Healthy Schools Schools

Student Space offers support services

Student Space is here to make it easier for students to find the support that they need during the coronavirus pandemic. There are three ways that Student Space is here to help during the pandemic:

  • Access to dedicated support services for students, by phone or text
  • Information and tools to help you through the challenges of coronavirus
  • Helping you find what support is available at your university

The support provided by Student Space is safe, confidential and developed with students and experts in student wellbeing and mental health.

Home | Student Space

Choices Offers support to children, young people up to the age of 17 and families in Haringey who are worried about their emotional wellbeing.

Kooth Kooth Free confidential online support for  11 to 18 year olds and up to 25 years with additional needs.  12pm to 10 pm Monday to Friday and 6am to 10pm Saturday/Sunday and Bank Holidays.

MHST MHST phone line open 9am to 3pm Monday to Friday to all Haringey schools. Tel: 020 8702 6035 Email:

SEMH Support  A range of Social, Emotional Mental Health support available to schools, parents, carers, professionals, children and young people.

Events Schools

The Money House – taster session on Wednesday 20 January 2021

Haringey recently commissioned a contract with The Money House and is looking for referrals for young people who might benefit from the service.

The Money House is running a virtual taster session for potential referrers on Microsoft Teams at 10:30am on Wednesday 20 January.

Please email Siobhan Twilley if you would like the Teams link to attend :

If you are interested in becoming  a referrer, please email for more information.

What is The Money House?

The Money House offers a 5-day training course to help young people become savvy for independent living. Covering all they need to know about household costs, tenancies, utilities, avoiding eviction, budgeting, borrowing, banking, how to boost their income and much more – young people will feel leaving on top their bank balance, and their future.

There are no lectures, no judgements, no tricky maths – just straight up, fun, and easy to understand money tips and money talk. Young people will gain a Level 1 accreditation in Personal Money Management to add to their CV and we will reimburse travel and lunch at the end of each day. The Money House has proven impact on improving young people’s tenancy sustainment, financial confidence, and money management.

Find out more about The Money House here.

Events Schools

South Harringay Primary School PSA – advent trail gets national coverage

South Harringay Primary School PSA, ‘The Friends of South Harringay’ received great national press coverage for their ADVENTure trail over the weekend.

The PSA organised a living advent trail of Christmas themed decorated front windows,  which featured in articles in The Guardian and The Daily Mail.

Read the Guardian article here.

Read the Daily Mail article here.


Healthy Schools

“We’re open” young people’s sexual health campaign

It is important to talk to young people about their relationships and make sure they know where to go to get sexual health advice. In this Bitesize session for professionals  we talk to Jen Baer, Haringey’s specialist Sexual Health School Nurse to find out why and to get some tips on how to start these conversations, followed by an update on what service are available to young people in Haringey.

  • Young people tell us that embarrassment, stigma, and lack of knowledge are barriers to accessing sexual health services[i].
  • This is a concern as the data[ii] shows that 16-25 year olds are at greater risk of sexual ill health.
  • From September 2020 there is an expectation that by the time young people reach 16 years of age they should know “…how to get further advice, including how and where to access confidential sexual and reproductive health treatment” (DfE 2019)[iii]
  • In Haringey we support this because we want our young residents to have the skills and knowledge to make healthy choices and have safe relationships[iv].
  • The ‘We’re Open’ campaign aims to let young people know that we offer a range of clinics and pharmacies which provide free, friendly, and confidential sexual health advice. Services will stay open over the Xmas period.
  • The campaign will be shared across social media and printed resources will be sent to secondary schools to be used as part of their planned ‘Relationships and Sex Education’ (RSE) programmes.
  • The campaign is led by Public Health in collaboration with Haringey’s Communications Team. For Comms enquiries please contact and Sexual Health enquires please contact or

[i] Online Survey of 15-16 year olds, part of the Haringey Strategy Review (2020)

[ii] Haringey Sexual Health Joint Needs Assessment (2019)

[iii] Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education: Statutory guidance for governing bodies, proprietors, head teachers, principals, senior leadership teams, teachers (2019) Department for Education: London

[iv] Haringey Borough Plan (2019-2023) and Sexual Health Strategy (2021-24)

Smarter Travel

Be Bright, Be Seen campaign

The Smarter Travel team have created this Powerpoint presentation as a simple quick way to get Bright to  Be Seen message to our  young people.

winter road safety powerpoint for primary rudolph

Maybe you could promote this with a  Be Bright day, where everyone wears something fluorescent or bright to school  – it’s a great opportunity to make people think.

Remember Rudolf was asked to help Santa as his nose lit up the way on a foggy night!


A seasonal message for schools from Cllr Peacock

Cllr Peacock has recorded a special Christmas message for Haringey schools.

Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year.



Kickstart scheme – options in Haringey

The Kickstart Scheme helps young people at risk of long-term unemployment to get into the job market by providing government funding for local employers to create six-month job placements. 

Local options for placement applications

Current organisations in Haringey who are registered gateway organisations (intermediary):

Organisations in the process of seeking at least 30 placements to become a gateway:

If you would like to talk to one of our team about becoming a gateway organisation, We will continue to keep you updated as more gateway organisations are identified


Haringey Literacy Pirates – virtual book launch

Haringey Literacy Pirates is launching two books of stories and poems called (the very fitting) ‘2000 and Strange’ and ‘Down Memory River’. We are very excited to invite you to the first-ever Virtual Book Launch event on Thursday 17 December.

You can also join us for a discussion about Digital Learning on Wednesday 16 December . Hear about the highs, lows and potential of digital learning, from experts in the field, staff, volunteers, and of course, our Young Pirates.

Finally, a very big thank you to all of you for your generous donations to our recent Giving Tuesday campaign. The support was overwhelming and we are very lucky to have you behind us, cheering us on.

Literacy Pirates (

School Admissions

Admission arrangements for entry in September 2022/23

This information is for Academies, free schools, voluntary-aided and foundation schools only. Please see the attached letter.


Admissions criteria consultation 2022-23

Admissions consultation leaflet 2022-23

School Admissions Schools

St John Vianney – consultation on admission arrangements for entry September 2022

FAO all Haringey schools
The Governing body of St John Vianney Catholic Primary School is consulting on admission arrangements for entry in September 2022. For further details, please read the information below and the proposed admission arrangements.

Consultation letter on proposed admission arrangements St John Vianney Catholic Primary School Consultation Admissions 2022 – 2023 Nov20

Proposed admission arrangements for 2022/2023​ St John Vianney Catholic Primary School Proposed Admissions Policy