
Little Open Out Gallery – display artwork by your pupils at Bruce Castle

Take part in the Bruce Castle Museum Gallery Project – Little Open Out Gallery… at the Castle.


Launched in 2020 our Little Open Out Gallery is an art project displaying artwork by local children in the windows of Bruce Castle Museum. This rolling window takeover is a way for people to enjoy art and culture even when the museum is closed. If you are a local school and would like your young people’s artwork to be displayed email us at and include Little Open Out Gallery in the subject bar.


Events Schools

Royal Albert Hall concert – watch the highlights

Haringey Schools Music Festival Royal Albert Hall 2022 on Vimeo

More than 1,400 talented children and young people from Haringey put on a sensational show as the Haringey Music Service made a highly anticipated and long-awaited return to the Royal Albert Hall on Friday 1 April 2022.

Featuring local primary and secondary school choirs and young musicians, the Haringey Schools Music Festival featured performances from the Haringey Young Musicians’ ensembles including their Big Band, Guitar Orchestra, Percussion Group, Steel Band, Symphony Orchestra and Youth Choir.

There was also a specially commissioned piece featuring performers from SEND settings here in Haringey, along with world premieres of multiple works and a large-scale performance of the new work Songs for Unsung Heroes by Ty Lowe and Peter Desmond.


Read our April SEND newsletter

SEND newsletter – April 2022 edition (

Healthy Schools Schools

Adrenaline auto injector (AAI) pens – have you collected yours?

A number of Haringey schools have still not yet collected their allocation of Adrenaline auto injector (AAI) pens.

19 primary schools, 7 Secondary schools and 3 special schools still need to collection their allocation of AAI pens.

Please see the attached letter.

AAI letter to schools via PH 042022 final

If your school does not want to take up this offer, please can you respond as soon as possible to:, so that we can take you off our outstanding list. Thank you.

Schools SEND

Celebrate World Autism Acceptance Week: 28 March to 3 April

World Autism Acceptance Week runs from 28 March to 3 April. Please join us to promote the acceptance of autism and help improve the lives of autistic children in the UK.

In celebration of World Autism Acceptance Week 2022, we are hosting a range of inclusive events for autistic adults, friends, supporters, and professionals to promote Autism Acceptance.

Visit our World Autism Acceptance Week page

Read our special SEND newsletter

Find out more about World Autism Acceptance Week on the National Autistic Society website.

National Autistic Society has useful free school materials.

Get your Let’s Learn About Autism Pack now

You can find out more on our Local Offer webpages and social media channels:

Local Offer webpages

Facebook SEND

Twitter SEND

Instagram SEND



Wood Green’s new Rising Green youth hub set for summer launch

Aimed at young people between the ages of 11 and 19 and those up to 25 with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) in Haringey, the youth hub will be an inclusive and safe space where young people can fulfil their talents and have a hub to thrive in.

A group collectively known as Wood Green Young Voices has played a pivotal part in this project, with their lived experiences of growing up in the N22 area being fed into the architectural design, brand, logo and name of the inclusive youth hub, as well as what its programme will offer them, their friends and peers.

Having invested their energy and time on its formulation over 12 months while working in partnership alongside architects Freehaus, JA Projects and representatives from the local authority too, members of Wood Green Young Voices were among the first to see the hub begin to take shape

The Wood Green Young Voices and their lived experiences have influenced the colour combinations, building designs and working titles for the youth hub, with a selection of proposed names and logos then being put to a public vote.

The name ‘Rising Green’ was created and duly chosen by the public having been inspired by the idea of growing up and being raised in Wood Green – ‘Made in Wood Green.’

The Rising Green Youth Hub is set to be launched at the site of the former BrightHouse store at 2 Lymington Avenue by the middle of this year.

Events Schools

Easter holiday fun activities in Haringey

There are lots of fun activities planned in Haringey to occupy children during the Easter holidays.

Easter Fun 2022

Please can you circulate our leaflet to your school communities.


Events Health and Safety Schools

Does your school have an educational visits co-ordinator?

Educational visits are a great benefit to the development of children, providing opportunities to broaden their horizons and enrich their education and life experiences.

Schools are required to plan visits, taking into consideration the type of visit, location, and activities. While routine visits will involve no more than an everyday level of risk and will be covered by the school’s existing policies and procedures, for higher risk activities, your school will need specialist staff with specific skills.

Haringey Health and Safety has prepared a written procedure which all maintained schools must follow. The Procedure HSP25 Organising Educational Visits  is available on the  Haringey Traded Services (Novus) website along with all Haringey procedures and forms.

Additionally, Maintained Schools must use the Evolve system to plan visits for category 2 and 3 trips. Definitions of trip categories are detailed in the procedure. Schools are also required to appoint an Educational Visits Coordinator, who should:

  • be an experienced visits leader
  • have the status to be able to guide the working practices of other staff
  • be confident in assessing the ability of other staff to lead visits
  • be confident in assessing outside activity providers
  • be able to advise headteachers and governors when they’re approving trips
  • have access to training, advice and guidance.

For category 3 visits (residential and adventurous,) schools need to have local authority approval prior to visits taking place. Using the Evolve system facilitates this by placing all the necessary documentation into one location; the system automatically notifies the local authority when trips are ready for approval. The local authority can then evaluate the information provided and either approve the visit or advise schools if additional information is required.

Finally, schools are required to submit category 3 visits on Evolve six weeks ahead of the planned date. This is to allow the LA to evaluate the information and where required for schools to add or amend documentation.

If your school does not have an Educational Visits Coordinator or the existing co-ordinator requires training, please contact The Health and Safety Team will provide training.

Health and Safety Schools

Haringey Traded Services website – important documents for schools

The Health and Safety Team would like to remind schools that all Health and Safety documentation, procedures, forms, and model policies,  have been uploaded to the Traded Services (Novus) Website.

Schools can now access and download all necessary documentation from the Haringey health and safety management system for inclusion into the school’s management system. The procedures and forms will support schools in ensuring compliance with Health and Safety Law and provide essential information to staff and senior managers on how to fulfil their responsibilities for a safe workplace.

Working with competent advisors, we have  now developed procedures following HSE regulations, Approved Codes of Practice, and best practice to ensure full compliance with current H&S law. Procedures and supporting documentation have been through rigorous consultation  and approved by unions and the Corporate Health, Safety and Wellbeing Board.

You can find the documents by logging on to the Traded Services (Novus) site and scrolling to the bottom of the home page. Click on the link “Schools Information”. This will take you to the Schools Information Health and Safety Page.

Early Years Schools

Haringey’s new Early Years proposals

Haringey’s youngest children are set to benefit from better outcomes in the future after provisional proposals for an Early Years Strategy – including plans for four Family Hubs in our borough – were given the green light.

The council has placed a strong emphasis on giving our youngsters the best possible start in life and recognise that a child’s pre-school experience can have a lasting and pivotal impact on their development and later life as a young person and then an adult.

There is a strong partnership in place with school governors, head teachers and the Early Years sector to ensure an Early Years Strategy can be developed for the next five years.

Informed by a range of sources (including stakeholder task and finish groups and focused conversations with the Early Years sector, partners and parents), the proposed strategy includes a commitment to implement a Family Hub Model to build on the current Children’s Centre offer in Haringey.

Among its overall aims is to provide a clear focus on Early Years provision and a distinction between Early Years and Early Prevention.

It would also ensure a greater concentration on the developmental benefits of prevention and universal support in the early years.

A formal and statutory, 90-day consultation will now be run among residents, service users and stakeholders between May 2022 and August 2022.