. You do not need to book or sign-up – but it is useful if you can let us know if you are coming along.

We will provide maps and worksheets for all children. Please bring pens/pencils.

This Xplorer session is linked to the Spring Stride competition and participation can be counted towards your weekly activity totals. But, the sessions are also open to any primary schools in Haringey.

For more info, contact


‘Get Help with Technology’ service to close on 23 June

The Get help with technology service will close on 23 June 2022

Access to the Get help with technology service website (GHwT) will close on 23 June 2022. After this date, you will no longer be able to access the GHwT website.

Our guidance pages will move to Gov.​uk and remain available to view. We will instead be developing services to support schools to make more informed decisions about technology, such as the Meeting digital and technology standards in schools and colleges service.

You can access the Meeting digital and technology standards in schools and colleges service here:

We will provide further communications on these supporting services in due course.

Our most recent round of allocations saw us achieve our full commitment of 1.95 million devices delivered.

Get help with technology is now out of stock of all device types and we have no plans to restock.

You can still log in to Get help with technology until 23 June 2022.

Please refer to our guidance here:

Download your order history by 31 May

From 31 May 2022, you will no longer be able to access TechSource to download information about the devices your setting has received. This includes device types, serial numbers and order numbers.

Please note, you can only view orders that you placed yourself. If somebody ordered on your behalf, they will need to access their own account to view this information.

It is important to keep a record of this information. Ownership of laptops, tablets and 4G wireless routers is transferred from DfE to the local authorities (LAs), academy trusts, schools, colleges and further education (FE) institutions that have received them.

Please refer to our guidance on ownership of devices:

Free peer-to-peer support for schools and colleges on using technology

The Department for Education’s EdTech Demonstrator Programme supports any publicly-funded school or college in England to access free help and advice on educational technology until the end of July 2022.

Tailored support is delivered by EdTech Demonstrator schools and colleges to help reduce workload, use resources more effectively and improve student outcomes.

For more information and to register for support, schools and colleges can visit the EdTech Demonstrator Website:

Kind regards,

The Get help with technology team


Read our May SEND newsletter

SEND newsletter – May 2022 edition



Youth Fest in Lordship Rec on Saturday 4 June

This event will be a combination of a Youth Fest and a celebration of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

Lots of free and fun activities.

Lordship Rec N17
Saturday 4 June
1pm to 6pm

Find out more here